uucp dialing percentages

dennis at sys1.UUCP dennis at sys1.UUCP
Mon Dec 17 16:11:00 AEST 1984

Here is the awk script that does not need pedz's awk mods.
By the way this how you get around not having the * in
your printf statment.

#   Awk program to gather dialing statistics from uucp's
#   LOGFILE and print the percentage of successfull, failed
#   and locked attempts for each site.
#   Keys off of the "(call to xxx )" line in the LOGFILE
$5 == "(call" && $6 == "to" {   #get call line, $4 is status, $7 is system
    if (TOTAL[$7] == 0 && maxlength < length($7))
        maxlength = length($7)
    if ($4 == "SUCCEEDED")
    else if ($4 == "FAILED")
    else if ($4 == "LOCKED")
        printf("%s is an unknown field", $4)
    maxlength = maxlength + 2
	format=sprintf(" %%%dsSUCCEEDED    FAILED    LOCKED\n", maxlength)
    printf(format, " ")
    for (name in TOTAL)
		format=sprintf("%%s:%%%ds%%9.2f %%9.2f %%9.2f\n",\
			maxlength - length(name))
        printf(format, name, " ", \
            100.0 * SUCCEEDED[name] / TOTAL[name], \
            100.0 * FAILED[name] / TOTAL[name], \
            100.0 * LOCKED[name] / TOTAL[name])

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