Source Available for Mazewar

mazewar at ucbcory mazewar at ucbcory
Mon Aug 27 18:39:27 AEST 1984

From: mazewar at ucbcory (The Mazewar Game)
	Mazewar is a multi-player, multi-cpu, real-time game designed to
be played on VAX and SUN computers running 4.2 BSD UNIX.
	The SUN implementation of Mazewar uses the SUN graphics to create
three dimensional displays.  An ASCII mode is provided for non-SUN
	Source is available free upon request.  All requests should be 
made by mailing to "...!ucbvax!ucbcory!mazewar"

	This game was written by the following people:

		Chris Guthrie		...!ucbvax!ucbcory!chris
		Nick Lai		...!ucbvax!ucbcory!lai
		John Coker		...!ucbvax!ucbcory!jcoker

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