ANSI 3.64 termcap entry

Hugh Hansard mlhhh at emory.UUCP
Sun Jul 22 11:40:42 AEST 1984

# Hugh Hansard -- 7/20/84
# The following is an entry for the full ANSI 3.64 (1977).  It lacks
# padding, but most terminals using the standard are "fast" enough
# not to require any -- even at 9600 bps.  If you encounter problems,
# try including the padding specifications.
# Note: the "as" and "ae" specifications are not implemented here, for
# the available termcap documentation does not make clear WHICH alternate
# character set to specify.  ANSI 3.64 seems to make alowances for several. 
# Please make the appropriate adjustments to fit your needs -- that is 
# if you will be using alternate character sets.
# There are very few terminals running the full ANSI 3.64 standard,
# so I could only test this entry on one verified terminal (Visual 102). 
# I would appreciate the results on other terminals sent to me.
# Please report comments, changes, and problems to:
# U.S. MAIL:   Hugh Hansard
#              Box: 22830
#              Emory University
#              Atlanta, GA. 30322.
# USENET {akgua,msdc,sb1,sb6,gatech}!emory!mlhhh.
An|ANSI|ansi-trial|ansi 3.64 standard:\

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