My new DMF32 Driver (Faster & More dmfs)

Chris Maloney chris at mddc.UUCP
Sun Dec 2 13:42:08 AEST 1984

Last summer I released a driver for the DMF32 which used the DMF mode
dynamically (whenever there is a lot to output at one time).  I have
since found that increasing the size of the 'clist's can make a
significate difference and made other some changes to the driver and so
I am reposting it, along with the changes to increase the size of the
'clist'.  The following is the latest DMF32 Driver and changes made to
support it.  By cutting down on the interrupt vectors allocated to DMF
emulations which only have the async or lp parts, this driver allows
the installation of more than 16 of these on a single unibus.  (I use
the configuration register of the dmf, and re-arrange the vector table
in the probe routine to accomplish this.)  This was done to accomadate
two Bridge HSM's on the same system, but can be useful any time you
want a lot of DMFs on one VAX.  There is also one bug fix for the
'select' system call.

This driver works with emulations of the DMF, including Emulex,
Bridge/ABLE HAC, Able...  This driver also includes support for the lp

Here you go. Please Let me know of any problems.

Chris Maloney
Management Decisions Development Corp.
7209 Dixie Highway
Fairfield, Ohio   45014

...{ucbvax,decvax,ihnp4,mhuxi}!cbosgd!mddc!chris		(uucp)
cbosgd!mddc!chris at BERKELEY					(arpa)

----- CUT HERE -----
: Run this shell script with "sh" not "csh"
export PATH
if [ $1x = -ax ]; then
/bin/echo 'Extracting dmf.c'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >dmf.c
X/* MDDC (CWM)  Version 1.01  Oct. 11, 1984 */

X/* -----
    Name: dmf.c
    Driver for DMF32, CS11/F1, Able VMZ32 and similar other emulations.

    Chris Maloney
    Management Decisions Development Corp.
    7209 Dixie Highway
    Fairfield, Ohio   45014

    Line printer driver by:
    Dwight Melcher
    Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
    (303) 492-7919

    Rev. Date		Description
    ---- ----		-----------
    1.01 Oct. 11, 1984	Wakeup process selecting on output

    TO DO:
	test reset code

    DMF32 line printer driver
    The line printer on dmfx is indicated by a minor device
    code of 128+x.

    The flags field of the config file is interpreted as:
      bits	meaning
      ----	-------
      0-7		soft carrier bits for ttys part of dmf32
      8-15	number of cols/line on the line printer
		       if 0, 132 will be used.
      16-23	number of lines/page on the line printer
		       if 0, 66 will be used.
----- */

#include "dmf.h"
#if NDMF > 0

X/* -----
	This entire source module is conditional depending on value of NDMF.
	NDMF is the number of dmf32's configured in the system.
----- */

#include "../machine/pte.h"

#include "bk.h"
#include "../h/param.h"
#include "../h/conf.h"
#include "../h/dir.h"
#include "../h/user.h"
#include "../h/ioctl.h"
#include "../h/tty.h"
#include "../h/map.h"
#include "../h/buf.h"
#include "../h/vm.h"
#include "../h/bk.h"
#include "../h/clist.h"
#include "../h/file.h"
#include "../h/uio.h"
#include "../h/kernel.h"

#include "../vaxuba/ubareg.h"
#include "../vaxuba/ubavar.h"
#include "../vaxuba/dmfreg.h"

X/* -----
	SILO TIME OUT Constant....
	If you get data overruns, or have problems with
	xon/xoff not responing quick enough,
	set this lower, but keep it at least 1.
	If you make this 0, you are in trouble.
------ */

#define SILO_TIME_OUT	(3)

X/* -----
	DO DMA COUNT Constant...
	Number of characters at which driver uses DMA mode.
	DEC uses 32, but this is two high for unix.
	(I think VMS has to remap UBA memory to do the DMA.)
	Setting this to 0 disables the SILO mode which may be OK.
----- */

#define DO_DMA_COUNT	(10)
#define TRUE	(1)
#define FALSE	(0)

#define ASLP                1           /* waiting for interrupt from dmf */
#define OPEN                2	        /* line printer is open */
#define ERROR               4           /* error while printing, driver       */
                                        /* refuses to do anything till closed */

X/* -----
----- */

X/* -----
	Definition of the driver for the auto-configuration program.
----- */

int     dmfprobe(), dmfattach(), dmfrint(), dmfxint();
int     dmflint();
struct  uba_device *dmfinfo[NDMF];
u_short dmfstd[] = { 0 };
struct  uba_driver dmfdriver =
    dmfprobe, 0, dmfattach, 0, dmfstd, "dmf", dmfinfo 
X/* -----
	Local variables for the driver
----- */

int     dmfact;                        /* mask of active dmf's */
struct dmfl_softc
    unsigned dmfl_state;               /* soft state bits */
    unsigned dmfl_info;                /* uba info */
    unsigned short dmfl_lines;         /* lines per page (66 def.) */
    unsigned short dmfl_cols;          /* cols per line (132 def.) */
    char     dmfl_buf[DMFL_SIZ];
    } dmfl_softc[NDMF];

char    dmf_speeds[] =
    0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6, 7, 010, 012, 014, 016, 017, 0 
int     dmfstart();

#ifndef lint
int     ndmf = NDMF*8;                 /* used by iostat */

int     ttrstrt();
struct  tty     dmf_tty[NDMF*8];

char    dmfsoftCAR[NDMF];
    char dmfa_state;			/* dmf state */
    int dmfa_count;			/* dmf dma count */
    } dmfa_softc[NDMF*8];

#define ST_TXOFF	(0x01)		/* tx turned off */
#define ST_DMA		(0x02)		/* dma operation inprogress */
#define ST_INBUSY	(0x04)		/* stop tx in busy */

X/* -----
	The clist space is mapped by the driver onto each UNIBUS.
----- */

static  int     cbase[MAXNUBA];        /* base address in unibus map */
int     dmf_ubinfo[MAXNUBA];           /* info about allocated unibus map */
X/* -----
	The UBACVT macro converts a clist space address for unibus uban
	into an i/o space address for the DMA routine.
----- */
#define	UBACVT(x, uban)	    (cbase[uban] + ((x) - (char *)cfree))

X/* -----
	Routine for configuration to set dmf interrupt.
----- */

extern struct uba_device *auto_ui;	/* this is from unifind */

caddr_t reg;
register int     br, cvec;         /* these are ``value-result'' */
				    /* these two values will be r10 and r11 */
register struct  dmfdevice *dmf_addr;
register int     i;
register unsigned int a;

static   char    *dmfdevs[] =
    "parallel (not supported)",
    "line printer",
    "synchronous (not supported)",

    dmf_addr = (struct dmfdevice *)reg;

#ifdef lint
     br = 0; cvec = br; br = cvec; dmfxint(0); dmfrint(0); dmfsrint();
     dmfsxint(); dmfdaint(); dmfdbint(); dmflint();

X/* -----
	Interupt level is 15.
----- */

    br = 0x15;

X/* -----
	See which parts of the controller are there.
----- */

    a = (dmf_addr->dmfc_config >> 12) & 0xf;
    printf("dmf%d:", auto_ui->ui_unit);
    for (i = 0; a != 0; ++i, a >>= 1)
	if (a & 1)
	    printf(" %s", dmfdevs[i]);

X/* -----
	Tell the controller which vector to use.
	we get to chose our own vector.
----- */

    a = dmf_addr->dmfc_config;
    switch (a & DMFC_CONFGMASK)
	    cvec = (uba_hd[numuba].uh_lastiv -= 8);
	    dmf_addr->dmfc_config = ((cvec - 2*8)>> 2);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Recovering unsed DMF32 ivecs (async) auto_ui=%d\n", auto_ui);
for (i=0; auto_ui->ui_intr[i] != 0; i++)
    printf("auto_ui->ui_intr[%d] = %x\n", i, auto_ui->ui_intr[i]);
#endif DEBUG
	    auto_ui->ui_intr[0] = auto_ui->ui_intr[4];
	    auto_ui->ui_intr[1] = auto_ui->ui_intr[5];
	    auto_ui->ui_intr[2] = 0;
	    printf("dmf%d: Recovered unused DMF32 ivecs (async).\n",
#ifdef DEBUG
for (i=0; auto_ui->ui_intr[i] != 0; i++)
    printf("auto_ui->ui_intr[%d] = %x\n", i, auto_ui->ui_intr[i]);
#endif DEBUG

	/* ---
	    the "-= 8" can be "-= 4" i think, but the 8 just wastes
	    4 bytes and if i change it I have no way to test it.
	--- */
	case DMFC_LP:
	    cvec = (uba_hd[numuba].uh_lastiv -= 8);
	    dmf_addr->dmfc_config = ((cvec - 3*8)>> 2);
	    auto_ui->ui_intr[0] = auto_ui->ui_intr[6];
	    auto_ui->ui_intr[1] = 0;
	    printf("dmf%d: Recovered unused DMF32 ivecs (lp).\n",

	    cvec = (uba_hd[numuba].uh_lastiv -= 4 * 8);
	    dmf_addr->dmfc_config = (cvec >> 2);
    dmf_addr->dmfl_ctrl = DMFL_RST;

X/* -----
----- */

    return(sizeof(struct dmfdevice));


X/* -----
	Routine to "attach" a dmf.
	Get columns, lines and other device dependant information
	for the specific device.
----- */

struct  uba_device *ui;
register int    cols;
register int    lines;

    cols = (ui->ui_flags >> 8) & 0xff;
    lines = (ui->ui_flags >> 16) & 0xff;
    dmfsoftCAR[ui->ui_unit] = ui->ui_flags & 0xff;
    dmfl_softc[ui->ui_unit].dmfl_cols = (cols == 0 ? DMFL_DCL : cols);
    dmfl_softc[ui->ui_unit].dmfl_lines = (lines == 0 ? DMFL_DLN : lines);

X/* -----
	Open a DMF32 line, mapping the clist onto the uba if this
	is the first dmf on this uba.
	Turn on this dmf if this is the first use of it.
----- */


dmfopen(device, flag)
dev_t   device;
int flag;
register struct   tty      *tp;
register int      unit, controller;
register struct   dmfdevice *dmf_addr;
register struct   uba_device *ui;
int priority;
int xstatus;

    unit = minor(device);
    controller = unit >> 3;

X/* -----
	Test for and process a printer open request.
----- */

    if (unit & 0200)
	return(dmflopen(device, flag));

X/* -----
	Test for invalid unit.
----- */

    if (unit >= NDMF*8 || (ui = dmfinfo[controller]) == 0 || ui->ui_alive == 0)
        return (ENXIO);

    tp = &dmf_tty[unit];

X/* -----
	Test for exclusive use flag.
----- */

    if (tp->t_state & TS_XCLUDE && u.u_uid != 0)
	return (EBUSY);

    dmf_addr = (struct dmfdevice *)ui->ui_addr;
    tp->t_addr = (caddr_t)dmf_addr;
    tp->t_oproc = dmfstart;
    tp->t_state |= TS_WOPEN;

X/* -----
	Set up Unibus map registers.
	block uba resets which can clear the state.
----- */

    priority = spl5();
    if (dmf_ubinfo[ui->ui_ubanum] == 0) 
        dmf_ubinfo[ui->ui_ubanum] =
	     uballoc(ui->ui_ubanum, (caddr_t)cfree,
		     nclist * sizeof(struct cblock), 0);
        cbase[ui->ui_ubanum] = dmf_ubinfo[ui->ui_ubanum] & 0x3ffff;

X/* -----
	If the dmf is inactive, activate it.
----- */

    if ((dmfact & (1 << controller)) == 0) 
        dmf_addr->dmfa_csr |= DMFA_IE;
        dmfact |= (1 << controller);
        dmf_addr->dmfa_sato = SILO_TIME_OUT;

X/* -----
	If this is first open, initialze tty state to default.
----- */

    if ((tp->t_state & TS_ISOPEN) == 0) 
        if (tp->t_ispeed == 0) 
            tp->t_ispeed = B300;
            tp->t_ospeed = B300;
            tp->t_flags = ODDP | EVENP | ECHO;
	dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_state = 0;

X/* -----
	Wait for carrier, then process line discipline specific open.
----- */

    if ((dmfmctl(device, DMFA_ON, DMSET) & (DMFA_CAR << 8)) ||
        (dmfsoftCAR[controller] & (1 << (unit & 07))))
        tp->t_state |= TS_CARR_ON;
    priority = spl5();
    while ((tp->t_state & TS_CARR_ON) == 0) 
        tp->t_state |= TS_WOPEN;
        sleep((caddr_t) & tp->t_rawq, TTIPRI);

    xstatus = (*linesw[tp->t_line].l_open)(device, tp);

X/* -----
	Set parameters from open or stty into the DMF hardware registers.
	Block interrupts so parameters will be set before the line interrupts.
	If terminal speed is set to 0, hang up on last close, turm modem off
	and return to caller.
----- */

register int     unit;
register struct  tty *tp;
register struct  dmfdevice *dmf_addr;
register int     line_parameters, line_control;
int     priority;

    tp = &dmf_tty[unit];
    dmf_addr = (struct dmfdevice *)tp->t_addr;

    priority = spl5();
    if ((tp->t_ispeed) == 0) 
        tp->t_state |= TS_HUPCLS;
        (void) dmfmctl(unit, DMFA_OFF, DMSET);

X/* -----
	Set up line parameters and control info.
----- */

    line_parameters =
	 (dmf_speeds[tp->t_ospeed] << 12) | (dmf_speeds[tp->t_ispeed] << 8);
    line_control = DMFA_LCE;
    if ((tp->t_ispeed) == B134)
	line_parameters |= DMFA_6BT | DMFA_PEN;
    else if (tp->t_flags & (RAW | LITOUT))
	line_parameters |= DMFA_8BT;
	line_parameters |= DMFA_7BT | DMFA_PEN;
    if (tp->t_flags & EVENP)
	line_parameters |= DMFA_EPR;
    if ((tp->t_ospeed) == B110)
	line_parameters |= DMFA_SCD;
    line_parameters |= (unit & 07);

    dmf_addr->dmfa_lparm = line_parameters;
    dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = DMFA_IE | IR_LCTMR | (unit & 07);
    dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr = (dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr | (line_control & 0xff));

X/* -----
	Routine to close a DMF32 line.
----- */


dmfclose(device, flag)
dev_t   device;
int     flag;
register struct  tty     *tp;
register unit;

    unit = minor(device);
    tp = &dmf_tty[unit];

    if (unit & 0200)
	return(dmflclose(device, flag));

X/* -----
	Break, hang-up and close the modem. Return to caller.
----- */

    (void) dmfmctl(unit, DMFA_BRK, DMBIC);
    if (tp->t_state & TS_HUPCLS || (tp->t_state & TS_ISOPEN) == 0)
        (void) dmfmctl(unit, DMFA_OFF, DMSET);

X/* -----
	Reset state of driver if UBA reset was necessary.
	Reset the csr, lpr, and lctmr registers on open lines,
	    and restart transmitters.
----- */

int     uban;
register int     controller, unit;
register struct  tty *tp;
register struct  uba_device *ui;
register struct  dmfdevice *dmf_addr;
int     i;

X/* -----
	Set up Unibus map registers.
----- */

    if (dmf_ubinfo[uban] == 0)
    dmf_ubinfo[uban] = uballoc(uban, (caddr_t)cfree,
                               nclist * sizeof (struct cblock), 0);
    cbase[uban] = dmf_ubinfo[uban] & 0x3ffff;

X/* -----
	For each dmf controller in the system.
----- */

    for (controller = 0; controller < NDMF; controller++) 
        ui = dmfinfo[controller];
        if (ui == 0 || ui->ui_alive == 0 || ui->ui_ubanum != uban) continue;
        printf(" dmf%d", controller);
        dmf_addr = (struct dmfdevice *)ui->ui_addr;
        dmf_addr->dmfa_csr |= DMFA_IE;
        dmf_addr->dmfa_sato = SILO_TIME_OUT;
        unit = controller * 8;
X/* -----
	For each unit on a dmf controller.
	If the unit is open or waiting for open to complete, reset it.
----- */
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) 
	    dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_state = 0;

            tp = &dmf_tty[unit];

            if (tp->t_state & (TS_ISOPEN | TS_WOPEN)) 
                (void) dmfmctl(unit, DMFA_ON, DMSET);
                tp->t_state &= ~TS_BUSY;

X/* -----
	Routine to read a dmf32 line.
----- */

dmfread(device, uio)
dev_t   device;
struct  uio     *uio;
register struct  tty     *tp;
int xstatus;

    if (minor(device) & 0200)
    tp = &dmf_tty[minor(device)];
    xstatus = (*linesw[tp->t_line].l_read)(tp, uio);

X/* -----
	Routine to write to a dmf32 line.
----- */

dmfwrite(device, uio)
dev_t   device;
struct  uio     *uio;
register struct  tty     *tp;
int xstatus;

    if (minor(device) & 0200)
	return(dmflwrite(device, uio));
    tp = &dmf_tty[minor(device)];
    xstatus = (*linesw[tp->t_line].l_write)(tp, uio);

X/* -----
	 Routine to process a DMF32 receiver interrupt.
----- */

int     controller;
register struct  tty     *tp;
register int character;
register struct  dmfdevice *dmf_addr;
register struct  tty     *tp0;
register struct  uba_device *ui;
int     overrun, priority;
int     unit;

    overrun = 0;
    ui = dmfinfo[controller];
    if (ui == 0 || ui->ui_alive == 0) return;
    dmf_addr = (struct dmfdevice *)ui->ui_addr;
    tp0 = &dmf_tty[controller << 3];

X/* -----
	Loop fetching characters from the silo for this
	dmf until there are no more in the silo.
----- */

    while ((character = dmf_addr->dmfa_rbuf) < 0) 
	unit = (character >> 8) & 07;
        tp = tp0 + (unit & 07);
        if (character & DMFA_DSC) 
	    if (!(dmfsoftCAR[controller] & (1 << (unit & 07))))
		priority = spl5();
		dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = DMFA_IE | IR_RMS | (unit & 07);
		if (dmf_addr->dmfa_rms & DMFA_CAR) 
		    if ((tp->t_state & TS_CARR_ON) == 0) 
			wakeup((caddr_t) &tp->t_rawq);
			tp->t_state |= TS_CARR_ON;
		    if (tp->t_state & TS_CARR_ON) 
			gsignal(tp->t_pgrp, SIGHUP);
			gsignal(tp->t_pgrp, SIGCONT);
			dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = DMFA_IE | IR_LCTMR | (unit & 07);
			dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr =
				dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr & ((DMFA_OFF<<8) | 0xff);
			ttyflush(tp, FREAD | FWRITE);
		    tp->t_state &= ~TS_CARR_ON;

X/* -----
	If unit is not open, wake it up and continue with next character.
----- */

        if ((tp->t_state & TS_ISOPEN) == 0) 

X/* -----
	When using parity (even or odd) continue with next character.
----- */

        if (character & DMFA_PE)
            if ((tp->t_flags & (EVENP | ODDP)) == EVENP ||
               (tp->t_flags & (EVENP | ODDP)) == ODDP )

X/* -----
	At data over-run (silo overflow), print error message.
----- */

        if ((character & DMFA_DO) && overrun == 0) 
            printf("dmf%d: silo overflow\n", controller);
            overrun = 1;

X/* -----
	At framing error (break) generate a null (in raw mode,
	for getty), or a interrupt (in cooked/cbreak mode).
----- */

        if (character & DMFA_FE)
            if (tp->t_flags & RAW)
                character = 0;
		character = tp->t_intrc;

X/* -----
	Perform the line specific receiver interrupt with special
	consideration for the Berkeley line discipline.
----- */

#if NBK > 0
        if (tp->t_line == NETLDISC) 
            character &= 0177;
            BKINPUT(character, tp);
	    (*linesw[tp->t_line].l_rint)(character, tp);

X/* -----
	Start (restart) transmission on the given DMF32 line.
----- */

register struct  tty *tp;
register struct  dmfdevice *dmf_addr;
register int     unit, nch, room;
int     controller;
int priority, car, use_dma;
register int i;
register char *cp;

    unit = minor(tp->t_dev);
    controller = unit >> 3;
    dmf_addr = (struct dmfdevice *)tp->t_addr;

X/* -----
	Disable interupts.
	If it's currently active, or delaying, no need to do anything.
----- */

    priority = spl5();

    if (tp->t_state & (TS_TIMEOUT | TS_BUSY | TS_TTSTOP))
	goto out;

X/* -----
	If the transmitter has been disabled reenable it.
	If the transmitter was disabled before the xint,
	(the TS_BUSY was still on) then reset the BUSY state and
	we will wait for the interrupt.  IF !TS_BUSY we already
	saw the interrupt so we can start another transmission.
----- */

    if ( (dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_state & ST_TXOFF) ) 
        dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = DMFA_IE | IR_LCTMR | (unit & 07);
	dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr = (dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr | DMFA_TE);
	dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_state &= ~ST_TXOFF;
	if (dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_state & ST_INBUSY)
	    dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_state &= ~ST_INBUSY;
	    tp->t_state |= TS_BUSY;
	    goto out;

X/* -----
	If there are sleepers, and output has drained below low
	water mark, wake up the sleepers.
----- */

    if (tp->t_outq.c_cc <= TTLOWAT(tp)) 
	if (tp->t_state & TS_ASLEEP) 
	    tp->t_state &= ~TS_ASLEEP;
	if (tp->t_wsel)
	    selwakeup(tp->t_wsel, tp->t_state & TS_WCOLL);
	    tp->t_wsel = 0;
	    tp->t_state &= ~TS_WCOLL;

X/* -----
	Now restart transmission unless the output queue is empty.
----- */

    if (tp->t_outq.c_cc == 0)
	goto out;
    if (tp->t_flags & (RAW | LITOUT))
        nch = ndqb(&tp->t_outq, 0);
		/* If first thing on queue is a delay process it. */
        nch = ndqb(&tp->t_outq, 0200);
        if (nch == 0) 
            nch = getc(&tp->t_outq);
            timeout(ttrstrt, (caddr_t)tp, (nch & 0x7f) + 6);
            tp->t_state |= TS_TIMEOUT;
            goto out;

X/* -----
	If characters to transmit, (re)start transmission.
	Enalble transmitter and interrupts and set the mode to busy.
	Should we use DMA or SILO mode?
	    If "nch" is greater than DO_DMA_COUNT then do the
	    transmission with DMA.
	    Or if all the characters won't fit in the silo, then
	    use DMA so we don't have to restart later.
	For DMA:
	    Calculate the DMA dmf_addr.
	    Load DMA dmf_addr and character count appropriately.
	    We will wait for the xint before we flush them.
	    If you don't wait for the xint before flushing, the
	    higher levels will start reusing the buffers.
	For non DMA:
	    Move nch characters into the silo and flush them from the queue.
----- */

    if (nch) 
        dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = DMFA_IE | IR_LCTMR | (unit & 07);
	dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr = (dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr | DMFA_TE);
        tp->t_state |= TS_BUSY;

	use_dma = FALSE;
	room = DMFA_SIZ;
	if (nch > DO_DMA_COUNT)
	    use_dma = TRUE;
X/* -----
	    dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = DMFA_IE | IR_TSC | (unit & 07);
	    room = DMFA_SIZ - dmf_addr->dmfa_tsc;
	    if (room <= nch)
		use_dma = TRUE;
----- */
	    car = UBACVT(tp->t_outq.c_cf, dmfinfo[controller]->ui_ubanum);
	    dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_count = nch;
	    dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_state |= ST_DMA;
	    dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = DMFA_IE | IR_TBA | (unit & 07);
	    dmf_addr->dmfa_tba = car;
	    dmf_addr->dmfa_tcc = ((car >> 2) & 0xc000) | nch;
	    dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_state &= ~ST_DMA;
	    cp = tp->t_outq.c_cf;
	    nch = MIN(nch, room);
	    dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = DMFA_IE | IR_TBUF | (unit & 07);
	    for (i = 0; i < nch; i++)
		dmf_addr->dmfa_tbf = *cp++;
	    ndflush(&tp->t_outq, nch);


X/* -----
	Stop output on a line, e.g. for ^S/^Q or output flush.
	Block input/output interrupts by setting priority.
	Disable the transmitter
	We must disable the transmitter even if the 'tp' says the
	terminal is not busy, because in DMA mode, there are characters left in
	the silo after the controller interrupts with transmit complete.
	if flush request (i.e. a non stopped-by-^S request.)
	    Flush the silo by setting the appropriate bit.
	    This will cause a xint when the flush is complete so make it busy.
	else if busy, mark as stopped while busy.
----- */


dmfstop(tp, flag)
register struct  tty *tp;
register struct  dmfdevice *dmf_addr;
register int     unit, priority;

    priority = spl5();
    dmf_addr = (struct dmfdevice *)tp->t_addr;
    unit = minor(tp->t_dev);

    dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = IR_LCTMR | (unit & 07) | DMFA_IE;
    dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr = (dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr & ~DMFA_TE);
    dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_state |= ST_TXOFF;
    if ((tp->t_state & TS_TTSTOP) == 0) 
	tp->t_state |= TS_FLUSH | TS_BUSY;
	dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr = (dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr | DMFA_FLS);
	if (tp->t_state & TS_BUSY)
	    dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_state |= ST_INBUSY;
	    tp->t_state &= ~TS_BUSY;

X/* -----
	Routine to handel a DMF32 transmitter interrupt.
	Restart the idle line.
	Loop while transmit is ready.
	Get the unit number and clear the busy bit.
	    Test for DMA error and print error message.
	    Test for DMA flush bit set and clear it.
	 Clear the flush flag if it is set.
	     Reable the transmitter.
----- */

int     controller;
register struct  tty *tp;
register struct  dmfdevice *dmf_addr;
register struct  uba_device *ui;
register int     unit, t;

int     count;
int     priority;

    ui = dmfinfo[controller];
    dmf_addr = (struct dmfdevice *)ui->ui_addr;

    priority = spl5();
    while ((t = dmf_addr->dmfa_csr) & DMFA_TRDY) 
        unit = controller * 8 + ((t >> 8) & 07);
        tp = &dmf_tty[unit];
        tp->t_state &= ~TS_BUSY;

        if (t & DMFA_NXM)
	    printf("dmf%d: NXM line %d\n", controller, unit & 7);

	if (tp->t_state & TS_FLUSH)
            tp->t_state &= ~TS_FLUSH;
	    dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = DMFA_IE | IR_LCTMR | (unit & 07);
	    dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr = (dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr | DMFA_TE);
	else if (dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_state & ST_DMA)
	    ndflush(&tp->t_outq, dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_count);
	dmfa_softc[unit].dmfa_state = 0;

X/* ------
	Start (restart) the transmission.
----- */

        if (tp->t_line)


X/* -----
	Routine for Ioctl for DMF32.
	    Perform line specific ioctl for Berkeley line discipline,
	    and tty ioctl then process any errors.
----- */


dmfioctl(device, command, data, flag)
dev_t   device;
caddr_t data;
register struct  tty *tp;
register int     unit;
int     error;

    unit = minor(device);
    tp = &dmf_tty[unit];
    if (unit & 0200) return(ENOTTY);

    error = (*linesw[tp->t_line].l_ioctl)(tp, command, data, flag);
    if (error >= 0) return(error);
    error = ttioctl(tp, command, data, flag);
    if (error >= 0) 
        if (command == TIOCSETP || command == TIOCSETN)

X/* ------
	Process specific ioctl command.
----- */

	    (void) dmfmctl(device, DMFA_BRK, DMBIS);
	    (void) dmfmctl(device, DMFA_BRK, DMBIC);
	    (void) dmfmctl(device, DMFA_DTR | DMFA_RTS, DMBIS);
	    (void) dmfmctl(device, DMFA_DTR | DMFA_RTS, DMBIC);
	    (void) dmfmctl(device, dmtodmf(*(int *)data), DMSET);
	    (void) dmfmctl(device, dmtodmf(*(int *)data), DMBIS);
	    (void) dmfmctl(device, dmtodmf(*(int *)data), DMBIC);
	    *(int *)data = dmftodm(dmfmctl(device, 0, DMGET));

X/* -----
	Routine for DMF32 modem control
----- */

dmfmctl(device, bits, how)
dev_t   device;
int     bits, how;
register struct dmfdevice *dmf_addr;
register int unit, modem_status, line_control;
register int temp;
int     priority;

    unit = minor(device);
    dmf_addr = (struct dmfdevice *)(dmf_tty[unit].t_addr);

X/* -----
	Block I/O interrupts.
	Get receive modem status, transmit modem status & line control info.
----- */

    priority = spl5();
    dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = DMFA_IE | IR_RMS | (unit & 07);
    modem_status = dmf_addr->dmfa_rms << 8;

    dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = DMFA_IE | IR_LCTMR | (unit & 07);
    temp = dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr;
    modem_status |= ((temp>>8) & (0x1f));
    line_control = (temp & (0x3f));
    if (line_control & DMFA_RBK)
	modem_status |= DMFA_BRK;

X/* -----
	Process modem control commands.
----- */

	case DMSET:
	    modem_status = (modem_status & 0xff00) | bits;
	case DMBIS:
	    modem_status |= bits;
	case DMBIC:
	    modem_status &= ~bits;
	case DMGET:
	    (void) splx(priority);

X/* -----
	Process the break bit and set up the modem status and line control
	information to be replaced  in the transmit modem register for the
	selected line.
----- */

    if (modem_status & DMFA_BRK)
        line_control |= DMFA_RBK;
	line_control &= ~DMFA_RBK;
    dmf_addr->dmfa_csr = DMFA_IE | IR_LCTMR | (unit & 07);
    dmf_addr->dmfa_lctmr = ((modem_status & 0x1f) << 8) | (line_control & 0x3f);

    (void) splx(priority);

X/* -----
    Routine to convert modem status from dm to dmf format.
	Pull bits 1 & 3 through unchanged. If dm secondary transmit bit is set,
	and/or dm request to send bit is set, and/or dm user modem signal bit
	is set, set the corresponding dmf bits. Return to caller.
----- */

register int     bits;
register int     b;

    b = bits & 012;
    if (bits & DM_ST) b |= DMFA_RAT;
    if (bits & DM_RTS) b |= DMFA_RTS;
    if (bits & DM_USR) b |= DMFA_USW;

X/* -----
	Routine to convert modem status from dmf to dm format.
	    Pull bits 1 & 3 through unchanged. Pull bits 11 - 15 through as bits
	    4 - 8 and set bit 0 to dm line enable.
	If dmf user modem signal bit set, and/or  dmf request to send bit set,
	then set the corresponding dm bit also. Return to caller.
----- */

register int     bits;

    register int     b;

    b = (bits & 012) | ((bits >> 7) & 0760) | DM_LE;

    if (bits & DMFA_USR) b |= DM_USR;
    if (bits & DMFA_RTS) b |= DM_RTS;

X/* -----
	L I N E   P R I N T E R   D R I V E R
----- */

X/* -----
	Routine to open the line printer port on a dmf32
----- */

dmflopen(device, flag)
dev_t   device;
int     flag;
register int     controller;
register struct  dmfl_softc *sc;
register struct  uba_device *ui;
register struct  dmfdevice *dmf_addr;

    controller = minor(device) & 07 ;
    if (((sc = &dmfl_softc[controller])->dmfl_state & OPEN) ||
       ((ui = dmfinfo[controller]) == 0) || ui->ui_alive == 0)
    dmf_addr = (struct dmfdevice *)ui->ui_addr;
    if ((dmf_addr->dmfl_ctrl & DMFL_OFL))
        /*printf("dmf: line printer offline/jammed\n");*/
    if ((dmf_addr->dmfl_ctrl & DMFL_CNV))
        printf("dmf:line printer disconnected\n");
    dmf_addr->dmfl_ctrl = 0;
    sc->dmfl_state |= OPEN;

X/* -----
	Routine to close the line printer part of a dmf32.
----- */

dmflclose(device, flag)
dev_t   device;
int     flag;
register int     controller;
register struct  dmfl_softc *sc;

    controller = minor(device) & 07;
    sc = &dmfl_softc[controller];
    dmflout(device, "\f", 1);
    sc->dmfl_state = 0;
    if (sc->dmfl_info != 0)
        ubarelse((struct dmfdevice *)(dmfinfo[controller])->ui_ubanum,
    ((struct dmfdevice *)(dmfinfo[controller]->ui_addr))->dmfl_ctrl = 0;

X/* -----
	Routine to write to the line printer part of a dmf32.
----- */

dmflwrite(device, uio)
dev_t   device;
struct  uio *uio;
register unsigned int n;
register int     error;
register struct  dmfl_softc *sc;

    sc = &dmfl_softc[minor(device) & 07];
    if (sc->dmfl_state & ERROR) return(EIO);
    while (n = min(DMFL_SIZ, (unsigned)uio->uio_resid))
        if (error = uiomove(&sc->dmfl_buf[0], (int)n, UIO_WRITE, uio))
            printf("uio move error\n");
        if (error = dmflout(device, &sc->dmfl_buf[0], n)) return(error);

X/* -----
	Routine to start io operation to dmf line printer.
	cp is address of buf of n chars to be sent.
	dmf will be put in formatted output mode, this will
	be selectable from an ioctl if the need ever arises.
----- */

dmflout(device, cp, n)
dev_t   device;
char    *cp;
int     n;
register struct  dmfl_softc *sc;
register int     controller;
register struct  uba_device *ui;
register struct  dmfdevice *d;
register unsigned info;
int priority;

    controller = minor(device) & 07;
    sc = &dmfl_softc[controller];
    if (sc->dmfl_state & ERROR) return(EIO);
    ui = dmfinfo[controller];

X/* -----
	allocate unibus resources, will be released when io operation is done
----- */

    sc->dmfl_info = info = uballoc(ui->ui_ubanum, cp, n, 0);
    d = (struct dmfdevice *)ui->ui_addr;
    d->dmfl_ctrl = (2 << 8) | DMFL_FMT; /* indir reg 2 */

X/* -----
	indir reg auto increments on r/w.
----- */
    d->dmfl_indrct = 0;    /* prefix chars & num */
    d->dmfl_indrct = 0;    /* suffix chars & num */
    d->dmfl_indrct = info; /* dma lo 16 bits address */

X/* -----
	the minus "number of chars" used below is NOT DOCUMENTED !!
----- */
    d->dmfl_indrct = -n;  /* number of chars */

    d->dmfl_indrct = ((info >> 16) & 3) /* dma hi 2 bits address */
                 | (1 << 8)             /* auto cr insert */
                 | (1 << 9)             /* use real ff */
                 | (1 << 15);           /* no u/l conversion */
    d->dmfl_indrct = sc->dmfl_lines     /* lines per page */
                 | (sc->dmfl_cols << 8);/* carriage width */
    sc->dmfl_state |= ASLP;
    priority = spl5();
    d->dmfl_ctrl |= DMFL_PEN | DMFL_IE;
    while (sc->dmfl_state & ASLP)
        sleep(&sc->dmfl_buf[0], (PZERO + 8));
        while (sc->dmfl_state & ERROR)
            timeout(dmflint, controller, 10 * hz);
            sleep(&sc->dmfl_state, (PZERO + 8));

        /*if (sc->dmfl_state & ERROR) return (EIO);*/

X/* -----
	Routine to handle an interrupt from the line printer part of the dmf32
----- */

int     controller;
register struct  uba_device *ui;
register struct  dmfl_softc *sc;
register struct  dmfdevice *d;

    ui = dmfinfo[controller];
    sc = &dmfl_softc[controller];
    d = (struct dmfdevice *)ui->ui_addr;
    d->dmfl_ctrl &= ~DMFL_IE;
    if (sc->dmfl_state & ERROR)
        printf("dmfl: intr while in error state \n");
        if ((d->dmfl_ctrl & DMFL_OFL) == 0) sc->dmfl_state &= ~ERROR;
    if (d->dmfl_ctrl & DMFL_DER) printf("dmf:NXM\n");
    if (d->dmfl_ctrl & DMFL_OFL)
        printf("dmf:printer error\n");
        sc->dmfl_state |= ERROR;
    if (d->dmfl_ctrl & DMFL_PDN)
#ifdef notdef
        printf("bytes= %d\n", d->dmfl_indrct);
        printf("lines= %d\n", d->dmfl_indrct);
    sc->dmfl_state &= ~ASLP;
    if (sc->dmfl_info != 0) ubarelse(ui->ui_ubanum, &sc->dmfl_info);
    sc->dmfl_info = 0;

X/* ----
	NON-SUPPORTED INTERFACES...Parallel and synchronous
----- */

X/* -----
	interrupt routine for parallel interface, not yet supported
----- */


X/* -----
	interrupt routine for parallel interface, not yet supported
----- */


X/* -----
	interrupt routine for synchronous interface, not yet supported
----- */


X/* -----
	interrupt routine for synchronous interface, not yet supported
----- */

//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 660 dmf.c
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld dmf.c
/bin/echo 'Extracting dmfreg.h'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >dmfreg.h
X/* -----

DMF32 register definitions.

    "dmfc" refers to the dmf32 as a whole,
    "dmfa" refers to the async portion of the dmf32,
    "dmfs" refers to the sync portion of the dmf32,
    "dmfd" refers to the dr11 portion of the dmf32, and
    "dmfl" to the lp portion of the dmf32.

(ro) - read only
(wo) - write only
----- */

X/* -----
	dmf32 control register definitions
----- */

 struct dmfdevice
     short	 dmfc_config;		/* configuration control status reg. */
     short	 dmfc_maint;		/* diagnostic control status register */
     short	 dmfs_receive;		/* synchronous receive register */
     short	 dmfs_xmit;		/* synchronous transmit register */
     short	 dmfs_misc;		/* synchronous miscellaneous register */
     short	 dmfs_indrct;		/* synchronous indirect register */
     short	 dmfa_csr;		/* asynch. control status register */
     short	 dmfa_lparm;		/* asynch. line parameter register */
     short	 dmfa_rbuf;		/* asynch. receive buffer register */
     union				/* indirect register */
	 u_short word;			/* word */
	 u_char	 bytes[2];		/* bytes */
	 }	 dmfa_ir;
     short	 dmfl_ctrl;		/* line printer control register */
     short	 dmfl_indrct;		/* line printer indirect register */
     short	 dmfd_ctrl;		/* dr11 control register */
     short	 dmfd_outbuf;		/* dr11 output buffer register */
     short	 dmfd_inbuf;		/* dr11 input buffer register */
     short	 dmfd_indrct;		/* dr11 indirect register */

#define dmfa_sato dmfa_rbuf		/* receive silo alarm timeout (wo) */

X/* -----
	aliases for asynchronous indirect control registers
----- */

#define IR_TBUF	 000			/* transmit buffer register (wo)*/
#define	IR_RMS	 000			/* recieve modem status register (ro)*/
#define	IR_TSC	 000			/* transmit silo count register (ro)*/
#define IR_LCTMR 010			/* line control and transmit modem */
#define IR_TBA	 020			/* trans. buf. addr register */
#define IR_TCC	 030			/* transmit char. count */

#define dmfa_tbf dmfa_ir.bytes[0]	/* transmit buffer (wo) */
#define dmfa_tbf2 dmfa_ir.word		/* transmit buffer for 2 chars. (wo) */

#define dmfa_rms dmfa_ir.bytes[1]	/* receive modem status (ro) */
#define dmfa_tsc dmfa_ir.bytes[0]	/* transmit silo count (ro) */

#define dmfa_lctmr dmfa_ir.word		/* line control and transmit modem */

#define dmfa_tba dmfa_ir.word		/* transmit buffer address */

#define dmfa_tcc dmfa_ir.word		/* transmit character count */

X/* -----
	bits in dmfc_config register
----- */

#define DMFC_CONFGMASK	0xf000		/* dmf32 configuration mask */
#define DMFC_ASYNC	0x8000		/* asynch interface */
#define DMFC_SYNC	0x4000		/* synchronous interface */
#define DMFC_LP		0x2000		/* line printer */
#define DMFC_PARALLEL	0x1000		/* parallel interface */

X/* -----
	bits in dmfa_csr register
----- */

#define DMFA_TRDY  0100000		/* transmit ready */
#define DMFA_TIE   0040000		/* transmit interrupt enable */
#define DMFA_NXM   0030000		/* non-existant memory */
#define DMFA_LIN   0003400		/* transmit line number */
#define DMFA_RRDY  0000200		/* receiver data available */
#define DMFA_RIE   0000100		/* receiver interrupt enable */
#define DMFA_RESET 0000040		/* master reset */
#define DMFA_IAD   0000037		/* indirect address register */

#define DMFA_IE	 (DMFA_TIE|DMFA_RIE)	/* enable transmit and receive */
#define DMFA_SIZ 32			/* size of DMF output silo (per line) */

X/* -----
	bits in dmfa_lparm register
----- */

#define DMFA_6BT 0010			 /* 6 bits per character */
#define DMFA_7BT 0020			 /* 7 bits per character */
#define DMFA_8BT 0030			 /* 8 bits per character */
#define DMFA_PEN 0040			 /* parity enable */
#define DMFA_EPR 0100			 /* even parity */
#define DMFA_SCD 0200			 /* stop code */
#define DMFA_XTE 0170000		 /* transmit rate */
#define DMFA_RRT 0007400		 /* receive rate */
#define DMFA_LSL 0000007		 /* line select */

#define BR_50	 000			 /* baud rate 50    bps */
#define BR_75	 001			 /*	"     75     "	*/
#define BR_110	 002			 /*	"     110    "	*/
#define BR_134_5 003			 /*	"     134.5  "	*/
#define BR_150	 004			 /*	"     150    "	*/
#define BR_300	 005			 /*	"     300    "	*/
#define BR_600	 006			 /*	"     600    "	*/
#define BR_1200	 007			 /*	"     1200   "	*/
#define BR_1800	 010			 /*	"     1800   "	*/
#define BR_2000	 011			 /*	"     2000   "	*/
#define BR_2400	 012			 /*	"     2400   "	*/
#define BR_3600	 013			 /*	"     3600   "	*/
#define BR_4800	 014			 /*	"     4800   "	*/
#define BR_7200	 015			 /*	"     7200   "	*/
#define BR_9600	 016			 /*	"     9600   "	*/
#define BR_19200 017			 /*	"     19200  "	*/

X/* -----
	bits in dmfa_rbuf register
----- */
#define DMFA_DSC 0004000		/* data set change */
#define DMFA_PE	 0010000		/* parity error */
#define DMFA_FE	 0020000		/* framing error */
#define DMFA_DO	 0040000		/* data overrun */
#define DMFA_DV	 0100000		/* data valid */
#define DMFA_RL	 0003400		/* line */
#define DMFA_RD	 0000377		/* data */
#define DMFA_AT	 0000377		/* alarm timeout */

X/* -----
	bits in dmfa_rms register
----- */
#define DMFA_USR 0004			/* user modem signal (pin 25) */
#define DMFA_SR	 0010			/* secondary receive */
#define DMFA_CTS 0020			/* clear to send */
#define DMFA_CAR 0040			/* carrier detect */
#define DMFA_RNG 0100			/* ring */
#define DMFA_DSR 0200			/* data set ready */

 * bits in dmfa_tms register
#define DMFA_USW 0001			/* user modem signal (pin 18) */
#define DMFA_DTR 0002			/* data terminal ready */
#define DMFA_RAT 0004			/* data signal rate select */
#define DMFA_ST	 0010			/* secondary transmit */
#define DMFA_RTS 0020			/* request to send */
#define DMFA_BRK 0040			/* pseudo break bit */
#define DMFA_PMT 0200			/* preempt output */

#define DMFA_OFF 0

 * bits in dmfa_lcr register
#define DMFA_MIE 0040			/* modem interrupt enable */
#define DMFA_FLS 0020			/* flush transmit silo */
#define DMFA_RBK 0010			/* real break bit */
#define DMFA_RE	 0004			/* receive enable */
#define DMFA_AUT 0002			/* auto XON/XOFF */
#define DMFA_TE	 0001			/* transmit enable */
#define DMFA_CF	 0300			/* control function */


 * bits in dmfa_tcc register
#define DMFA_HA	 0140000		/* high address bits */

 * bits in dm lsr, copied from dh.c
#define DM_USR	 0001000		/* usr modem sig, not a real DM bit */
#define DM_DSR	 0000400		/* data set ready, not a real DM bit */
#define DM_RNG	 0000200		/* ring */
#define DM_CAR	 0000100		/* carrier detect */
#define DM_CTS	 0000040		/* clear to send */
#define DM_SR	 0000020		/* secondary receive */
#define DM_ST	 0000010		/* secondary transmit */
#define DM_RTS	 0000004		/* request to send */
#define DM_DTR	 0000002		/* data terminal ready */
#define DM_LE	 0000001		/* line enable */

 * bits in the line printer control registers
#define DMFL_PEN 0000001		/* print enable */
#define DMFL_RST 0000002		/* master reset */
#define DMFL_FMT 0000004		/* format control */
#define DMFL_xx1 0000030		/* unused */
#define DMFL_MNT 0000040		/* mainenance mode on */
#define DMFL_IE	 0000100		/* intr enable */
#define DMFL_PDN 0000200		/* print done bit */
#define DMFL_IDR 0003400		/* indirect reg */
#define DMFL_xx2 0004000		/* unused */
#define DMFL_CNV 0010000		/* connect verify */
#define DMFL_DVR 0020000		/* davfu ready */
#define DMFL_OFL 0040000		/* printer offline */
#define DMFL_DER 0100000		/* dma error bit */
#define DMFL_SIZ 512			/* max chars per dma */
#define DMFL_DCL 132			/* default # of cols/line <=255 */
#define DMFL_DLN 66			/* default # of lines/page <=255 */
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 660 dmfreg.h
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld dmfreg.h
/bin/echo 'Extracting changes1'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >changes1
Changes to /sys/vax/autoconf.c
< /*	autoconf.c	6.3	83/08/11	*/
> /*	autoconf.c	6.4	(MDDC/cwm) Nov. 27, 1984	*/
< 		case NEX_UBA3:
> 		case NEX_UBA3:    /* Fix from ~chris/4.2/uba */
< 			if (numuba >= 4) {
< 				printf("5 uba's");
> 			if (numuba >= MAXNUBA) {
> 				printf("%d uba's", numuba);
> 			if (numuba >= NUBA) {
> 				printf("uba%d", numuba);
> 				goto unconfig;
> 			}
> struct uba_device *auto_ui;	/* place to save for probe routines (MDDC) */
> 		auto_ui = ui; /* MDDC */
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 660 changes1
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld changes1
/bin/echo 'Extracting changes2'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >changes2
Changes to /sys/h/param.h
> /* ----- MDDC change ----- */
> #ifdef MDDC
> #define	CBSIZE	60		/* number of chars in a clist block */
> #define	CROUND	0x3F		/* clist rounding; sizeof(int *) + CBSIZE -1*/
> #else /* !MDDC */
> #endif MDDC
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 660 changes2
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld changes2
/bin/echo 'Extracting changes3'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >changes3
Changes to /sys/conf/param.c
> /* ----- MDDC ----- */
> #ifdef MDDC
> int	nclist = 100 + 10 * MAXUSERS;
> #else /* !MDDC */
> #endif MDDC
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 660 changes3
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld changes3

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