program to unpack MacPaint bitmaps (addendum)

Henry Spencer henry at utzoo.UUCP
Wed Dec 19 08:00:40 AEST 1984

A small but important addendum from my friend:


>From uucp Tue Dec 18 16:55:32 1984
>From oz  Tue Dec 18 15:55:10 1984 remote from yetti
Received: by yetti.UUCP (4.12/4.7)
	id AA00312; Tue, 18 Dec 84 15:55:10 est
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 84 15:55:10 est
From: yetti!oz (Ozan Yigit)
Message-Id: <8412182055.AA00312 at yetti.UUCP>
To: utzoo!henry
Subject: Big boo-boo in the macrst.c (I sent yesterday)

The constant NSCAN should be 20.. I do not know how it become 18 !!
Please post this correction to net.sources.. thnx..


				Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology

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