uuhosts: extract and display mod.map.all

Bill's area bill at caribou.UUCP
Wed Dec 26 23:17:45 AEST 1984

> : This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh.
> echo x - README
> sed -e 's/^X//' > README << '!Funky!Stuff!'
> XThis is the source directory for uuhosts, which may be used to
> Xautomatically collect map information from mod.map.all and also
> Xto display it to the users.
> X
> XUnlike the version I posted some time back, this one doesn't have
> Xsecurity problems with extracting things from mod.map.all, and it
> Xcan also display UUCP mail paths and USENET map entries faster.
> !Funky!Stuff!
> echo x - Makefile
> sed -e 's/^X//' > Makefile << '!Funky!Stuff!'
> XSHELL=/bin/sh
> X
> X# nmail.paths is found in this directory
> XLIB=/usr/local/lib
> X# Most of the news parameter files and mapsh are in this directory.
> XNEWS=$(LIB)/news
> X# The maps from mod.map.all are under this directory.
> XMAPS=$(NEWS)/maps
> X
> XSOURCES=uuhosts.sh mapsh.c uucp.from.news.sh
> XALL=uuhosts mapsh uucp.from.news
> X
> Xall: $(ALL)
> X
> Xuuhosts: uuhosts.sh
> X	sed -e \
> X's%^LIB=.*$$%LIB=$(LIB)%;s%^NEWS=.*$$%NEWS=$(NEWS)%;s%^MAPS=.*$$%MAPS=$(MAPS)%'\
> X uuhosts.sh > uuhosts
> X
> Xmapsh: mapsh.c
> X	$(CC) -o mapsh -DMAPS=\"$(MAPS)\" mapsh.c
> X
> Xuucp.from.news: uucp.from.news.sh
> X	sed -e \
> X's%^LIB=.*$$%LIB=$(LIB)%;s%^NEWS=.*$$%NEWS=$(NEWS)%;s%^MAPS=.*$$%MAPS=$(MAPS)%'\
> X uucp.from.news.sh > uucp.from.news
> X
> Xinstall: mapsh
> X	cp uuhosts /usr/local/uuhosts
> X	rm $(NEWS)/mapsh
> X	cp mapsh $(NEWS)/mapsh
> X	strip $(NEWS)/mapsh
> X	chown root $(NEWS)/mapsh
> X	chgrp news $(NEWS)/mapsh
> X	chmod 4550 $(NEWS)/mapsh
> X	ls -lg $(NEWS)/mapsh
> X
> Xclean:
> X	rm -f $(ALL)
> X	rm -f *.o
> X	rm -f *.shar
> X
> Xshar:
> X	shar README Makefile $(SOURCES) > uuhosts.shar
> !Funky!Stuff!
> echo x - uuhosts.sh
> sed -e 's/^X//' > uuhosts.sh << '!Funky!Stuff!'
> X#!/bin/sh
> X# '@(#) uuhosts.sh 1.39 84/12/15'
> X
> X# PATH will have to be adjusted for non-BSD systems.
> XPATH=/usr/local:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin
> XLIB=/usr/local/lib
> XNEWS=$LIB/news
> XMAPS=$NEWS/maps
> XNEWSMAPGROUP=mod.map.news
> XUUCPMAPGROUP=mod.map.uucp
> XMAPSH=$NEWS/mapsh
> X
> X# Routing information produced by pathalias.
> Xpaths=$LIB/nmail.paths
> X
> X# The directories $MAPS/$NEWSMAP and $MAPS/$UUCPMAP contain the map information
> X# extracted from the newsgroups mod.map.news (for the USENET news map)
> X# and mod.map.uucp (for the UUCP mail map).  The extraction is done by
> X# a line in $NEWS/sys like this:
> X
> X# maps:mod.map.news,mod.map.mail:B:/usr/local/uuhosts -x
> X
> X# Locally-known USENET news map information should go in $MAPS/$NEWSMAP/Local.
> X
> X# $MAPSH is needed, to use the chroot(2) system call to limit
> X# what can be done when executing a shell with a news article as input.
> X# $MAPS, $MAPS/bin and $MAPS/bin/* must be unwritable by anyone:
> X
> X# $MAPS: total 16
> X# dr-xr-xr-x  6 root     news          512 Nov 11 16:42 .
> X# drwxrwxr-x 19 news     news         1024 Nov 11 16:45 ..
> X# dr-xr-xr-x  2 root     news          512 Nov 11 16:39 bin
> X# drwxrwxr-x  2 news     news         2048 Nov 11 16:42 mod.map.news
> X# drwxrwxr-x  2 news     news        10240 Nov 11 16:39 mod.map.uucp
> X# drwxrwxrwx  2 news     news           24 Nov 11 16:41 tmp
> X
> X# $MAPS/bin: total 59
> X# -r-xr-xr-x  1 root     news        10240 Nov 11 15:29 cat
> X# -r-xr-xr-x  1 root     news         4096 Nov 11 16:33 echo
> X# -r-xr-xr-x  1 root     news        18432 Nov 11 15:29 sed
> X# -r-xr-xr-x  1 root     news        27648 Nov 11 15:29 sh
> X
> X# Update notices are mailed to postmaster (for UUCP) and usenet (for news),
> X# which should be aliases which redistribute to the local mail and news
> X# (respectively) administrators.
> X
> Xcd $NEWS
> X
> Xcase $1 in
> X	-x)
> X		# extract a new map piece into a map directory
> X		temphead=/tmp/maphead.$$
> X		temptext=/tmp/maptext.$$
> X		tempcomm=/tmp/mapcomm.$$
> X		cp /dev/null $temphead
> X		cp /dev/null $temptext
> X		echo 'exec /bin/mail usenet' > $tempcomm
> X		awk '
> X	temphead = "'$temphead'"; tempcomm = "'$tempcomm'";
> X	typeset = 0; isnewsmap = 0; isuucpmap = 0;
> X	shead = 0; stext = 1; snews = 2; suucp = 3;
> X	state = shead;
> X}
> Xstate == shead && ($1 == "From:" || $1 == "Sender:" \
> X    || $1 == "Date:" || $1 == "Message-ID:" || $1 == "Message-Id:") {
> X	print "Original-" $0 >> temphead;
> X	next;
> X}
> Xstate == shead && $1 == "Newsgroups:" {	# no cross-postings allowed
> X	if ($2 == "'$NEWSMAPGROUP'") {
> X		isnewsmap = 1;
> X		typeset = 1;
> X		print "Reply-To: usenet" >> temphead;
> X		print "exec /bin/mail usenet" > tempcomm;
> X	} else if ($2 == "'$UUCPMAPGROUP'") {
> X		isuucpmap = 1;
> X		typeset = 1;
> X		print "Reply-To: postmaster" >> temphead;
> X		print "exec /bin/mail postmaster" > tempcomm;
> X	}
> X}
> Xstate == shead && $1 == "Subject:" {
> X	if ($1 == "Re:" || $1 == "RE:" || $1 == "re:"\
> X	|| !typeset) {	# this requires Newsgroups: before Subject:
> X		print "Subject:  not a map update" >> temphead;
> X		print "Original-" $0 >> temphead;
> X	} else
> X		print $0 >> temphead;
> X	next;
> X}
> Xstate == shead && /^$/	{
> X	if (isnewsmap != 0) {
> X		print "cd '$NEWSMAP'" | "uuhosts -n";
> X		state = snews;
> X	} else if (isuucpmap != 0) {
> X		print "cd '$UUCPMAP'" | "uuhosts -u";
> X		state = suucp;
> X	} else
> X		state = stext;
> X}
> Xstate == shead {
> X		print $0 >> temphead;
> X}
> Xstate == snews	{
> X	print | "uuhosts -n";
> X}
> Xstate == suucp	{
> X	print | "uuhosts -u";
> X}
> Xstate == stext	{
> X	print;
> X}
> X' > $temptext 2>&1
> X		cat $temphead $temptext | sh $tempcomm
> X		rm -f $temphead $temptext $tempcomm
> X		exit 0
> X	;;
> X
> X	-u)
> X		# extract a UUCP map piece
> X		for f in *.a *.ar
> X		do
> X			ar xv $f
> X			rm $f
> X		done
> X		exit 0
> X	;;
> X
> X	-n)
> X		# extract a USENET map piece
> X		exec uuhosts -i
> X		exit 0
> X	;;
> X
> X	-i)
> X		# make an index for the USENET map
> X		awk '$1 == "Name:" { 
> X			printf ("%s\t%s\n", $2, FILENAME);
> X		}' Local [a-z]* | sort -f > Index.$$
> X		mv Index.$$ Index
> X		exit 0
> X	;;
> X
> X	-g)
> X		# by geographical region
> X		shift
> X		if test $# -eq 0
> X		then
> X			exec ls
> X			exit 1
> X		fi
> X		exec cat $*
> X		exit 1
> X	;;
> X
> X	-k)
> X		# by keyword
> X		shift
> X		exec awk '
> XBEGIN		{ inside = 1; outside = 0; state = outside; }
> X/^Name:/	{ state = inside; count = 0; useit = 0; }
> Xstate == inside	{ block[count++] = $0; }
> X/'"$*"'/	{ useit = 1; }
> X/^$/ && state == inside	{
> X	if (useit == 1) {
> X		for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
> X			print block[i];
> X		}
> X	}
> X	state = outside;
> X}
> X' *
> X		exit 1
> X	;;
> X
> X	-*)
> X		# unknown option
> X	;;
> X
> X	"")
> X		# no arguments
> X	;;
> X
> X	*)
> X		# by site name
> X		if [ -x /usr/bin/look ]; then
> X			look=/usr/bin/look
> X			lookopt="-f "
> X		else
> X			look=grep
> X			lookopt="^"
> X		fi
> X		for arg in $*
> X		do
> X			echo 'UUCP mail path:'
> X			$look $lookopt$arg $paths
> X			echo '
> XUUCP mail host information:'
> X			sed -e '
> Xs/^#N/#Name		/
> Xs/^#S/#System-CPU-OS	/
> Xs/^#O/#Organization	/
> Xs/^#C/#Contact	/
> Xs/^#E/#Electronic-Address/
> Xs/^#T/#Telephone	/
> Xs/^#P/#Postal-Address	/
> Xs/^#L/#Latitude-Longitude/
> Xs/^#R/#Remarks	/
> Xs/^#W/#Written-by	/' ${arg}*
> X			echo '
> XUSENET news host information:'
> X			sed -n -e "/^Name:[ 	]*${arg}/,/^$/p" \
> X				`$look $lookopt$arg Index | awk '{print $2}'`
> X		done
> X		exit 0
> X	;;
> Xesac
> X
> Xecho 'Usage:	'uuhosts' hostname ...
> Xfor information about a particular UUCP or USENET host or hosts, or
> X
> X	'uuhosts' -g geographical-region
> Xfor information about USENET news sites in a geographical region, or
> X
> X	'uuhosts' -g
> Xfor a list of known USENET geographical-regions.
> X
> XSee uuhosts(1) for further details and more obscure options.
> X'
> Xexit 1
> !Funky!Stuff!
> echo x - mapsh.c
> sed -e 's/^X//' > mapsh.c << '!Funky!Stuff!'
> X#include <stdio.h>
> X
> X#ifndef MAPS
> X#define MAPS "/usr/local/lib/news/maps"
> X#endif
> X
> Xmain(argc,argv)
> Xint argc;
> Xchar **argv;
> X{
> X	char *rootdir = MAPS;
> X	char *command = "/bin/sh";
> X
> X	if (geteuid() != 0) {
> X		fprintf (stderr, "mapsh must be setuid to root\n");
> X		exit(1);
> X	}
> X	if (chroot(rootdir) == -1) {
> X		fprintf (stderr, "mapsh:  chroot(%s) failed\n", rootdir);
> X		perror ("");
> X		exit(1);
> X	}
> X	if (setuid(getuid()) == -1) {
> X		perror ("mapsh:  setuid(getuid()) failed");
> X		exit(1);
> X	}
> X	if (chdir("/") == -1) {
> X		fprintf (stderr, "mapsh:  chdir(%s) failed\n", "/");
> X		perror ("");
> X		exit(1);
> X	}
> X	execvp (command, argv);
> X	fprintf (stderr, "mapsh:  %s not found\n", command);
> X	perror ("mapsh:  execvp(2) failed");
> X	exit(1);
> X}
> !Funky!Stuff!
> echo x - uucp.from.news.sh
> sed -e 's/^X//' > uucp.from.news.sh << '!Funky!Stuff!'
> X#!/bin/sh
> X#
> X#	This command, uucp.from.news, is a stopgap measure for use until
> X#	the UUCP map is complete.  It extracts mail information from the
> X#	USENET news map and uses it to fill in gaps in the UUCP mail map.
> X#
> X#	It should be called from the news map directory, $MAPS/$NEWSMAP,
> X#	with a list of news map files as arguments, i.e.:
> X#		uucp.from.news *
> X#	It looks through the news map entries for ones with mail information,
> X#	extracts those into individual files in $DIR by host name, and later
> X#	copies all those for which there are not already host entries in
> X#	the mail map directory to the mail map directory,  $MAPS/UUCPMAP.
> X#	The new mail map files all have '-' appended so they can be easily
> X#	distinguished.  If uucp.from.news is run again, such
> X#	$MAPS/UUCPMAP/*- entries will be overwritten.
> X#
> X#	The temporary directory $DIR is removed after the command is done.
> X#
> XPATH=/usr/local:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin
> Xumask 0002
> X
> XLIB=/usr/local/lib
> XNEWS=$LIB/news
> XMAPS=$NEWS/maps
> XNEWSMAPGROUP=mod.map.news
> XUUCPMAPGROUP=mod.map.uucp
> X
> XDIR=uucptmp
> Xmkdir $DIR
> X
> Xawk '
> X	sbetween = 0; sinside = 1; state = sbetween;
> X	Date = "'"`date`"'";
> X	split (Date, date, " ");
> X	Mark = "uucp.from.news " date[3] " " date[2] " " date[6];
> X	dir = "'$DIR'";
> X}
> Xstate == sbetween && $1 == "Name:" {
> X	state = sinside;
> X	last = "";
> X	Name = "";
> X	System = "";
> X	Organization = "";
> X	Contact = "";
> X	Telephone = "";
> X	Postal = "";
> X	Address = "";
> X	News = "";
> X	Mail = "";
> X	Latlong = "";
> X	Remarks = "";
> X	Written = "";
> X	Comments = "";
> X}
> Xstate != sinside {
> X	next;
> X}
> X# { print $0; }
> X$1 == "Name:"		{ Name = $2;		next; }
> X$1 == "Organization:"	{
> X	Organization = $2;
> X	for (x = 3; x <= NF; x++)
> X		Organization = Organization " " $x;
> X	last = $1;
> X	next;
> X}
> X$1 == "Contact:"	{
> X	Contact = $2;
> X	for (x = 3; x <= NF; x++)
> X		Contact = Contact " " $x;
> X	last = $1;
> X	next;
> X}
> X$1 == "Phone:"		{
> X	Telephone = $2;
> X	for (x = 3; x <= NF; x++)
> X		Telephone = Telephone " " $x;
> X	last = $1;
> X	next;
> X}
> X$1 == "Postal-Address:"	{
> X	Postal = $2;
> X	for (x = 3; x <= NF; x++)
> X		Postal = Postal " " $x;
> X	last = $1;
> X	next;
> X}
> X$1 == "Electronic-Address:" {
> X	Address = $2;
> X	for (x = 3; x <= NF; x++)
> X		Address = Address " " $x;
> X	last = $1;
> X	next;
> X}
> X$1 == "News:"		{
> X	News = $2;
> X	for (x = 3; x <= NF; x++)
> X		News = News " " $x;
> X	last = $1;
> X	next;
> X}
> X/^	/ && last == "News:" {
> X	for (x = 2; x <= NF; x++)
> X		News = News " " $x;
> X	next;
> X}
> X$1 == "Mail:"		{
> X	Mail = $2;
> X	for (x = 3; x <= NF; x++)
> X		Mail = Mail " " $x;
> X	last = $1;
> X	next;
> X}
> X/^	/ && last == "Mail:" {
> X	for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++)
> X		Mail = Mail " " $x;
> X	next;
> X}
> X$1 == "Comments:"	{
> X	last = $1;
> X	if ($2 == "last" && $3 == "edited") {
> X		Written = $4;
> X		for (x = 5; x <= NF; x++)
> X			Written = Written " " $x;
> X		next;
> X	}
> X	Comments = $2;
> X	for (x = 3; x <= NF; x++)
> X		Comments = Comments " " $x;
> X	next;
> X}
> X/^$/ {
> X	state = sbetween;
> X	if (Mail == "")
> X		next;
> X	output = dir "/" Name;
> X	printf ("echo x - %s\n", output);
> X	printf ("cat > %s << '\''End-of-%s'\''\n", output, output);
> X	printf ("#N\t%s\n", Name);
> X	printf ("#S\t%s\n", System);
> X	printf ("#O\t%s\n", Organization);
> X	printf ("#C\t%s\n", Contact);
> X	printf ("#E\t%s\n", Address);
> X	printf ("#T\t%s\n", Telephone);
> X	printf ("#P\t%s\n", Postal);
> X	printf ("#L\t%s\n", Latlong);
> X	printf ("#R\t%s\n", Mark);
> X#	split (News, news, "");
> X#	printf ("#R\tNews:  %s", news[1]);
> X#	for (x = 2; news[x] != ""; x++) {
> X#		if ((x % 8) == 0)
> X#			printf ("\n\t");
> X#		else
> X#			printf (", ");
> X#		printf ("%s", news[x]);
> X#	}
> X#	printf ("\n");
> X	printf ("#W\t%s\n", Written);
> X	printf ("#\n");
> X	split (Mail, mail, " ");
> X	printf ("%s\t%s", Name, mail[1]);
> X	for (x = 2; mail[x] != ""; x++) {
> X		if ((x % 8) == 0)
> X			printf ("\n\t");
> X		else
> X			printf (", ");
> X		printf ("%s", mail[x]);
> X	}
> X	printf ("\n");
> X	if (Comments != "") {
> X		printf ("#\n");
> X		printf ("#%s\n", Comments);
> X	}
> X	printf ("\n");
> X	printf ("End-of-%s\n", output);
> X	next;
> X}
> X' $* | sh
> X
> Xcd $DIR
> Xfor f in *
> Xdo
> X	there=$MAPS/$UUCPMAP/$f
> X	if [ -r ${there} ]; then
> X		echo ${there}
> X		continue
> X	fi
> X	if [ -r ${there}. ]; then
> X		echo ${there}.
> X		continue
> X	fi
> X	if [ -r ${there}% ]; then
> X		echo ${there}%
> X		continue
> X	fi
> X#	if [ -r ${there}- ]; then
> X#		echo ${there}-
> X#		continue
> X#	fi
> X	echo new ${there}-
> X	mv $f ${there}-
> Xdone
> Xcd ..
> Xrm -rf $DIR
> !Funky!Stuff!
> exit
> -- 
> John Quarterman, CS Dept., University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 USA
> jsq at ut-sally.ARPA, jsq at ut-sally.UUCP, {ihnp4,seismo,ctvax}!ut-sally!jsq


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