Line Editors and Arrow Keys Don't Mix

Derek Austin derek at uqpsych.OZ
Tue Aug 28 13:07:49 AEST 1984

istakes are impossible to spot).

    I offer the humble program below to anyone who might have similar
problems.  I'd also be interested in a method for solving this problem
that doesn't involve an invocation of cc.  Even more interesting would
be a noncc method that could cope with up-arrows and down-arrows!

				ACSnet:  derek:uqpsych 
				UUCP:	 decvax!mulga!derek:uqpsych
				ARPA:    decvax!mulga!derek.uqpsych at Berkeley

** 	m a s s a g e
**	Distill a file suffering from left and right arrow
** 	key affliction.
**	Usage: massage left-arrow right-arrow <garbage 
#include <stdio.h>
char *progname;
main( argc, argv )
int argc;  char *argv[];
    progname = *argv;
    if (argc != 3 ) {
	fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s left-string right-string\n", progname);
    process( argv[1], argv[2] );

process( left, right )
char *left, *right;
    char buf[BUFSIZ];

    while( gets(buf) != (char *)NULL )
	char betterbuf[BUFSIZ], *newptr, *oldptr;
	oldptr=buf; newptr=betterbuf; 
	while( *oldptr )
	    if ( (oldptr+strlen(left) < buf+BUFSIZ) &&
		strncmp(left, oldptr, strlen(left)) == 0)
		if (newptr > betterbuf)
		oldptr += strlen(left);
	    else if ( (oldptr+strlen(right) < buf+BUFSIZ) &&
		strncmp(right, oldptr, strlen(right)) == 0)
		if (newptr < (betterbuf+BUFSIZ-1) )
		oldptr += strlen(right);
	       *newptr++ = *oldptr++;
	*newptr = '\0';
	printf( "%s\n", betterbuf );

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