MON - added screendump (Part 1 of 2) [diffs ]

long at ittvax.UUCP long at ittvax.UUCP
Fri Dec 21 12:40:41 AEST 1984

MON is a great help in system tuning.  Just added 2 commands :

	'l'	-	 screendump to line printer
	's'	-	 appends screendump to file 'screendump'

	Use 'patch' on this file.

				H. Morrow Long
				ITT-ATC Systems Center, Shelton, CT
path = {allegra bunker dcdvaxb dcdwest ucbvax!decvax duke eosp1 ittral
	lbl-csam mit-eddie psuvax1 purdue qubix qumix research sii
	tmmnet twg uf-cgrl wxlvax yale}!ittvax!long

diff -c src5/Makefile src/Makefile
*** src5/Makefile	Thu Dec 20 19:50:19 1984
--- src/Makefile	Thu Dec 20 20:20:04 1984
*** 3,9
  #  Beware dependencies on mon.h are not properly stated.
! OBJS = mon.o io.o vm.o netif.o display.o readnames.o user_count.o
  all: mon

--- 3,10 -----
  #  Beware dependencies on mon.h are not properly stated.
! OBJS = mon.o io.o vm.o netif.o display.o readnames.o user_count.o \
! 	dumpit.o
  all: mon
*** 14,17
  	rm -f core *.o mon a.out
! 	qpr mon.h mon.c io.c vm.c netif.c readnames.c display.c user_count.c

--- 15,19 -----
  	rm -f core *.o mon a.out
! 	qpr mon.h mon.c io.c vm.c netif.c readnames.c display.c user_count.c \
! 	dumpit.c
Only in src: dumpit.c
diff -c src5/mon.8b src/mon.8b
*** src5/mon.8b	Thu Dec 20 19:49:55 1984
--- src/mon.8b	Thu Dec 20 20:57:43 1984
*** 117,122
     ^L   repaints the screen.
      q   exits the program.
      Any other character will cause the screen to be updated (thus
          you can for example run "mon 100" and type single characters

--- 117,124 -----
     ^L   repaints the screen.
+     l   dumps a copy of the screen to the lineprinter
+     s   saves (appends) a copy of the screen to file "screendump"
      q   exits the program.
      Any other character will cause the screen to be updated (thus
          you can for example run "mon 100" and type single characters
diff -c src5/mon.c src/mon.c
*** src5/mon.c	Thu Dec 20 19:50:26 1984
--- src/mon.c	Thu Dec 20 20:40:08 1984
*** 131,140
          	i = select(2, &tin, (int *)0, (int *)0, &tintv);
          	if (i && tin) {
          		i = getchar();
!         		if (i == 12)
! 				dispinit();
!         		else if (i == 'q')
!         			done();

--- 131,162 -----
          	i = select(2, &tin, (int *)0, (int *)0, &tintv);
          	if (i && tin) {
          		i = getchar();
! 			switch(i)
! 				{
! 				FILE	*Outfile,*popen();
! 				case 12:	/* ctl-L */
! 					dispinit();
! 					break;
!         			case 'l':
! 					Outfile = popen("lpr -Pip2","w");
! 					if (Outfile > 0 )
! 						{
! 						dumpit(Outfile);
! 						fclose(Outfile);
! 						}
! 					break;
!         			case 's':
! 					Outfile = fopen("screendump","a");
! 					if (Outfile > 0 )
! 						{
! 						dumpit(Outfile);
! 						fclose(Outfile);
! 						}
! 					break;
!         			case 'q':
!         				done();
! 				}
Only in src: screendump

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