iPDS version of 'unix2' tool?

Jim Trethewey flamer at omsvax.UUCP
Tue Jul 10 06:50:02 AEST 1984

I couldn't mail this direct -- path name too long.

----- Mail saved at Mon Jul  9 13:47:42 1984
To: intelca!hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!akgua!whuxle!spuxll!abnjh!u1100a!pyuxn!pyuxww!gamma!ulysses!mhuxl!houxm!hogpc!houti!ariel!hou5f!orion!odin!solar!glenn
Subject: Re: iPDS version of 'unix2' tool?
References: <312 at solar.UUCP>

I am unfamiliar with something called "unix2", but we use a program called
ACL (Asynchronous Communication Link) to transfer files between MDS's and
VAXen or Xenix boxes.

The Intel division called DSSO supports ACL on the iPDS.  It is called
ACL Version 2.  Your nearest Intel sales office should be able to order
it for you.

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