Roff in C

Ken Yap ken at rochester.UUCP
Mon Dec 31 14:46:15 AEST 1984

A while back I translated the text formatter in the book "Software
Tools" into C and then added more functionality. As far as I can tell
it does all that roff used to do with the major exception of
hyphenation.  I have not worked on it for a while and it offered as
is.  If there is sufficient interest in this I will post the sources
and manual page to net.sources.  Mail me your votes. Do not follow-up
this article.
	Ken Yap

UUCP: (..!{allegra, decvax, seismo}!rochester!ken) ARPA: ken at
USnail:	Dept. of Comp. Sci., U. of Rochester, NY 14627.

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