bug fix to XLISP

Jay C. Weber jcw at cvl.UUCP
Thu Jul 26 02:21:51 AEST 1984

Russ <Smith at nrl-aic> has pointed out a bug in XLISP that others
may be running across.  It seems that the XLISP code, "xldmem.c"
in particular, counts on statics being initialized to NULL.
Although that may be a problem in other parts, he has pointed
out two places where it is can be fatal (Segmentation fault):

$ diff xldmem.c xldmem.old
< static struct segment *segs = NULL;
< static struct node *fnodes = NULL;
> static struct segment *segs;
> static struct node *fnodes;

If others find bugs, I would be glad to hear about them and then
post a bug fix.  I asked before not to address questions to me
because I knew little about the internals of the program; I wouldn't
mind being in charge of bug fixes you report.

Jay Weber
jay at rochester.arpa

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