Reposting - part 7 of 8 - Princeton FORTH v2.0 for the VAX

William L. Sebok wls at astrovax.UUCP
Sat Jul 14 00:26:20 AEST 1984

Part 7 of 8	file with parts before and after "Cut here" lines removed:
	size = 43551 bytes	Checksum = 3007012
---- Cut here and extract with sh not csh-----
mkdir ./vaxforth
/bin/echo 'Extracting ./vaxforth/forth2.S'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >./vaxforth/forth2.S
X/* ================================================================= */

X/* 	input interpreting words
 *	delim WORD --- addr
 *		imbedded newlines in "unix character" files are handled
 *		here:  >LOC is incremented and >IN zeroed if at least
 *		200 bytes from end.  Can't handle this in FIND because
 *		we may not necessarily be seeing forth words if we are
 *		reading from this as a data stream.
 *		Preceeding delimiters are skipped ONLY if delimiter is
 *		Blank (this is slightly non-standard).  Mainly this drops
 *		the old rule that strings can't be zero length (otherwise
 *		the trailing delimiter is interpreted as a leading delimiter).
 *		If delimiter is Blank, then Tab is also accepted as a
 *		delimiter.

9:	.word	9b-fdc7
9:	.set	fdc7,9b
	.long	020021107540	/* WORD (basic input stream parser) */
word:	tstl	blk(%u)		/* get block being interpreted */
	beql	1f		/* if not terminal then interpret block */
	movl	blk(%u),-(%s)
	bsbw	block
	brb	2f
1:	movl	msgbuf(%u),-(%s)/* if terminal then get message buffer */
2:	movl	(%s)+,r0	/* get buffer */
	addl2	in(%u),r0	/* add offset */
	movl	%h,r1		/* current h to r */
	clrb	(r1)+		/* init this counter to zero */
	cmpl	(%s),$BLANK	/* delimiter BLANK? */
	bneq	srchlp		/* if not, then don't skip initial delimiters */

skplup:	movzbl	(r0)+,r2	/* unexpected end of line? */
	beql	stfdel		/* exit for end-of-line action. */
	cmpb	r2,$NL		/* newline? */
	bneq	1f
	bsbb	nl
	brb	skplup
1:	cmpb	r2,(%s)		/* is character a delimiter? */
	beql	skplup		/* yes. */
	cmpb	r2,$TAB		/* is character a tab? */
	beql	skplup

	decl	r0

srchlp:	movb	(r0),r2		/* have we reached the end of line? */
	beql	stfdel		/* yes */
	incl	r0
	cmpb	r2,$NL		/* newline? */
	bneq	2f
	bsbb	nl
	jbr	stfdel

2:	cmpb	(%s),$BLANK	/* delimiter BLANK? */
	bneq	3f
	cmpb	r2,$TAB		/* tab? */
	beql	stfdel
3:	cmpb	r2,(%s)		/* delimiter? */
	beql	stfdel
	movb	r2,(r1)+	/* transfer one byte to dictionary */
	incb	(%h)		/* inc byte counter (at beg. of entry) */
	jbr	srchlp		/* get another character. */

stfdel:	movb	r2,(r1)		/* put delimiter in buffer */
	subl3	-4(%s),r0,in(%u)	/* subtract buffer beginning */
	movl	%h,(%s)		/* return string address */

X/* Handle imbedded newlines */

nl:	cmpl	blk(%u),$CHANBOT
	bgequ	1f	
	decl	r0
	moval	stfdel,(%r)		/* if regular block \n == \0 */

1:	cmpl	in(%u),$(BUFLEN-200)
	bgeq	2f

2:	movl	*darea(%u),r0
	mnegl	$1,locat(r0)	/* mark buffer stale. */
	addl2	in(%u),floc(%u)
	clrl	in(%u)
	moval	word,(%r)	/* restart */

X/* =================================================================== */

X/*  Convert a Character String to a Number. */

X/*       d1 addr CONVERT      d2 addr */

	.set	N.NEG,0x100
	.set	N.FLT,0x200
	.set	N.DBL,0x400
	.set	N.SNG,0x8000

conv:	addl3	(%s)+,$1,r2	/* pointer (start at addr + 1) */
	movl	(%s)+,r6	/* get high precision part */
	movl	(%s)+,r4	/* get low precision part */
	movzbl	base(%u),r1	/* get base */
	movw	$N.SNG,r3	/* clear flags */
	cmpb	(r2),$'+	/* plus sign? */
	beql	0f		/* yes, ignore. */
	cmpb	(r2),$'-	/* is first char "-" */
	bneq	nmloop		/* no */
	bisw2	$N.NEG,r3	/* mark negative */
0:	incl	r2		/* skip character */

nmloop:	cvtbl	(r2)+,r0	/* get char */
	cmpb	r0,$'9		/* is it above ascii 9? */
	bleq	2f		/* no */
	cmpb	r0,$'a		/* lowercase? */
	blss	1f
	subl2	$('a-'A),r0	/* convert to uppercase. */
1:	cmpb	r0,$'A		/* is it a letter? */
   	blss	notdig		/* no */
	subl2	$7,r0		/* convert to digit */
2:	subl2	$'0,r0		/* convert to number */
	blss	notdig		/* legimate integer? */
	cmpl	r0,r1		/* within current base? */
	bgeq	notdig		/* no */
	tstw	r3
	blss	muldig		/* do not increment digit count if single */
	incb	r3		/* mark another digit */

X/* 	  Multiply by BASE and add digit */

muldig:	mull2	r1,r6		/* multiply high precision part */
	tstl	r4
	blss	1f
	emul	r4,r1,r0,r4	/* multiply low precision part */
	addl2	r5,r6		/* fold together */
	brb	nmloop		/* get next digit */
1:	emul	r4,r1,r0,r4	/* multiply low precision part */
	addl2	r1,r5		/* adjust */
	addl2	r5,r6		/* fold together */
	brb	nmloop

notdig:	cmpb	r0,$(',-'0)	/* anything less than comma is bad */
	blss	endnum
	cmpb	r0,$('/-'0)	/* anything gr than / is bad */
	bgtr	endnum
	bicw2	$N.SNG,r3	/* mark it not single */
	cmpb	r0,$('.-'0)
	bneq	nmloop
	bisw2	$N.FLT,r3	/*  period means floating */
	brb	nmloop		/* continue */

endnum:	tstl	r6		/* any high precision part */
	beql	tstsng		/* no */
	bicw2	$N.SNG,r3	/* yes, mark double */
tstsng:	bitw	$N.NEG,r3	/* negative number? */
	beql	4f		/* no */
	mnegl	r4,r4
	adwc	$0,r6
	mnegl	r6,r6
4:	decl	r2		/* back up to point to offending char */
	movl	r4,-(%s)	/* save low precision part */
	movl	r6,-(%s)	/* save high precision part */
	movl	r2,-(%s)	/* save char pointer */
	cvtwl	r3,dpl(%u)

fltest:	movl	(%s),r0		/* get addr */
	cmpb	(r0),$'e	/* exponent? */
	beql	1f
	cmpb	(r0),$'E	/* exponent? */
	beql	1f
	cmpb	(r0),$'d	/* double exponent? */
	beql	0f
	cmpb	(r0),$'D
	beql	0f
	tstl	(%r)+		/* if not floating we are done */

0:	bisw2	$N.DBL,dpl(%u)	/* mark double */
1:	movl	dpl(%u),(%s)	/* save number flag */
	bicl2	$N.SNG,(%s)	/* clear single int */
	bisw2	$N.FLT,(%s)	/* mark floating */
	clrq	-(%s)		/* init exponent */
	movl	r0,-(%s)	/* save address */
	bsbw	conv		/* get exponent */
	movl	(%s)+,r2
	tstl	(%s)+		/* ignore high part of exponent */
	movl	(%s)+,r0	/* get exponent */
	movl	(%s)+,r1	/* get old dpl */
	subb2	r0,r1		/* subtract off exponent */
	cvtwl	r1,dpl(%u)	/* put dpl back */
	movl	r2,-(%s)	/* put addr back */

9:	.word	9b-fdc3
9:	.set	fdc3,9b
	.long	02530707470	/* CONVERT */
	bsbw	conv
	bsbw	fltest

X/* Compile the shortest possible instruction to put an integer on the stack */

_clrs:	clrl	-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-fdcc
9:	.set	fdcc,9b
	.long	IM+011025204470	/* LITERAL */
lit:	movl	(%s)+,r0	/* get number */
	bneq	1f		/* zero? */
	movw	_clrs,(%h)+	/* compile clrl -(s) */

1:	movzbl	$(0x70+s),-(%s)
	movl	r0,-(%s)	/* set up  s -) xxx # operand */
	movzbl	$0x8f,-(%s)
	tstl	r0
	blss	2f

	movzbl	r0,r1
	cmpl	r0,r1
	jeql	_movzbl		/* compile _movzbl if adequate */

	movzwl	r0,r1
	cmpl	r0,r1
	jeql	_movzwl		/* otherwise, compile _movzwl if adequate */

	jbr	_movl		/* otherwise, compile _movl */

2:	cmpl	r0,$-64		/* is it small negative? */
	bleq	3f		/* no */
	mnegl	r0,4(%s)	/* take absolute value */
	jbr	_mnegl		/* and compile mnegl (will use literal mode)*/

3:	cvtbl	r0,r1
	cmpl	r0,r1
	jeql	_cvtbl		/* compile cvtbl if adequate */

	cvtwl	r0,r1
	cmpl	r0,r1
	jeql	_cvtwl		/* otherwise compile cvtwl if adequate */
	jbr	_movl		/* otherwise compile _movl */

_clrqs:	clrq	-(%s)

X/* Compile double integer constant */

9:	.word	9b-fdc2
9:	.set	fdc2,9b
	.long	IM+02520446300	/* 2LITERAL */
litq:	movq	(%s)+,r0
	bneq	1f		/* zero? */
	movw	_clrqs,(%h)+	/* yes, then compile clrq -(s) */
1:	movzbl	$0x70+s,-(%s)
	movq	r0,-(%s)
	movzbl	$0x8f,-(%s)	/* set up s -) xxx # operands */
	jbr	_movq

_clrff: clrf	-(%f)

X/* compile single precision floating Number */

9:	.word	9b-fdc6
9:	.set	fdc6,9b
	.long	IM+02520446000	/* FLITERAL */
flit:	tstf	(%f)		/* zero */
	bneq	1f		/* no */
	tstf	(%f)+
	movw	_clrff,(%h)+	/* yes, then compile clrf -(%f) */
1:	movzbl	$(0x70+f),-(%s)
	movzbl	$0x8f,-(%s)	/* set up  f -) xxx # operands */
	jbr	_movf

_clrfd: clrd	-(%f)

X/* Compile double precision floating number */

9:	.word	9b-fdc4
9:	.set	fdc4,9b
	.long	IM+02520446000	/* DLITERAL */
dlit:	tstd	(%f)		/* zero? */
	bneq	1f		/* no */
	tstd	(%f)+
	movw	_clrfd,(%h)+	/* yes, then compile clrf -(%f) */
1:	movzbl	$(0x70+f),-(%f)
	movzbl	$0x8f,-(%s)	/* set up  f -) xxx # operands */
	jbr	_movd

X/*   What Shall We do with a Number? */

cnmbr:	subl3	%h,(%s)+,r0	/* delim loc - len of string */
	decl	r0
	cmpb	r0,(%h)		/* cmp with actual len of string */
	beql	1f		/* error if less than */
	movl	$E.QUER,r0
	jbr	abort		/* we got troubles */

1:	bitw	$N.FLT,dpl(%u)	/* floating point? */
	beql	cmint		/* no */
	bsbw	dabs
	cvtld	(%s)+,-(%f)
	beql	2f
	addw2	$0x1000,(%f)	/* x 2**32 */
2:	cvtld	(%s)+,r3
	bgeq	3f
	addf2	$0x5080,r3
3:	addd2	(%f)+,r3
	cvtbd	base(%u),r1	/* float base */
	cvtbl	dpl(%u),r0	/* get exponent */
	beql	cmflt		/* zero? then no need to do anything */
	bgeq	5f		/* positive? */

4:	muld2	r1,r3
	aoblss	$0,r0,4b
	jbr	cmflt

5:	divd2	r1,r3
	sobgtr	r0,5b

cmflt:	bitw	$N.NEG,dpl(%u)	/* Negative? */
	beql	1f
	mnegd	r3,r3
1:	bitw	$N.DBL,dpl(%u)	/* double precision? */
	bneq	cmdbl		/* yes */
	cvtdf	r3,-(%f)	/* move onto floating point stack */
	jlbs	state(%u),flit	/* compile mode? */

cmdbl:	movd	r3,-(%f)	/* move onto floating point stack */
	jlbs	state(%u),dlit	/* compile mode? */

cmint:	tstw	dpl(%u)		/* single? */
	bgeq	1f		/* no, leave double on the stack */
	tstl	(%s)+		/* if single, pop one. */
1:	blbc	state(%u),8f	/* enough if execute mode */

	tstw	dpl(%u)		/* single? */
	jlss	lit		/* compile int */
	jbr	litq		/* compile double int */

	.byte	8f-0f
9:	.word	9b-fdcf
9:	.set	fdcf,9b
	.long	INL+06005201450		/* OCTAL */
0:	movl	$8,base(%u)
8:	rsb

	.byte	8f-0f
9:	.word	9b-fdc4
9:	.set	fdc4,9b
	.long	INL+06444142470		/* DECIMAL */
0:	movl	$10,base(%u)
8:	rsb

	.byte	8f-0f
9:	.word	9b-fdc8
9:	.set	fdc8,9b
	.long	INL+020201402430	/* HEX */
0:	movl	$16,base(%u)
8:	rsb

	.byte	8f-0f
9:	.word	9b-fdc2
9:	.set	fdc2,9b
	.long	INL+011004704460	/* BINARY */
0:	movl	$2,base(%u)
8:	rsb

X/* =================================================================== */

X/* Error handling and System Reset Words */

9:	.word	9b-fdc1
9:	.set	fdc1,9b
	.long	020120452540		/* QUIT */
	movl	rbot(%u),%r		/* reset return stack to bottom */
	movl	msgbuf0(%u),msgbuf(%u)	/* reset msgbuf */

X/*  Unlock Buffers */
	movl	darea(%u),r2	/* get buff descriptor */
	movl	(r2)+,r0	/* get buff */
	movl	(r2),r1		/* get buffer count */
1:	cmpl	own(r0),%u
	bneq	2f
	clrb	lock(r0)
	clrl	own(r0)
2:	movl	(r0),r0
	sobgtr	r1,1b

	clrl	blk(%u)		/* interpret from keyboard */
	clrl	in(%u)		/* start at first byte */
	movl	quitadd(%u),r0
	beql	6f
	clrl	quitadd(%u)	/* clear to prevent recursive behavior */
	subl2	$6,r0		/* go to code address */
	jsb	(r0)		/* do it */
6:	jbr	newlin		/* get new line and go to goloop */

9:	.word	9b-fdcd
9:	.set	fdcd,9b
	.long	0515142470		/* MESSAGE */
messag:	movl	(%s)+,r0		/* get message number */
	movzbl	msglen[r0],-(%r)	/* get length of message */
	movzwl	msgstr[r0],-(%s)	/* get location of message */
	clrl	-(%s)
	movl	msgfil,-(%s)
	bsbw	s_seek			/* find message in file */
	tstl	(%s)+
	blss	4f
	movl	%r,-(%s)		/* stack contains count as 1st byte */
	bsbw	spush			/* reserve space on string stack */
	moval	1(%c),-(%s)		/* address */
	movl	(%r)+,-(%s)		/* recall count */
	movl	msgfil,-(%s)		/* file descriptor */
	bsbw	s_read
	tstl	(%s)+
	blss	6f
	jbr	sdot			/* print it */

3:	.ascii	" Unable to seek on Message File!!!"
4:	tstl	(%r)+
	moval	3b,-(%s)
	movl	$(4b-3b),-(%s)
	brw	type

5:	.ascii	" Unable to read Message File!!!"
6:	bsbw	sdrop
	moval	5b,-(%s)
	movl	$(6b-5b),-(%s)
	brw	type

X/* Check for various error conditions before continuing compilation.*/

	cmpl	%r,ssbot(%u)	/* has r stack overflowed into string stack? */
	bgtru	1f		/* no */
	movl	$E.ROVER,r0
	jbr	abort
	cmpl	%f,sbot(%u)	/* has flt stack overflowed into param stack? */
	bgtru	2f		/* no */
	movl	$E.FOVER,r0
	jbr	abort
	cmpl	%f,fsbot(%u)	/* has flt stack underflowed. */
	blequ	3f		/* no */
	movl	$E.FEMPT,r0
	jbr	abort
	cmpl	%s,sbot(%u)	/* is stack pointer below bottom? */
	blequ	4f		/* no */
	movl	$E.SBOT,r0	/* yes, abort */
	jbr	abort
	movl	$E.DFULL,r2	/* prepare message just in case. */
	movl	%h,r0
	pushal	goloop		/* chksiz also used by ALLOT */

chksiz:	moval	FREESIZE(r0),r0	/* add allowed free area size */
	cmpl	r0,%s		/* overflow into stack region? */
	bgequ	5f		/* yes */
	bisl2	$01777,r0	/* round upward to next */
	incl	r0		/*   even block */
	cmpl	r0,sbreak	/* same as previous memory break? */
	beql	7f		/* yes, then done. */
	movl	r0,sbreak
	pushl	r0
 * We must use the chmk rather than a call to the C _brk routine as the C
 * brk routine maintains local variables that are incompatible with the forth
 * environment
	pushl	$1
	movl	%r,ap
#ifdef BSD4_2
#	define	SYS_brk	17		/* Grrrr... */
	chmk	$SYS_brk
	chmk	$break
	bcs	5f
	addl2	$8,%r
7:	rsb

5:	movl	r2,r0		/* get error msg. */
	jbr	abort

9:	.word	9b-fdc1
9:	.set	fdc1,9b
	.long	012074606050		/* ALLOT */
	addl2	%h,(%s)
	movl	(%s),r0
	movl	$E.ADOVF,r2	/* prepare message */
	bsbw	chksiz
	movl	(%s)+,%h

X/*  Signal handling. */

#ifdef FPROMPT
	.align	1
ctrlz:	.word	0x0000
	movl	owner,%u
	bsbw	treset
#ifdef BSD4_2
	pushl	$0
	calls	$1,_sigsetmask
	calls	$0,_getpid
	pushl	$18
	pushl	r0
	calls	$2,_kill	/* process stops here */
	pushal	ctrlz
	pushl	$18
	calls	$2,_signal

	.align	1
ctrlc:	.word	3
	pushal	ctrlc
	pushl	$2
	clrl	-(%s)
	brb	resig

	.align	1
e.inst:	.word	3
	pushal	e.inst
	pushl	$4
	movl	$E.INSTR,-(%s)
	brb	resig

	.align	1
e.flt:	.word	3
	pushal	e.flt
	pushl	$8
	movl	$E.FLT,-(%s)
	brb	resig

	.align	1
e.bus:	.word	3
	pushal	e.bus
	pushl	$10
	movl	$E.BUS,-(%s)
	brb	resig

	.align	1
e.addr:	.word	3
	pushal	e.addr
	pushl	$11
	movl	$E.ADDR,-(%s)
	brb	resig

	.align	1
e.sarg:	.word	3
	pushal	e.sarg
	pushl	$12
	movl	$E.SARG,-(%s)
	/* fall into */

resig:	calls	$2,_signal
	addl2	$32,%r

tabort: movc3	$80,(%r),trpad0		/* save stack frame for debugging */
#ifdef BSD4_2
	pushl	$0
	calls	$1,_sigsetmask
	brb	questn

9:	.word	9b-fdc1
9:	.set	fdc1,9b
	.long	012110741050		/* ABORT */
aabort:	clrl	r0
	jbr	abort

9:	.word	9b-adc5
9:	.set	adc5,9b
	.long	07511102560		/* UERROR (UNIX system call error) */
uerror:	addl2	$U.ERR,r0		/*  add offset into message table */
	jbr	abort

9:	.word	9b-fdc1
9:	.set	fdc1,9b
	.long	012114252500		/* QUESTION */
questn:	movl	(%s),r0		/* get message number */
	movl	owner,%u	/* restore u */
	movl	rbot(%u),%r	/* restore r */
	movl	sbot(%u),%s	/* restore s */
	movl	fsbot(%u),%f	/* restore floating point stack */
	movl	ssbot(%u),%c	/* restore string stack */
	movl	typer0(%u),typer(%u)	/* reset typer */
	movl	reader0(%u),reader(%u)	/* reset reader */
	clrl	state(%u)	/* reset to execution state */
	movl	$1,lcknt(%u)	/* only one buffer locked */
	movl	blk(%u),(%s)	/* save block number for later inspection. */
	movl	r0,-(%s)		/* examine message number */
0:	bgtr	quest
	mnegl	(%s),(%s)		/* if <0 don't print name of offender.*/
	bgtr	qarea
	tstl	(%s)+
	brb	pcr		/* if zero print just <cr> */

quest:	movl	%h,-(%s)
	bsbw	count
	bsbw	type		/* print name of offender */
qarea:	bsbw	messag
pcr:	bsbw	cr
	brw	quit

9:	.word	9b-fdc8
9:	.set	fdc8,9b
	.long	020201012430		/*  HUP  turn on signals */
hup:	pushal	ctrlc			/*  ^C */
	pushl	$2
	bsbb	signl
	pushal	e.inst	
	pushl	$4	
	bsbb	signl		/*  Illegal Instruction */
	pushal	e.flt
	pushl	$8
	bsbb	signl		/*  Floating point exception */
	pushal	e.bus
	pushl	$10
	bsbb	signl		/*  Bus Error */
	pushal	e.addr
	pushl	$11
	bsbb	signl		/*  Illegal Address */
	pushal	e.sarg
	pushl	$12
	bsbb	signl		/*  Error in System Call args. */
	pushl	$1
	pushl	$13
	bsbb	signl		/*  Write on broken pipe. */
#ifdef FPROMPT
	pushal	ctrlz
	pushl	$18
	bsbb	signl		/* keyboard stop */

signl:	movl	(%r)+,r6
	calls	$2,_signal
	jmp	(r6)

9:	.word	9b-fdce
9:	.set	fdce,9b
	.long	010124407450		/*  NOHUP  turn off signals */
nohup:	pushl	$1
	pushl	$2
	bsbb	signl		/*  ^C */

X/* ========================================================================== */

X/*   Various System Constants */

9:	.word	9b-fdcf
9:	.set	fdcf,9b
	.long	0510250000		/* OPERATOR */
	moval	user,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-fdc4
9:	.set	fdc4,9b
	.long	020201007530		/* TOP */
	movl	utop,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-fdc5
9:	.set	fdc5,9b
	.long	011045307050		/* ENVIR  loc of environment strings */
	movl	envir,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-fdc5
9:	.set	fdc5,9b
	.long	02550451550		/* USIZE  size of user area */
	movl	$usiz,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-fdcd
9:	.set	fdcd,9b
	.long	04430351460		/* MSGFIL */
	movl	msgfil,-(%s)

	.byte	8f-0f
9:	.word	9b-fdc5
9:	.set	fdc5,9b
	.long	INL+020111102540	/* UERR */
0:	movl	$U.ERR,-(%s)
8:	rsb

9:	.word	9b-fdc4
9:	.set	fdc4,9b
	.long	02005011160		/* TRPADD */
	moval	trpadd,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-fdc6
9:	.set	fdc6,9b
	.long	020201400530		/* VAX */
0:	bsbw	stri
	.ascii	"\003vax"

9:	.word	9b-fdcd
9:	.set	fdcd,9b
	.long	020040140440		/* MACH */
	brb	0b

9:	.word	9b-fdc6
9:	.set	fdc6,9b
	.long	020110442040		/* FDIR */
	bsbw	stri
	.byte	8f-0f
0:	.ascii	FDIR
8:	rsb

#ifdef BSD4_2
9:	.word	9b-fdc4
9:	.set	fdc4,9b
	.long	IM+011413127360		/* 4.2BSD */
X/* ======================================================================== */

X/* 	Assembler Dictionary (Resident Assembler) */

	.set	OP_MASK,1
	.set	OP_BOFF,2
	.set	OP_WOFF,3
	.set	OP_BYTE,4
	.set	OP_WORD,5
	.set	OP_LONG,6
	.set	OP_QUAD,7
	.set	OP_FLT,8
	.set	OP_DBL,9
	.set	OP_OCT,10
	.set	OP_GFLT,11
	.set	OP_HFLT,12

9:	.word	9b-adcf
9:	.set	adcf,9b
	.long	020202010020	/* OP assemble a VAX instruction */
	bsbw	create
	cvtlb	(%s)+,(%h)+
1:	cvtlb	(%s)+,(%h)+	/* compile into parameter byte string */
	bneq	1b		/* null byte ends string */
	bsbw	semcod

op:	movl	(%r)+,r6	/* get parameter */
oploop:	movzbl	(r6)+,r5	/* get param */
	bneq	0f		/* end of params */
	rsb			/* yes, return */
0:	cmpb	r5,$OP_MASK	/* mask operand? */
	bneq	1f
	cvtlw	(%s)+,(%h)+	/* compile directly */
	brb	oploop
1:	cmpb	r5,$13		/* opcode? */
	blssu	2f
	movb	r5,(%h)+	/* compile 2nd byte of 2 byte opcode */
	brb	oploop
2:	cmpb	r5,$OP_BYTE
	blssu	3f
	bsbb	opcod		/* handle normal operand */
	brb	oploop
3:	subl3	%h,(%s)+,r0	/* handle displacement operand */
	decl	r0
	cmpb	r5,$OP_BOFF	/* byte displacement? */
	bneq	4f
	movb	r0,(%h)+	/* compile byte displacement */
	brb	oploop
4:	subw3	$1,r0,(%h)+	/* compile word displacement */
	brb	oploop

opcod:	movl	(%s)+,r0
	cmpl	r0,$0xff	/* address? */
	blequ	1f
	tstl	-(%s)		/* if address, back up */
	movzbl	$0xAF,r0	/* and compile byte relative (if possible) */
1:	movb	r0,(%h)+	/* compile operand code */
	cmpb	r0,$0xA0	/* relative? */
	bgequ	oprel
	cmpb	r0,$0x10
	bgequ	2f
	addb2	$0x50,-1(%h)	/* convert to register mode */
2:	cmpv	$4,$4,r0,$4	/* indexed? */
	bneq	3f
	decl	r6		/* back up operand pointer */
3:	cmpb	r0,$0x9f	/* absolute? */
	bneq	4f
	movl	(%s)+,(%h)+	/* compile absolute */
4:	cmpb	r0,$0x8f	/* immediate? */
	beql	opcon		/* compile immediate */

oprel:	clrl	r2
	cmpzv	$0,$4,r0,$0xf	/* relative mode? */
	bneq	by
	subl2	%h,(%s)		/* if relative, compute displacement */
	decl	(%s)
	incl	r2		/* flag it */

by:	cvtbl	(%s),r1
	cmpl	r1,(%s)		/* does it fit within byte? */
	bneq	wo
	cvtlb	(%s)+,(%h)+	/* compile byte */

wo:	addb2	$0x20,-1(%h)	/* convert to word indexed */
	blbc	r2,1f		/* relative? */
	decl	(%s)		/* account for extra displacement byte */
1:	cvtwl	(%s),r1		/* does it fit within word? */
	cmpl	r1,(%s)
	bneq	lo
	cvtlw	(%s)+,(%h)+	/* compile word */

lo:	addb2	$0x20,-1(%h)	/* convert to long relative */
	blbc	r2,1f		/* relative? */
	subl3	$2,(%s)+,(%h)+	/* account for 2 more bytes in displacement */

1:	movl	(%s)+,(%h)+	/* compile long */

opcon:	caseb	r5,$OP_BYTE,$OP_DBL
1:	.word	bycon-1b
	.word	wocon-1b
	.word	locon-1b
	.word	qucon-1b
	.word	flcon-1b
	.word	dbcon-1b

bycon:	cvtlb	(%s)+,r1
	bsbb	tslit
	movb	r1,(%h)+	/* compile byte constant */

wocon:	cvtlw	(%s)+,r1
	bsbb	tslit
	movw	r1,(%h)+	/* compile word constant */

locon:	movl	(%s)+,r1
	bsbb	tslit
	movl	r1,(%h)+	/* compile long constant */

qucon:	movq	(%s)+,r1
	tstl	r2		/* anything in upper part? */
	bneq	1f
	bsbb	tslit
1:	movq	r1,(%h)+	/* compile quad constant */

flcon:	movf	(%f)+,r1
	bsbb	ftslit
	movf	r1,(%h)+	/* compile flt constant */

dbcon:	movd	(%f)+,r1
	tstl	r2		/* anything in low precision part? */
	bneq	1f
	bsbb	ftslit
1:	movd	r1,(%h)+

tslit:	cmpl	r1,$63		/* within range for literal mode */
	bgtru	1f
	movb	r1,-1(%h)	/* compile literal mode */
	tstl	(%r)+		/* don't return */
1:	rsb

ftslit:	bicl3	$0x03f0,r1,r0	/* isolate bits which must 0x4000 */
	cmpl	r0,$0x4000	/* is it a possible flt literal */
	bneq	1f
	extzv	$4,$6,r1,r0	/* extract relevant bits */
	movb	r0,-1(%h)	/* and compile them */
	tstl	(%r)+		/* don't return (we're done) */
1:	rsb

X/*   Register Names */

9:	.word	9b-adc5
9:	.set	adc5,9b
	.long	020202020110	/* U (points to current user area) */
	movl	$7,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adc8
9:	.set	adc8,9b
	.long	020202020010	/* H (points to beginning of free area) */
	movl	$8,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	020202020010	/* C (points to top of string stack) */
	movl	$9,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adc6
9:	.set	adc6,9b
	.long	020202020010	/* F (points to top of floating point stack) */
	movl	$10,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	020202020110	/* S (points to top of parameter stack) */
	movl	$11,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
	.long	020202020110	/* R (points to top of return stack) */
	movl	$14,-(%s)

X/*  Addressing Modes */

9:	.word	9b-adc9
9:	.set	adc9,9b
	.long	020202020210		/* )  */
	cmpl	(%s),$0xf
	bgtru	1f
	bisb2	$0x60,(%s)		/* convert to register deferred mode */
1:	cmpl	(%s),$0xff
	blequ	2f
	movzbl	$0xbf,-(%s)		/* convert addr to relative deferred */
2:	addb2	$0x10,(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adc9
9:	.set	adc9,9b
	.long	020202025620		/* )+ */
	addb2	$0x80,(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	020202024620		/* -) */
	addb2	$0x70,(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	020202020110		/* ] */
	addb2	$0x40,(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adc9
9:	.set	adc9,9b
	.long	020202024620		/* )) */
	addb2	$0xa0,(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	020202020210	/* # (immediate mode) */
	movl	$0x8f,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
	.long	020202021420	/* @# (absolute mode) */
	movl	$0x9f,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
	.long	020202024520	/* R)  (relative mode -- default) */
	movl	$0xaf,-(%s)

X/*  Instruction Set */

9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
	.long	020200442530	/* REI */
	movb	$2,(%h)+	

9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
	.long	020201202530	/* RET */
	movb	$4,(%h)+

9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
	.long	020200111530	/* RSB */
	movb	$5,(%h)+

9:	.word	9b-adc9
9:	.set	adc9,9b
	.long	014024207050	/* INDEX */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	0020200151030	/* CRC */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adc9
9:	.set	adc9,9b
	.long	012505147060	/* INSQUE */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x0e,OP_LONG,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
	.long	0012504642560	/* REMQUE */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x0f,OP_LONG,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adca
9:	.set	adca,9b
	.long	0020200111430	/* JSB */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x16,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adca
9:	.set	adca,9b
	.long	020201006430	/* JMP */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x17,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	031415307450	/* MOVC3 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x28,OP_WORD,OP_LONG,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	031415006450	/* CMPC3 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x29,OP_WORD,OP_LONG,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	01470041550	/* SCANC */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	01470050150	/* SPANC */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	032415307450	/* MOVC5 */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	032415006450	/* CMPC5 */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	01521307450	/* MOVTC */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	012521307460	/* MOVTUC */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	06135213050	/* CVTWL */
_cvtwl:	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x32,OP_WORD,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	01135213050	/* CVTWB */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x33,OP_WORD,OP_BYTE,0

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	04015200460	/* MATCHC */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adcc
9:	.set	adcc,9b
	.long	020014147440	/* LOCC */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x3a,OP_BYTE,OP_WORD,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	020015005540	/* SKPC */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x3b,OP_BYTE,OP_WORD,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	06135513050	/* MVZWL */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x3c,OP_WORD,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
	.long	020134101440	/* ACBW */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	013405307450	/* MOVAW */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x3e,OP_WORD,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
	.long	013405152550	/* PUSAW */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x3f,OP_WORD,0

9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
	.long	031030202050	/* ADDF2 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x40,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
	.long	031430202050	/* ADDF3 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x41,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	031030112550	/* SUBF2 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x42,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	031430112550	/* SUBF3 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x43,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	031030612450	/* MULF2 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x44,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	031430612450	/* MULF3 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x45,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
	.long	031031304450	/* DIVF2 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x46,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
	.long	031431304450	/* DIVF3 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x47,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	01031213050	/* CVTFB */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x48,OP_FLT,OP_BYTE,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	013431213050	/* CVTFW */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x49,OP_FLT,OP_WORD,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	06031213050	/* CVTFL */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x4a,OP_FLT,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	03111213060	/* CVTRFL */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x4b,OP_FLT,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
	.long	031431304450	/* DIVF3 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x47,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	03011213050	/* CVTBF */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x4c,OP_BYTE,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	03135213050	/* CVTWF */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x4d,OP_WORD,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
	.long	031431304450	/* DIVF3 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x47,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	03061213050	/* CVTLF */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x4e,OP_LONG,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
	.long	031431304450	/* DIVF3 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x47,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
	.long	020030101440	/* ACBF */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x4f,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,OP_WOFF,0

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	020031307440	/* MOVF */
_movf:	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x50,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	020031006440	/* CMPF */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x51,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	03034247050	/* MNEGF */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x52,OP_FLT,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
	.long	020031211540	/* TSTF */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x53,OP_FLT,0

9:	.word	9b-adc5
9:	.set	adc5,9b
	.long	03020746450	/* EMODF */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
	.long	03144607550	/* POLYF */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x55,OP_FLT,OP_WORD,OP_BYTE

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	02031213050	/* CVTFD */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x56,OP_FLT,OP_DBL,0

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	020021307440	/* MOVD */
_movd:	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x70,OP_DBL,OP_DBL,0

9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
	.long	020060411440	/* ASHL */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x78,OP_BYTE,OP_LONG,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
	.long	020104411440	/* ASHQ */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x79,OP_BYTE,OP_QUAD,OP_QUAD,0

9:	.word	9b-adc5
9:	.set	adc5,9b
	.long	020061246440	/* EMUL */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adc5
9:	.set	adc5,9b
	.long	020130442040	/* EDIV */
	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	020105106040	/* CLRQ */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x7c,OP_QUAD,0

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	020105307440	/* MOVQ */
_movq:	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x7d,OP_QUAD,OP_QUAD,0

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	010405307450	/* MOVAQ */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x7e,OP_QUAD,OP_LONG,0

9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
	.long	010405152550	/* PUSAQ */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x7f,OP_QUAD,0

9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
	.long	031010202050	/* ADDB2 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x80,OP_BYTE,OP_BYTE,0

9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
	.long	031410202050	/* ADBB3 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x81,OP_BYTE,OP_BYTE,OP_BYTE,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	031010112550	/* SUBB2 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x82,OP_BYTE,OP_BYTE,0

9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
	.long	031410112550	/* SUBB3 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x83,OP_BYTE,OP_BYTE,OP_BYTE,0

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	031010612450	/* MULB2 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x84,OP_BYTE,OP_BYTE,0

9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
	.long	031410612450	/* MULB3 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x85,OP_BYTE,OP_BYTE,OP_BYTE,0

9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
	.long	031011304450	/* DIVB2 */
	bsbw	op
	.byte	0x86,OP_BYTE,OP_BYTE,0

9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
	.long	031411304450	/* DIVB3 */
	bsbw	op
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc8
9:	.set	adc8,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc8
9:	.set	adc8,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc9
9:	.set	adc9,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc8
9:	.set	adc8,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc8
9:	.set	adc8,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc9
9:	.set	adc9,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc8
9:	.set	adc8,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc8
9:	.set	adc8,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc9
9:	.set	adc9,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc4
9:	.set	adc4,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcd
9:	.set	adcd,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc6
9:	.set	adc6,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc6
9:	.set	adc6,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc5
9:	.set	adc5,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc5
9:	.set	adc5,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc9
9:	.set	adc9,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
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_acbl:	bsbw	op

9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc3
9:	.set	adc3,9b
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X/*  Condition Codes */

9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc0
9:	.set	adc0,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc8
9:	.set	adc8,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adcc
9:	.set	adcc,9b
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9:	.word	9b-adce
9:	.set	adce,9b
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anot:	xorb2	$1,(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adc5
9:	.set	adc5,9b
	.long	06045207150		/* UNTIL */
auntil:	cvtlb	(%s)+,(%h)+
	subl3	%h,(%s)+,r0
	decl	r0
	cvtbl	r0,r1
	cmpl	r0,r1
	bneq	1f
	xorb2	$1,-1(%h)
	movb	r0,(%h)+
1:	movw	$0x3103,(%h)+		/* compile 3 byte offset & brw opcode */
	subw3	$3,r0,(%h)+

9:	.word	9b-adca
9:	.set	adca,9b
	.long	020011141040		/* jbsb */
_jbsb:	subl3	%h,(%s)+,r0
	subl2	$2,r0
	cvtbl	r0,r1
	cmpl	r0,r1
	bneq	1f
	movb	$0x10,(%h)+	/* compile bsbb */
	movb	r0,(%h)+

1:	decl	r0
	cvtwl	r0,r1
	cmpl	r0,r1
	bneq	2f
	movb	$0x30,(%h)+	/* compile bsbw */
	movw	r0,(%h)+	

2:	movw	$0x9f16,(%h)+	/* compile jsb *$  */
	movl	-4(%s),(%h)+

9:	.word	9b-adc2
9:	.set	adc2,9b
	.long	020202011020		/* BR */
_br:	pushl	%h			/* save h */
	bsbw	_jbsb
	incb	*(%r)+

9:	.word	9b-adc9
9:	.set	adc9,9b
	.long	020202003020		/* IF */
aif:	cvtlb	(%s),(%h)+	/* compile branch opcode */
	movw	$0x3103,(%h)+	/* compile displacement of 3 and BRW opcode */
	clrw	(%h)+		/* reserve space for BRW displacement */
	movl	%h,(%s)		/* remember position */

X/*  Note in this implementation ASSEMBLER THEN is same as FORTH THEN */
X/*				ASSEMBLER ELSE is same as FORTH ELSE */

9:	.word	9b-adc7
9:	.set	adc7,9b
	.long	020120440540		/* WAIT */
	moval	c_wait,-(%s)

9:	.word	9b-adc1
9:	.set	adc1,9b
	.long	012110741050		/* ABORT */
	moval	abort,-(%s)

//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 ./vaxforth/forth2.S
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld ./vaxforth/forth2.S
----Cut here. If this line isn't here something is missing-----------
Bill Sebok			Princeton University, Astrophysics

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