rusty at sdccsu3.UUCP rusty at sdccsu3.UUCP
Tue Aug 14 01:51:41 AEST 1984

You should the following folks:

	International Midi Association
	8426 Vine Valley Drive
	Sun Valley, Calif. 91352
	(818) 767-0597

you might also contact some of the poeple at our facility, notably
Dr. Gareth Loy ({ucbvax,ihnp4,research}!sdcarl!dgl) who is developing
a powerful software package in c to control midi synthesizers, it
currently runs on our vax (4.2bsd) and our suns (4.2bsd), you could
also talk to Andy Voekel ({ucbvax,ihnp4,research}!sdcarl!andy) who is
our hardware person.

we are a computer music research facility at the university of california
san diego.


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