random password generator

Robert Perlberg perl at rdin2.UUCP
Sat Jul 28 00:02:32 AEST 1984

<Isn't it sad what happened to the G'gugvunts and the Vl'hurgs?>

>Try this from the cshell:
>while (1)
>? randpasswd -w
>? sleep 1
>? end
>... the "sleep" will give you time to decide if you liked the
>previous password.

You've been caught, Charles.  I ran the above loop without
the sleep and found out why you REALLY put the sleep in.
Since the random number generator is seeded by the time of
day IN SECONDS, two runs of randpasswd within the same
second will generate the same password.  Users of randpasswd
should keep this in mind if using randpasswd to generate a
block of passwords that will not be examined.

Robert Perlberg
Resource Dynamics Inc.
New York

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