Fix for problem

Brad Parker brad at gcc-opus.ARPA
Sun Dec 16 01:58:42 AEST 1984

In article <61 at tekadg.UUCP> eric at tekadg.UUCP (E Burrito) writes:
>in FACT - maybe ein SCHTANDART could be sett up mit vhich, ve vill
>enKODE der ZOURCES fur der net.ARKIVE, und, if die artikles ist
>geposten mitout das enkoden, ve vill mit ein automatischenprocessen
>deleten zie!!!     HEIL!!!
>Wank, wank, wank...

it's nice to see that not EVERYONE takes this time sink seriously.
Please make me laugh at least once a month.

You have to admit, some of the nerdware is fun to play with (were
would I be without MON telling me how many pages ares swapped out?)


J Bradford Parker
uucp: seismo!harvard!gcc-opus!brad
otherwise: what else is there ?

"What I did that night,
 what she did that night,
 Realizing my hope
 I thrust myself towards glory..."
	- David Burne

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