newsstats.c -- collect newsgroup usage data

Derek Zahn derek at uwvax.UUCP
Sun Dec 2 00:59:47 AEST 1984

A little while ago, someone asked for a program to summarize newsgroup
usage, so I wrote one and here it is.  Please note, though, that I have
some qualms about its misuse (especially by root) violating common privacy

CUT HERE -------------------------------------------------------------->

#include    <pwd.h>
#include    <stdio.h>

 *   newsstats.c
 *   usage: newsstats [-u] [-n]
 *   Derek Zahn @ the University of Wisconsin
 *   ...!{allegra,heurikon,ihnp4,seismo,sfwin,ucbvax,uwm-evax}!uwvax!derek
 *   derek at
 *   This program scans through the readable .newsrc files and prints out
 *   information on the newsgroup usage.  With no options, it prints out
 *   a list of newsgroups and the number of people that read them, sorted
 *   in alphabetical order.  The -n option causes the list to be sorted by
 *   the number of people that read the group.  The -u option causes a list
 *   of all users that read each group to be printed after the general stats
 *   for that group.  The code is a bit obscure, since I decided to make
 *   speed of execution the primary factor.
 *   Warning!  Use of this program could conceivably raise sensitive privacy
 *   issues, and the author absolves himself from all results of its use.
 *   Copyright 1984, Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin, all
 *   rights reserved.
 *   Permission is hereby granted for distribution provided that no direct
 *   commercial advantage is gained, and that this copyright notice appears
 *   on all copies.

#define TABLESIZE   300         /*  Size of hashed newsgroup table   */
#define MAXENTRIES  600         /*  Maximum size, including overflow */
#define NUSERS      20          /*  Number of users in a user bucket */

struct users {
    int     number;
    char    user[NUSERS+1][10];
    struct  users   *next;
struct group {
    char    name[30];
    int     count;
    struct  group   *next;
    struct  users   *who;

struct  group   *newgroup();
struct  users   *people();
int     compare();
char    *strcpy(), *index(), *malloc();

struct  group   *groups[TABLESIZE];     /*  The hashed table               */
struct  group   *table[MAXENTRIES];     /*  A sequential table for sorting */
int     curtableentry = 0;
int     userflag = 0;
int     numflag = 0;

main(argc, argv)
int     argc;
char    *argv[];
    struct  passwd  *pw;
    FILE    *newsrc;
    char    file[40];
    char    line[1024];
    struct  group   *current;
    int     num, val;
    char    *delimeter=0;

    /* Pick off the options (-u and -n only)   */

    if(argc > 3) 
    for(num=1;num<argc;num++) {
        if(argv[num][0] != '-')
        switch(argv[num][1]) {
            case 'u':
            case 'n':

    /*  Look at every entry in the password file    */

    while((pw = getpwent()) != NULL) {
        (void) sprintf(file, "%s/.newsrc",pw->pw_dir);

        /*  Open the .newsrc file   */

        if((newsrc=fopen(file, "r")) != NULL) {

            /*  Pick off the options line   */

            (void) fgets(line, sizeof line, newsrc);

            /*  For each entry, process it if it is active.  */

            while(fgets(line, sizeof line, newsrc) != NULL) {
                if((delimeter = index(line, ':'))) {
                    *delimeter = 0;

                    /*  Get its location by its hash value  */

                    num = hash(line);

                    /*  If there is already an entry there, we have to look */
                    /*  through the linked list for the right one.          */

                    if(current = groups[num]) {
                        while((val = strcmp(line, current->name)) && current->next)
                            current = current->next;

                            /*  We found the right entry!   */

                            adduser(current, pw->pw_name);

                            /*  End of the list, no luck.  New group!  */

                            current->next = (struct group *)newgroup(line,pw->pw_name);

                        /*  No entry here, so put our boy right in there  */

                        groups[num] = (struct group *)newgroup(line,pw->pw_name);
            (void) fclose(newsrc);

    /*  Print out the results   */


 *  This function returns a simple hash function, based on the name of the
 *  newsgroup.  Probably there is a better function.

char    ptr[];
    int     value,len;

    len = strlen(ptr);
    value = (ptr[1] * ptr[5] * ptr[len-1] * ptr[len-2]) % TABLESIZE;

 *  We need to insert a new group into tables.  Get space for it, and
 *  store the pointer in the sequential table and return the pointer.
 *  If we are accumulating user information, also put the first user
 *  into the list.

struct group *
char    grname[];
char    *towho;
    struct  group   *new;

    new = (struct group *)malloc(sizeof (struct group));
    (void) strcpy(new->name, grname);
    new->count = 1;
    new->next = (struct group *) 0;
        new->who = people(towho);
    table[curtableentry++] = new;

 *  We need to add a user to a specific newsgroup's list.  Sort of complex,
 *  because of the modified list structure that is used to save time.  If
 *  we are not collecting user info, just increment the count.

adduser(where, who)
struct  group   *where;
char    *who;
    struct  users   *folks;

    if(userflag) {
        folks = where->who;
            folks = folks->next;
        if(folks->number == NUSERS)
            folks->next = people(who);
        else {
            (void) strcpy(folks->user[folks->number], who);

 *  Now we need to allocate more space for the list of readers of the
 *  newsgroup.  Make a new node, add the first user, and return a pointer
 *  to the result.

struct users *
char    *who;
    struct  users   *new;

    new = (struct users *)malloc(sizeof (struct users));
    new->number = 1;
    (void) strcpy(new->user[1], who);
    new->next = (struct users *) 0;


 *  Print out the result of all this computation.

    int     count, x, eol;
    struct  users   *who;

    /*  Since we used a hashed table, it is nice to sort the result   */
    /*  before printing out.                                          */

    qsort((char *)table, curtableentry, sizeof (struct group *), compare);

    /*  Go through the now sorted table, one newsgroup at a time.     */

    for(count=0;count<curtableentry;count++) {
        printf("%-5d %s\n",table[count]->count,table[count]->name);

        /*  If we saved the users, may as well print them out.        */

        if(userflag) {
            who = table[count]->who;

            /*  The users were stored in a list of nodes, each        */
            /*  NUSERS people.                                        */

            while(who) {
                for(x=1;x<=who->number;x++) {
                    if((x % 5) == 0) {
                        eol = 1;
                    else {
                        eol = 0;
                who = who->next;

            /* Sloppy, but it makes the output look good.     */


 *  This routine is called by qsort to determine which of two entries  
 *  is to be considered larger.  The passing of variables is painful,
 *  due to the peculiar nature of the thing that we passed to qsort.
 *  How we determine which is larger depends on whether we are sorting
 *  the newsgroups by alphabetical order or by their readership.

compare(first, second)
struct  group   **first, **second;
        return(((*first)->count > (*second)->count) ? -1 : 1);
    return(strcmp((*first)->name, (*second)->name));

 *  Barf obnoxiously and die.

char    *progname;
    printf("usage: %s [-u] [-n]\n",progname);

/* lint output
Derek Zahn @ wisconsin
derek at

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