Public Domain Data Analysis Programs

Gary Perlman perlman at wivax.UUCP
Thu Dec 13 23:17:33 AEST 1984

I've received so many requests for information about my
public domain stat package, I thought I would give it a
plug for everyone looking for free software.  This is not
your everyday offer for junnk that won't compile and when
it does, you don't want it anyways.  These are great
programs.  I won't post the code to net.sources.  You can
only get it on tape from me.  All the details you need
follow, so please read carefully.

Gary Perlman/Wang Institute/Tyngsboro, MA/01879/(617) 649-9731


     UNIX|STAT is a set of  UNIX  System  data  manipulation  and
analysis  programs developed at the University of California, San
Diego by Gary Perlman (now teaching at the Wang Institute of Gra-
duate  Studies).   The programs are designed with the UNIX System
philosophy that individual programs should be designed  as  tools
that  do  one task well and produce output suitable for input via
pipes to other programs.  Interactive use  is  supported  in  the
UNIX  System shell which also provides a programming language for
complex analyses.  Typical usage involves a pipeline of transfor-
mations of data followed by input to an analysis program, summar-
ized schematically by:


Functionality often built into statistical packages (e.g., graph-
ics,  sorting  and other data manipulation) is not re-invented in
UNIX|STAT which delegates such responsibility  to  standard  UNIX
System tools.

     easy to use (negligible training period)
     simple input formats (free format field oriented)
     used in pipelines with other UNIX System utilities (sort, vi)
     flexible data manipulation
     data validation provided (range and type checking)
     full documentation support (manual entries, tutorials)
     extensible (many modular C functions)
     faster than most packages (usually < second/analysis)
     small enough for micros (10-25K byte programs)
     runs on any UNIX System (V6, V7, 2.8BSD, 4BSD, III.0, System V)
     public domain software
     in use at > 300 UNIX System sites for four years

     abut      abut data files
     dm        column oriented data manipulator
     io        control and monitor input and output
     maketrix  create matrix type file from free-form file
     perm      randomly permute lines in a file
     repeat    repeat a pattern or file
     reverse   reverse lines and characters
     series    print a series of numbers
     transpose transpose matrix type file

     anova     multi-factor anova (repeated measures & unequal cells)
     calc      interactive algebraic modeling calculator
     critf     critical F-ratio given probability and degrees of freedom
     desc      descriptive statistics, histograms, frequency tables
     dprime    signal detection d' and beta calculations
     pair      paired data statistics, linear regression, scatterplots
     pof       probability of F-ratio given degrees of freedom
     regress   multivariate linear regression
     ts        time series analysis and plots
     validata  verify data file consistency
     vincent   time-series comparison

UNIX|STAT is Public Domain

     The programs have been released to the public and  are  dis-
tributed to anyone who wants them.  Persons wanting to get a copy
of the package should contact me directly.  You can get the pack-
age  for  free if you send me a tape and a prepaid return mailer.
Otherwise, a distribution fee is charged to cover the costs of  a
tape  and mailing ($20.00 U.S.).  Checks should be made out to me
personally.  Documentation for the package is available  free  of

The distribution includes:

     The C source files for all the programs.
     The documentation source files.
     A collection of test examples.


     Gary Perlman
     Wang Institute of Graduate Studies
     Tyng Road
     Tyngsboro, MA 01879 USA
     (617) 649-9731
     uucp:     {decvax|brunix}!wivax!perlman


     UNIX|STAT is unsupported, though known bugs have been removed.
     UNIX|STAT may not be distributed for profit.

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