fgrep.c - new version

Dave Martindale dmmartindale at watcgl.UUCP
Mon Aug 20 02:44:27 AEST 1984

Please note that posting code which is derived from AT&T sources
(ie is a modification of Bell code, rather than something written from
scratch) is almost certainly a violation of your software licence with
AT&T (or whoever) liable to get you shot at dawn.

Seriously, this is not a good thing to do.  Posting of diffs seems to
be acceptable, since if you didn't have the original source you can't do
anything much with the diffs either.  But posting the source for "fgrep"
in its entirety has just made it available to thousands of people who
didn't have access to it before, something you promised not to do when
you signed the licence that gave you access to the source in the first

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