uuencoded buf128.exe for IBM-PC

dgary at ecsvax.UUCP dgary at ecsvax.UUCP
Tue Jul 10 09:19:51 AEST 1984

I believe the referenced posting (a 128-byte typeahead buffer for the
PC) is the one that comes with DeSmet C.  I seem to remember reading
the source at one time and noting that it does a hard jump into ROM,
which would seriously impair compatibility (have not tried it with my
Compaq).  I had also assumed it to be proprietary...

By the way, does this belong in net.sources or in net.micro.ibm?  I
would imagine net.sources is best reserved for UNIX and generally-
applicable C stuff.  Which is the appropriate place?

D Gary Grady
Duke University Computation Center, Durham, NC  27706
(919) 684-4146
USENET:  {decvax,ihnp4,akgua,etc.}!mcnc!ecsvax!dgary

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