Wants source(s) for TECO (vi wankers go die)

Mike Lutz mjl at ritcv.UUCP
Thu Dec 6 12:21:22 AEST 1984

This is in response to Guy Harris's note on what exactly was
meant by "compatibility:"

We're running with the 4.1 system call compatibility, and we also have
some old PDP-11 programs running under the 'compat' program that came
on a USENIX tape eons ago.  For example, one of those old tapes had a
DEC-style assembler and linking loader on it, and we run the
executables of these programs under compat -- they're used to
support our introductory computer organization/assembly language
Mike Lutz	Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY
UUCP:		{allegra,seismo}!rochester!ritcv!mjl
CSNET:		mjl%rit at csnet-relay.ARPA

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