Thompsons self duplicating program

jim at haring.UUCP jim at haring.UUCP
Thu Aug 23 13:33:39 AEST 1984

> From: steiny at scc.UUCP
> ***
> This probably belongs in net.unix and not net.sources, I am 
> sure we will find out, but ...  This one is much shorter, Thomson must
> not read Byte:
> main(){char q='"',*s="\\main(){char q='%c',*s=%c%c%.54s%c%s%.33s%cn%c;printf(\
> s+1,q,q,*s,s,*s,s+87,s+54,*s,q);}\n";printf(s+1,q,q,*s,s,*s,s+87,s+54,*s,q);}

Somebody must not be reading the EUUG Newsletter either:

	From EUUGN Vol 3. No. 4

	extracted from 'Some Self-Reproducing Programs' by Theo de Ridder

	char p[]="char p[]=%c%s%c;%cmain(){printf(p,042,p,042,012,012);}%c";
So, have fun with this SOURCE code. As usual, any comments, bug-fixes,

Jim McKie  Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam  mcvax!jim

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