WANTED: DOS2.0 Fix to expand typeahead

Byron Han byron at eosp1.UUCP
Tue Jul 3 02:49:29 AEST 1984

Does anybody out tere in net-land know of any way to expand the piddling
15 character type-ahead buffer that the PC has?  Is there some patch to
make on DOS?  Please mail replies to me and I will summarize.  Thanks in

In-Real-Life: Byron Han			USENET: allegra!eosp1!byron	
	      Exxon Office Systems	BITNET: 6017040 at PUCC (out of money)
	      500 College Road East		TS2552 at OHSTVMA (I'm not there)
	      Princeton, NJ 08540
	      609-734-9200 ext. 229

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