New manual page for vnews

John Bossert bossert at dataio.UUCP
Fri Dec 7 07:41:21 AEST 1984

Submitted for your approval...

Here is a new version of the manual page for vnews.  I've fixed the
typo in the flags paragraph and reordered the discussion of the
flags to correspond to their order in the synopsis.  Miscellaneous
typos have been fixed.

I wonder though, if vnews' option list should not exactly match the
option list given for readnews since both utilities use the same
code except for the visual portion of vnews.  Comments anybody?

It would be a WONDERFUL idea if other individuals would continue this
effort for the other news utilities.  Many have changed with the
2.10.2 release, and the manual pages need to be updated.

------------------------- cut here ---------------------------

.TH VNEWS 1 "1 October 1984"
.UC 4
vnews \- read news articles
.BR vnews " [ " \-a
.IR date " ] [ "
.B \-n
.IR newsgroups " ] [ "
.B \-t
.IR titles " ] [ "
.BR \-rxu " ] "
.B "vnews \-s"
.I Vnews 
is a program for reading USENET news. It is based
on readnews(1) but has a CRT oriented interface.
The list of available commands is quite
similar, although since vnews is a "visual"
interface, most vnews commands do not have to be terminated
by a newline.
Vnews uses the first 22 lines of the screen to display
the current article. Line 23 is the secondary prompt line,
and is used to input string arguments to commands.  Line 24
contains several fields.  The first field is the prompt
field. If vnews is at the end of an article, the prompt is
"next?"; otherwise the prompt is "more?". The second field
is the newsgroup field, which displays the current newsgroup,
the number of the current article, and the number of
the last article in the newsgroup. The third field contains
the current time, and the last field contains the word
"mail" if you have mail. When you receive new mail, the bell
on the terminal is rung and the word mail appears in capital
letters for 30 seconds.
.I Vnews 
without any arguments prints unread articles.
The following flags determine the selection of articles.
.TP 10
.BI "\-a " "\fR[\fP date \fR]\fP"
Select articles posted after the given
.I date
.IR getdate (3)
.TP 10
.BI "\-n " newsgroups
Select articles belonging to
.I newsgroups.
.TP 10
.BI "\-t " titles
Select articles whose titles contain one of the strings specified by
.I titles.
.TP 10
.B \-r
Print the articles in reverse order.
.TP 10
.B \-x
.I .newsrc
file.  That is, select articles that have already been read as well as new ones.
.TP 10
.B \-u
Update the 
.B .newsrc
file every 5 minutes, as in the case of an unreliable system.
(Note that if the .newsrc file is updated, the
.B x
command will not restore it to its original contents.)
.B vnews \-s
prints the newsgroup subscription list.
.I vnews
maintains a
.I .newsrc
file in the your home directory that specifies all news articles
already read.  It is updated at the end of each reading session
unless the
.BR \-x "
option was specified.
If the environment variable NEWSRC is present, it should be the path
name of a file to be used in place of .newsrc.
If you wish, an options line may be placed in your
.I .newsrc
This line starts with the word
.B options
(left justified) followed by the list of standard options just as
they would be typed on the command line.  Such a list may include:
.B \-n
flag along with a newsgroup list and/or
.B \-r
.B \-t
Continuation lines begin with a space or tab character.
Options can be specified in the
environment parameter.  Where conflicts exist, options on the command
line take precedence, followed by the
.I .newsrc
.B options
line, and lastly the
When the user uses the reply command,
the environment parameter
will be used to determine which mailer to use. The default is usually /bin/mail.
If the user so desires, he may specify a specific paging program
for articles.  The environment parameter
should be set to the paging program.  The name of the article is referenced with
a `%', as in the
.B \-c
option.  If no `%' is present, the article will be piped to the program.
Paging may be disabled by setting
to a null value.
is set, it will be used in place of the default editor on your system to
edit replies and follow-ups.
is set, it will be used as your full name when posting news or
submitting a follow-up. If it is not set, the name will be taken
from the file
.B .name
in your home directory. If this file is not present, the name will
be taken from /etc/passwd.
is set, a copy of any articles you post or follow-up to, will be saved
in the specified file. If it is the null string, they will be
copied in 
.I author_copy
in your home directory.
is set, the <filename> you specify when you save or write a file
will be prepended with NEWSBOX unless <filename> is an absolute pathname.
is set, it will be used in place of the .newsrc file in your home directory.
is set, it will be used as the name of your organization whenever you
post an article. The default is compiled in and is usually correct.
Typically, you would only use this if you were reading news at a
site other than normal. (Or if you are trying to be cute.)
Each vnews command may be preceded by a count.  Some
commands use the count; others ignore it. If count is omitted,
it defaults to one. Some commands prompt for an argument
on the second line from the bottom of the screen.  Standard UNIX erase
and kill processing is done on this argument.  The argument is
terminated by a return. An interrupt
(delete or break) gets you out of any partially entered command. 
In the following table, ^B is used as a shorthand for Control-B.
.ta 2.5i
Command		Meaning
A carriage return prints more of the current article,
or goes on to the next article if you are at the end of
the current article. A SPACE is equivalent to CR.
.IP ^B
Go backwards count pages.
.IP ^F
Go forward count pages.
.IP ^D
Go forwards half a page.
.IP ^U
Go backwards half a page.
.IP ^Z
Go forwards count lines.
.IP ^E
Go backwards count lines.
.IP ^L
Redraw the screen. ^L may be typed at any time.
.IP b
Back up one article in the current group.
.IP c
Cancel the article.  Only the author of the article or the super user
can do this.
.IP d
Read a digest.  Breaks up a digest into separate articles
and permits you to read and reply to each piece.
.IP e
Erase.  Forget that this article was read.
.IP f
Submit a follow-up article.
You will be placed in your EDITOR to compose the text of the follow-up.
.IP h
Go back to the top of the article and display only the
.IP l
Redisplay the article after you have sent a follow-up or reply.
.IP n
No.  Go on to the next article without printing current one. 
``.'' is equivalent to ``n''. This is convenient if your terminal
has a keypad.
.IP p
Show the parent article (the article that the
current article is a follow-up to). This doesn't work
if the current article was posted by A-news or notesfiles.  To
switch between the current and parent articles, use the -
command. Unfortunately, if you use several p commands
to trace the discussion back further, there is no command to return
to the original level.
.IP q
Quit.  The .newsrc
file will be updated unless \-x was on the command line.
.IP r
Reply.  Reply to article's author via mail.
You are placed in your EDITOR with a header specifying
To, Subject, and References lines taken from the message.
You may change or add headers, as appropriate.
Add the text of the reply after the blank line, and then exit
the editor.  The resulting message is mailed to the author of the article.
.IP "s [\fIfile\fP]"
Save.  The article is appended to the named file.
The default is ``Articles''.
If the first character of the file name is `|',
the rest of the file name is taken as the name of a program,
which is executed with the text of the article as standard input.
If the first character of the file name is `/', it is
taken as the full pathname of a file.
If $NEWSBOX (in the environment) is set to a full pathname,
and the file contains no `/', the file is saved in $NEWSBOX.
Otherwise, it is saved relative to $HOME.
.IP ug
Unsubscribe to the current group. This is a two character
command to ensure that it is not typed accidentally
and to leave room for other types of unsubscribes (e.
g. unsubscribe to discussion).
.IP v
Print the current version of the news software.
.IP w
Write. Like save
``s'', except that the headers are not written out.
.IP x
Exit.  Like quit except that .newsrc is not updated.
.IP y
Yes.  Print the current article and go to the next.
.IP [\fIn\fP]A
Go to article number \fIn\fP in the current newsgroup.
Decrypts a joke. It only handles rot 13 jokes.   The D
command is a toggle; typing another D re- encrypts the
Print a very verbose header, containing all known information
about the article.
Kill (mark as read) the rest of the articles in the current group. 
This is useful if you can't keep up with the volume in the newsgroup,
but don't want to unsubscribe.
.IP "N [\fInewsgroup\fP]"
Go to the next newsgroup or named newsgroup.
.IP [\fIn\fP]+
Skip n articles.
The articles skipped are recorded as ``unread'' and will be
offered to you again the next time you read news.
.IP \-
Go back to last article.
This is a toggle, typing it twice returns you to the original article.
.IP <
Prompt for an article ID or the rest of a message ID.
It will display the article if it exists.
.IP #
Report the name and size of the newsgroup.
.IP ?
Print an short help message.
.IP !
Passes the rest of the command line to the shell.  The
environment variable $A is set to the name of the file
containing the current article.  If the last character
of the command is a "&", then the "&" is deleted and
the command is run in the background with stdin, stdout
and stderr redirected to /dev/null. If the command is
missing, the shell is invoked. Use the l command (or
essentially any other command) to turn on the display
after the program terminates.
.TP 10
.B vnews
Read all unread articles using the
.IR visual
interface.  The
.I .newsrc
file is updated at the end of the session.
.TP 10
.B vnews \-n all !fa.all \-r
Read all unread articles except articles whose newsgroups begin with
"fa." in reverse order.  The
.I .newsrc
file is updated at the end of the session.
.TP 10
.B "vnews \-n all \-a last thursday"
Print every unread article since last Thursday.  The
.I .newsrc
file is
updated at the end of the session.
.TP 10
.B "vnews \-p > /dev/null &"
Discard all unread news.
This is useful after returning from a long trip.
.PD 0
.TP 40
.RI /usr/spool/news/ newsgroup / number
News articles
.TP 40
Active newsgroups
.TP 40
Help file for
.IR visual
.TP 40
Options and list of previously read articles

			John Bossert
			Data I/O Corporation
			Redmond, WA

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