Hack, part 9 (very strange C dialect !!!)

Spyridon Triantafyllopoulos sigma at usl.UUCP
Fri Dec 28 09:14:09 AEST 1984

I got most of Hack intact, however, lines 400-673 of
the "hack.pri.c" program were garbled beyond the comprehension
of our C compiler (11/780, BSD 4.2). The part that is contained
in is #9. Could somebody please *POST* it *SOON* ?????
I ask for post since I saw another request for it, and the %$@"! 
program seems to be important enough!!
Thanks in advance
-- Spiros

Spiros Triantafyllopoulos  <> USENET {ut-sally, akgua}!usl!sigma
Computer Science Dept, USL <> CSNet  TriantafyllopoulosS%usl at csnet-relay.ARPA

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