Post ALL "sources wanted" requests to THIS newsgroup,

Kay Dekker kay at flame.UUCP
Sat Dec 8 08:22:43 AEST 1984


An immediate apology for posting here: by my own argument I condemn myself,
but ...

This is out-of-hand already.  I propose a restructuring of source-related
news, viz.
	1) net.sources
		Source, and source ONLY (on pain of incineration) posted here
	2) net.wanted.sources
		Requests (or offers) of software posted here
	3) net.sources.d
		This is where discussions of software, claims of bugs found,
		discussion of source-stuff, and POSSIBLY short bug-fixes.
		(Long fixes (ie big diff scripts) should be posted to
		net.sources with a notification in parallel here.

This seems to me a way of keeping the (very useful) sources newsgroup from
choking on non-germane items.  Ideas, anyone?


PS: if you don't hear from me for a while, have yourselves a ++merry festive

"But you TOLD me to type 'rm * .o', and I DID, and it said 'rm: .o nonexistent', and ...
			... mcvax!ukc!flame!ubu!kay

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