Empire source (wanted)

Berry Kercheval berry at zinfandel.UUCP
Wed Jul 11 01:37:50 AEST 1984

Steven Maurer says that "the author of Empire" told him that he (the author)
did not have a working VAX binary.  Well, I got a tape from Peter Langston at 
the SLC Usenix Conferencve with not only Empire, but War, Race, Star Drek,
Grid, Convoy, Dune, Wander, Boggle, Gomoku and others -- in other words 
a standard psl tape.  Everything I have tried out so far works just fine on
my VAX with 4.1BSD. 

Berry Kercheval		Zehntel Inc.	(ihnp4!zehntel!zinfandel!berry)

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