Ring driver for SUN (Message 1 of 2)

craig at loki.ARPA craig at loki.ARPA
Tue Dec 18 14:20:38 AEST 1984

    This is the cover letter for the sources of the ProNET driver for
the SUN2.  It also makes a good README file.

    The driver distribution contains 5 files:

    vv.4: the manual page (123 lines)
    vv.ms: the installation notes (261 lines)
    vv.h: one of the include files (1 line)
    if_vv.h: the other include file (146 lines)
    if_vv.c: the driver code itself. (1319 lines)

    The distribution itself is in a Bourne shell file, which if
executed, extracts the files from itself.  ("sh -x vv.shar").

    Everything you ought to need to know is in vv.ms, so [nt]roffing
a copy of it should be your first priority.  Vv.4 is the manual page
contains a complete set of driver error messages.  If this still doesn't
satisfy you, try reading if_vv.c -- it is pretty well documented.

    If you want information about the ring net itself, contact
Proteon, Inc.  (617) 655-3340.  You can also reach them by mailing
to acm at mit-borax.


    However, if you do have problems, please direct questions to me
directly (not v2lni-people, and emphatically not any USENET mailing
lists -- I'm not directly on USENET).

Craig Partridge
craig at bbn-loki   {ARPA}
craig%bbn-loki at csnet-relay {CSNET}
{ihnp4,decvax,wjh12}!bbncca!craig {USENET}

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