NEW - Bug in compress program (really C compiler)

Spencer W. Thomas thomas at utah-gr.UUCP
Wed Jul 18 03:22:51 AEST 1984

(This is a reposting with a fix in my original bug fix.)

Jim McKie (mcvax!jim) has uncovered what is apparently a bug in the C
compiler which causes the compress program to improperly compress large
files.  The calls to the output routine, coded as
	output( (code_int) ent->code );
cause sign extension of the code (oops).  Since they are declared as
unsigned ints, I can only assume that the C compiler is at fault here.
Unfortunately, code_int can't be declared as unsigned, since it is
necessary to pass a -1 to output().  His proposed fix is to recode the
statement as
	output( (code_int) ent->code & (maxmaxcode - 1) );
	output( (code_int) ent->code & ((1 << BITS) - 1) );

Another possibility is to declare code_int as unsigned, then instead of
passing -1 to output, to pass (1 << BITS) (also an illegal code).  I
haven't tested this possibility, but it seems as if it should work.
(It won't work on those C compilers which don't allow unsigned long, 
if BITS is >= 16.)

Also, another warning to those of you using pcc on a vax - do NOT
compile compress with -O unless you have installed the bug fix to c2
dealing with extv->cvtwl conversion.

(I hope I haven't lost anything for anyone.  Aren't you glad it doesn't
delete the original file, like compact does?)

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