re-write of the Unix 'cut' command

Dave Ihnat, Chicago, IL ignatz at ihuxx.UUCP
Wed Aug 15 04:13:18 AEST 1984

Even though I posted both source and man page for 'cut' as a
'shar' archive, several people complained they only got the
source. (?)  So, following, is simply the man page, as announced
in net.unix,net.unix-wizards, and net.micro.

	Dave Ihnat
-----------------------cut (heh,heh)-------------------------
.TH CUT 1 ""
cut \- cut out selected fields of each line of a file
\fBcut -c\fPlist [file1 file2 ...]
\fBcut -f\fPlist [\fB-d\fP char] [\fB-s\fP] [file1 file2 ...]
Use \fIcut\fP to cut out columns from a table or fields from each line of a
file; in data base parlance, it implements the projection of a
relation.  The fields as specified by \fIlist\fP can be fixed length,
i.e., character positions as on a punched card (\fB\-c\fP option), or
the length can vary from line to line and be marked with a field
delimiter character like \fItab\fP (\fB\-f\fP option).  \fICut\fP can
be used as a filter; if no files are given, the standard input is
The meanings of the options are:
.TP .75
A comma-separated list of integer field numbers (in increasing order),
with optional \- to indicate ranges as in the \fB\-o\fP option of
\fInroff/troff\fP for page ranges; e.g., \fB1,4,5\fP\;
\fB1\-3,8\fP\; \fB\-5,10\fP (short for \fB1\-5,10\P); or \fB3\-\fP
(short for third through last field).
The \fIlist\fP following \fB\-c\fP (no space) specifies character
positions (e.g., \fB\-c1\-72\fP would pass the first 72 characters of
each line).
The \fIlist\fP following \fB\-f\fP is a list of fields assumed to be
separated in the file by a delimiter character (see \fB\-d\fP); e.g.,
\fB\-f1,7\fP copies the first and seventh field only.  Lines with no
field delimiters will be passed through intact (useful for table
subheadings), unless \fB\-s\fP is specified.
The character following \fB\-d\fP is the field delimiter (\fB\-f\fP
option only).  Default is \fItab\fP.  Space or other characters with
special meaning to the shell must be quoted.
Supresses lines with no delimiter characters in case of \fB\-f\fP
option.  Unless specified, lines with no delimiters will be passed
through untouched.
Either the \fB\-c\fP or \fB\-f\fP option must be specified.
Use \fIgrep\fP(1) to make horizontal "cuts" (by context) through a
file or \fIpaste\fP(1) to put files together column\-wise (i.e.,
horizontally).  To reorder columns in a table, use \fIcut\fP and
.TP 2.25
cut -d: -f1,5 /etc/passwd
mapping of user IDs to names
name\=\`who am i\|cut \-f1 \-d\"\ \"\`
to set \fBname\fP to current login name
.TP 2.0
\fIline too long\fP
A line can have no more than 511 characters or fields.
\fIbad list for c/f option\fP
Missing \fB\-c\fP or \fB\-f\fP option or incorrectly specified
\fIlist\fP.  No error occurs if a line has fewer fields than the
\fIlist\fP calls for.
\fIno fields\fP
The \fIlist\fP is empty.
This program is a complete rewrite of the Bell Laboratories command of
the same name; no part of the original source or manual is included.
Therefore, you may feel free to use it, and its source, without violation
of \fPany\fP contract agreements.  However, I retain the copyright in order to
specify it remain available for use by all and sundry, without
cost.  Feel free to modify as necessary, although I went to great
pains to recreate the behavior of the original command; I would suggest
this congruence be maintained.
Along the same lines, although I've made a reasonable effort to test
the more arcane behavior of the original \fIcut\fP and reproduce it,
there are no guarantees.  I remain in no way liable for any loss,
either explicit or incidental, that may be incurred through use of this
command.  I do ask that any bugs (and, hopefully, fixes) be reported
back to me as encountered. \- David M. Ihnat, ihuxx!ignatz

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