
Test Account -- ArpaMON fgd at cit-vax
Mon Dec 31 14:40:26 AEST 1984

	This program, though short, turns out useful every now and then.
You may want to add echoing on the remote terminal.  Also,  apologies to
non-BSD people.  I havent yet tried it under Amdahl's UTS....

					-- mike

/* Blast into a users terminal.  Great fun, and sometimes useful. */

/* December 1984 */
/* Pasadena CA -- Mike Newton, Caltech 256-80, Pasadena, CA 91125 */

/* newton at cit-vax.ARPA */
/* newton%cit-vax.CSNET */
/* {ucbvax,allegra}!cithep!cit-vax!newton.UUCP */

/* Designed to be run on BSD4.2 systems.  Many work on 4.1 as well */

/* Anyone have any jobs for system andministrators in Hawaii? 
   I am about to graduate and want to go back! */


int errno;

int argc;
char *argv[];
	errno = 0;
	if (argc != 2) fprintf(stderr,"blast: need tty number (only).\n");
	else blast(open(argv[1],O_RDWR,0666));

register FILE *fd;
	char c;

	if (errno) return;

	ioctl(fd,TIOCNXCL,0);		/* turn off exclusive use */

	while ( (c=getchar()) != EOF) ioctl(fd,TIOCSTI,&c);

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