Fix for problem

Shawn McKay shawn at mit-eddie.UUCP
Sun Dec 16 07:01:58 AEST 1984

Since people were VERY rude to me when I posted my requests to
net.sources, Iam starting to question the usefulness of the
newsgroup itself, it's not me feeling that a newsgroup should
be so tightly limited, and that it is really at all called for
to be rude to someone who has gone so FAR as to post something
to perhaps the wrong news group. I am not going to post ANYTHING
to net.wanted.sources, less you can show me that there is an equal
base of people reading that news group. I don't, so allready you
have lost.

The next person who sends me a rude message from this news group
will be written out of my will! And as for another news group
for the LESS EDUCATED folk out there who are more apt to be rude
in such cases, I think this is a great idea, a sort of playpen for
the kiddies. The perhaps the adults can get something useful done.

Reply to this with a flame, and I will post it directly to the
great bit bucket in the sky, (without reading it), reply to me
as you should reply to any user of this news group, or any other
news group, and I will reply the same. Lets have some manners back
to the net, eh?

		Yours In FireFighting,
		   -- Shawn

Uucp: mit-eddie!shawn
Arpa: Shawn at Mit-Mc

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