Princeton FORTH v2.0 for the VAX, part 2 of 8

William L. Sebok wls at astrovax.UUCP
Tue Jun 26 11:52:14 AEST 1984

Part 2 of 8
--------Cut here and extract with sh not csh ----------------
mkdir ./doc
/bin/echo 'Extracting ./doc/forth1'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >./doc/forth1
!		n addr  ---					112
	Store n at address. "store"

!++		addr  n  ---  addr2				local
	Store word `n' into the memory location pointed to by address `addr',
	leaving on the parameter stack the value of `addr' incremented by one

!EXPON		n fl_f  ---  fl2_f				floating
	Replaces the base 2 exponent of floating point number `fl_f' with a
	new exponent `n'. The base 2 exponent of floating point number f is
	defined here as log2(f) + 1 .

!LCK		n ---						local
	In a Forth kernel that supports co-processes, guarantees that the n'th
	most recently accessed buffer is valid.  Defaults to 1.

!SIGNAL		addr  ---					local
	Lets one set a handler for the end-of-line, QUIT, or ABORT condition.
	`addr' is a pointer to a FORTH word of the sort returned by
		' routine
	This word is executed whenever end-of-line, QUIT, or ABORT, occurs.
	If `addr' is 0 then the handler is removed and no special action
	takes place.  An example of where this facility would be used would be
	to flush the buffered output to a graphics device, or to close files
	which should not be left open.
	  This word is likely to be soon replaced by one which keeps a stack
	of condition handlers, with
		addr -SIGNAL
	provided to remove condition handlers from that stack.

!X!		addr1 addr2  ---				local
	Exchange the contents of `addr1' and `addr2'.
![		addr len  ---  					strings
	Used in definitions of the form:

		addr  len  ![ string...]

	The characters between but not including the necessary leading space
	and the trailing delimiter ( "]", right square bracket), are retrieved
	from the input stream and stored in the memory location of length `len'
	bytes starting at address `addr' (the leading space is needed as a
	delimiter for the forth outer interpreter).

	If `len' is smaller than the length of the string, the string is
	truncated on the right.  If `len' is larger than the string, it is
	padded on the right with blanks.

" 		---  string_s					strings
	Used in definitions of the form:

		" string..."

	The characters between, but not including, the necessary leading space
	and the trailing delimiter (a double quote for the `"' operator,
	a right parenthesis for the `((' operator, or a right square bracket for
	the `[[' operator) are pushed as a string onto the string stack.
	(The leading space is needed as a delimiter for the forth outer
	interpreter). String constants can occur either in definitions or
	can be executed directly.  In definitions they result in their strings
	being compiled for retrieval at execution time. (In this FORTH imple-
	mentation strings longer than 5 characters are kept on a temporary
	file on disk). Because of the necessity of intelligent compile-time
	action, the string constant operators are Immediate operators.
	    The backslash character has been implemented as an escape
	character to allow the inclusion of control characters in strings.
	Generally the these "escape sequences" are the same as those use in
	the character strings of the "c" language (with some extensions).
	The possibilities are:

	\b	=	backspace
 	\e	=	escape char (octal 033)
	\f	=	form feed
 	\n	=	new line (line-feed)
	\r	=	carriage return
 	\t	=	tab
	\?	=	rubout character (octal 0177)
	\\	=	backslash character
	\nnn	=	nnn is up to 3 digit octal number.
	\X	=	X is a capital letter. Value of X with most significant
			3 bits removed,  (i.e. \C = "control C")

	all  other characters following a backslash yield an undefined result.

#		d1_2  ---  d2_2					158
	Generate from an double integer `d1_2', the next ASCII character which
	is placed in an output string.  Result `d2_2' is the quotient after
	division by BASE and is maintained for further processing.  Used
	between <# and #>. pronounced "sharp"

#>		d_2  ---  addr n				190
	End pictured numeric output conversion.  Drop `d_2', leaving the
	text address, and character count, suitable for TYPE. pronounced

#DROP		nn  ...  n3  n2  n1  n  ---			local
	Drop the top `n' items and n itself from the parameter stack.

#ELSE							I,cond.compilation
	Used outside of colon definitions in expressions of the form:

		#IF  . . .  #ELSE  . . .  #THEN

	#ELSE executes after the true clause following #IF.  #ELSE forces
	execution to skip till just after #THEN.  It has no effect on the
	stack.  Token comparison is case independent. (See #IF)

#IF		flag ---				I,cond. compilation
	Used outside of colon-definitions in expressions of the form:

		flag #IF  . . .  #ELSE  . . .  #THEN	or
		flag #IF  . . .  #THEN

	If flag is true, the words following #IF are executed and the words
	following #ELSE are skipped. The #ELSE clause is optional.

	If flag is false, words between #IF and #ELSE, or between #IF and #THEN
	(when no #ELSE is used), are skipped.  #IF-#ELSE-#THEN conditionals may
	be nested to any level.  Token comparison is case independent.

#IFDEF		name_s ---				cond. compilation
	Used outside of colon-definitions in expressions of the form:

		name_s #IFDEF  . . .  #ELSE  . . .  #THEN	or
		name_s #IFDEF  . . .  #THEN

	If there exists an entry named `name_s' in the dictionary, the words
	following #IFDEF are executed and the words following #ELSE are
	skipped. The #ELSE clause is optional.

	If there exists no such entry, words between #IFDEF and #ELSE, or
	between #IFDEF and #THEN (when no #ELSE is used), are skipped.
	#IFDEF-#ELSE-#THEN conditionals may be nested to any level.  Token
	comparison is case independent.

#IFNDEF		name_s ---				cond. compilation
	Used outside of colon-definitions in expressions of the form:

		name_s #IFNDEF  . . .  #ELSE  . . .  #THEN	or
		name_s #IFNDEF  . . .  #THEN

	If there exists no entry named `name_s' in the dictionary, the words
	following #IFNDEF are executed and the words following #ELSE are
	skipped. The #ELSE clause is optional.

	If there exists such entry, words between #IFNDEF and #ELSE, or
	between #IFNDEF and #THEN (when no #ELSE is used), are skipped.
	#IFNDEF-#ELSE-#THEN conditionals may be nested to any level.  Token
	comparison is case independent.

#S		d_2  ---  0 0					209
	Convert all digits of an positive double integer, adding each digit
	to the pictured numeric output text, until the remainder is zero.  A
	single zero is added to output string if the number was initially zero.
	Use only between <# and #> .  pronounced "sharp-s"

#THEN		---					I,cond.compilation
	Used outside of colon-definition, in expressions of the form:

		#IF  . . .  #ELSE  . . .  #THEN		or
		#IF  . . .  #THEN

	#THEN is the point where execution resumes after  #ELSE or #IF (when no
	#ELSE is present).  Token comparison is case independent.

$CD		dir_s  ---				unix_interface
	Change the current directory to `dir_s' (name passed on string stack).
	The error status (0 if okay) is left in user area variable ERRNO.

$CHMOD		fil_s mode  ---				unix_interface
	Change the protection mode of the file `fil_s' to `mode'.  The error
	status (0 if okay) is left in user area variable ERRNO.  Note that if
	one wants to represent the mode in the usual way (three octal digits)
	one has to arrange oneself to enter the number in the OCTAL base.

$CLOSE		fildes  ---					unix_interface
	Close the file descriptor `fildes'.  The error status (0 if okay) is
	left in user area variable ERRNO.

$CREATE		fil_s mode  ---	 fildes 			unix_interface
	Create a new file with name `fil_s', or if the file already exists
	truncate it to zero length.  The file is created with protection mode
	`mode' which need not allow writing.  If successful a new file
	descriptor is returned on the parameter stack and user area variable
	ERRNO is cleared.  If unsuccessful, -1 is returned on the parameter
	stack and the unix error number is returned in user area variable ERRNO.
$DUP		fil1  ---  fil2				unix_interface
	Return a file descriptor fil2 which is a duplicate of file descriptor
	`fil1'.  On error -1 is returned. The error status (0 if okay) is left
	in user area variable ERRNO.

$EXEC		strn_s ... str2_s str1_s str0_s prog_s n  ---  (no return)
	Execute the program whose name is `prog_s'.  `n' is the number of
	string arguments to be passed to this program, str0_s to strn_s.
	This does not count str0_s which is conventionally the name of the
	program being invoked (i.e. the same string, or an abbreviated version
	of, `prog_s'.  The environment passed to this program is the same
	as that originally passed to forth.  The program name `prog_s' must
	be a reachable path name (no $PATH environment variable searching is
	done, at least not yet in this implementation). If it is not able to
	find the program it returns with error status in user area variable

$EXIT		status --- (no return)			unix_interface
	Exit with status (status).  There is no return.  No buffers are
	flushed.  To exit flushing buffers use BYE.

$FORK		---  pid flag				unix_interface
	The current process is duplicated.  Two processes will return from
	$FORK.  The `flag' of the parent will be zero, that of the child will
	be 1.  Normally, $FORK will be followed immediately by an IF statement.
	The pid of the parent will be returned to the child, the pid of the
	child will be returned to the parent.  On error `flag' is set to -1,
	`pid' is undefined and error status is left in user area variable ERRNO.  
$GETPID		---  pid				unix_interface
	The current pid (process id number) is returned.  The error status if
	any (0 if okay) is left in user area variable ERRNO.

$IOCTL		argp request fildes  ---  ret	 		unix_interface
	Do an ioctl(2) system call on the file with file descriptor `fildes'.
	`request' is the type of ioctl request and argp points to a buffer
	large enough to hold whatever (if anything) is returned by the ioctl
	call. For more information on ioctl calls available see the Unix
	manual.  If successful, the number returned by the ioctl call (usually
	0) is returned on the parameter stack and user area variable `errno'
	is cleared.  If If unsuccessful, -1 is returned on the parameter stack
	and the unix error number is returned in user area variable ERRNO.

	At present nothing useful is returned by an ioctl call.  However since
	in the future something useful could (and I believe should) be returned
	I am making $IOCTL return the syscall results.

$KILL		pid signo  ---  			unix_interface
	Send signal `signo' to process number `pid'.  If `pid' is 0 then the
	signal is sent ot all other processes in the sender's process group.
	The error status (0 if okay) is left in user area variable ERRNO.

$LENGTH		fil  ---  len_l				unix_interface
	Return the length in bytes of the file whose file descriptor is `fil'.
	The error status (0 if okay) is left in user area variable ERRNO.
	Note: on the Vax type _l is the same as a single integer.  However
	for portability with machines with 16 bit stack entries one should use
	the words for manipulating _l type quantities to manipulate the
	returned length.

$LSEEK 		offset_2 whence fildes  --- loc_2	unix_interface
	Set a pointer within the file whose descriptor is `fildes' so that
	the next read or write will start from a different location within the
	file.  If `whence' is 0 the pointer is set to `offset' bytes from the
	beginning of the file.  If `whence' is 1 the pointer is set to its
	current location plus offset.  If `whence' is 2 the pointer is set to
	the size of the file plus `offset' (`offset' bytes from the end of the
	file).  The error status (0 if okay) is left in user area variable
	ERRNO.  The resultant number of bytes from the binning of the file is
	returned on the stack as a double integer.
$OPEN		fil_s iomode ---  fildes 			unix_interface
	Open the file named `fil_s' with iomode = 0 input, iomode = 1 output,
	or iomode = 2 input/output.  If successful a new file descriptor is
	returned on the parameter stack and user area variable ERRNO is
	cleared.  If unsuccessful, -1 is returned on the parameter stack and
	the unix error number is returned in user area variable ERRNO.
$PIPE		---  out in				unix_interface
	Create a pipe (a pseudo i/o device in which whatever is written into
	the output file descriptor can latter be read from the input file
	descriptor. The error status (0 if okay) is left in user area variable

$READ		addr  count  fil  ---  retcount			unix_interface

	Read `count' bytes into  a buffer whose address is `addr' from file
	whose file descriptor is `fil'.  If successful, the number of bytes
	read is returned on the parameter stack and user area variable ERRNO
	is cleared.  If If unsuccessful, -1 is returned on the parameter stack
	and the unix error number is returned in user area variable ERRNO.

$SEEK 		offset_l whence fildes  --- loc_l	unix_interface
	Set a pointer within the file whose descriptor is `fildes' so that
	the next read or write will start from a different location within the
	file.  If `whence' is 0 the pointer is set to `offset' bytes from the
	beginning of the file.  If `whence' is 1 the pointer is set to its
	current location plus offset.  If `whence' is 2 the pointer is set to
	the size of the file plus `offset' (`offset' bytes from the end of the
	file).  The error status (0 if okay) is left in user area variable
	ERRNO.  The resultant number of bytes from the binning of the file is
	returned on the stack as a long integer.
	Note: on the Vax type _l is the same as a single integer.  However
	for portability with machines with 16 bit stack entries one should use
	the words for manipulating _l type quantities to manipulate these

$UNLINK		fil_s  ---				unix_interface.
	Unlink (remove, delete) the file `fil_s' (name passed on string stack).
	The error status (0 if okay) is left in user area variable ERRNO.

$WAIT		---  proc stat   			unix_interface
	Wait for a child process to die.   On successful return the pid
	(process id number) of the process that died is returned on the top of
	the stack, with its status below.  The user variable ERRNO is cleared.
	On error return `pid' and `stat' are undefined and error status is in
	user area variable ERRNO.  The most common error number is 9, which
	indicates that there was no child process on which to wait.

$WRITE		addr  count  fil  ---	retcount		 unix_interface
	Write `count' bytes into  a buffer whose address is `addr' from file
	whose file descriptor is `fil'.  If successful, the number of bytes
	written is returned on the parameter stack and user area variable
	ERRNO is cleared.  If unsuccessful, -1 is returned on the parameter
	stack and the unix error number is returned in user area variable ERRNO.

'		--- addr					I,171
	Used in the form:

		' <name>
	If executing, leave the parameter field address of the next word
	from the input stream.  If compiling, compile this address as a literal;
	later execution will place this value on the stack.  An error condition
	exists if not found after a search of the CONTEXT and FORTH
	vocabularies.  Within a colon-definition ' <name> is identical to
	[ ' <name> ] LITERAL.  "tick"

'.'		---  						local
	Insert a period into a pictured numeric output string.  May only be used
	between <# and #> .

'FS		---  addr					floating
	Return the address of the current top of the floating point stack.

'R		---  addr					local
	Returns the address of the current top of the return stack.

'S		---  addr					local
	Returns the address of the current top of the parameter stack (that
	is, where the top of stack was before 'S is executed).

'SELF		---  addr					local,C
	Return the address of the colon definition inside which the reference
	to 'SELF appears.  Used in self-referential constructs.

'SS		---  addr					strings
	Return the address of the top of the string stack.

'SS!		addr  ---					strings
	Set the address of the top of the string stack. This must be an address
	within the bounds of the string stack or all heck will break loose.

'U		---  user					U,local
	Returns address of the currently active user area.  The user area (or
	process control block) contains important forth system variables for
	which different copies need to be kept for different co-processes.
	'U points to the first location in the user area.  This area is zero
	(false) if the co-process connected to the user area is active or
	waiting to become active. This area is non-zero (true) if the process
	is waiting for i/o or otherwise currently inactive. (At present, under
	Unix with no co-processes, this location is alway zero (false)).

(								I,122
	Used in the form:

	( ccc)

	Accept and ignore comment characters from the input stream, until the
	next right parenthesis.  As a word, the left parenthesis must be
	followed by one blank.  It may be freely used while executing or
	compiling.  An error condition exists if the input stream is exhausted
	before the right parenthesis.  "paren"  The right parenthesis is
	pronounced "close-paren"

((		---  string_s					strings
	Used in definitions of the form:

	(( string...)

	The characters between but not including the necessary leading space
	and the trailing delimiter ( ")", right parenthesis), are pushed as a
	string onto the string stack.  (The leading space is needed as a
	delimiter for the forth outer interpreter).  See the definition for `"'
	(The double-quote operator), which has identical behavior but a
	different trailing delimiter.

()		--- addr					U,local
	Leaves an address on the stack.  This variable currently has two uses.
	One use is as a byte pointer to the current position in the output
	buffer used by the routines which convert numbers from binary to ASCII.
	( such as <# , # , HOLD , #> , etc. ).  The second use is as an implied
	index within the VECTOR package, (X sets () to access the first
	element, Y to access the 2nd element, Z to access the 3rd element. See
	documentation of VECTOR package).  The 1st use is likely to be given
	to a variable of a different name in the future.

()STRING							strings
		#_of_elements max_length ()STRING name
			defines an array of character strings whose name is
			`name'.  Space for `#_of_elements' character strings
			each of whose maximum length is `max_length' bytes is
			allocated.  `name' is executed by a call of the form:
		n `name'
			This call references the `n'th string. The address of
			that string (below) and its maximum length (below) are
			placed on the parameter stack by this call.

(.)		n  ---  addr len				local
	Convert single integer `n' to a character string according to BASE. The
	address of the character string is returned as `addr' and its length as

(D.)		n_2  ---  addr len				local
	Convert double integer `n_2' to a character string according to BASE.
	Display the sign only if negative.  The address of the character string
	is returned as `addr' and its length as `len'.

(E.)		x_f  ---  addr count				floating
	Floating point number `x_f' is converted to a character string using
	exponential format (for example -1.345678e+00).  The address of the
	string `addr' and its length `count' are returned on the parameter

(U.)		num_u  ---  addr len				local
	Convert unsigned integer `num_u' to a character string according to
	BASE. The address of the character string is returned as `addr' and its
	length as `len'.

*		n1 n2  --  n3					138
	Leave the arithmetic product of `n1' times `n2'.  "times"

*/		n1 n2 n3  --- n4				220
	Multiply `n1' by `n2', divide the result by `n3' and leave the quotient
	`n4'.  `n4'  is rounded toward zero.  The product of `n1' times `n2' is
	maintained as an intermediate double-integer value for greater
	precision than the otherwise equivalent sequence:  n1 n2 * n3 /

*/MOD		n1 n2 n3  --- n4 n5				192
	Multiply `n1' by `n2,'  divide the result by n3 and leave the remainder
	`n4' and the quotient `n5'.  A double integer intermediate product is
	used as for */.  The remainder has the same sign as `n1'.

+		n1 n2  ---  n3					121
	Leave the arithmetic sum of `n1' plus `n2'.  "plus"

+!		n addr ---					157
	Add n to the word-length value at the address. "plus-store"

++		a1  ---  a2					Local
	Increment address `a1' by one word-length, i.e., add the word length in
	bytes to address a1. 

++!		addr  ---					Local
	Add the number of bytes/word to the address pointed to by addr.

+A		n a1  ---  a2					Local
	Add word offset `n' to address `a1', i.e., multiply `n' by the word
	length in bytes and add to address `a'.  Like A+ except arguments are

+LOOP		n ---						I,C,141
	Add the signed increment `n' to the loop index using the convention for
	+,  and compare the total to the limit.  Return execution to the
	corresponding DO until the new index is equal to or greater than the
	limit (n>0), or until the new index is les than the limit (n<0). Upon
	exition from the loop,  discard the loop control parameters, continuing
	execution ahead.  Index and limited are signed word-length integers in
	the range at least {-32,768 ... 32,767}.  "plus-loop"

,		n ---						143
	Allot a word in the dictionary, storing  `n'  there.  "comma"

-		n1 n2  ---  n3					134
	Subtract `n2' from `n1' and leave the difference `n3'.  "minus"

-!		n addr  ---					local
	Subtract `n' from the word-length value at the address. "minus-store"

--		a1  ---  a2					Local
	Decrement address `a1' by one word-length, i.e., subtract the word
	length in bytes from address `a1'.

--!		addr  ---					Local
	Subtract the number of bytes/word from the address pointed to by addr.

-->								ref I,131
	Continue interpretation on the next sequential screen.  May be used
	within a colon definition that crosses a block boundary. May be used
	in screen format file whether it is LOAD'ed LOADF'ed or FLOAD'ed.

-DROP		n1 n2  ---  n2					Local
	Eliminate the stack element one below the top of the stack.

-INSTALL	name_s blockno mode  ---			Unix-interface
	Install file at specified block number.
	The file with path name `name_s' (passed on the string stack) is opened
	with access mode `mode' and installed in the block mapping table,
	mapping a range of forth blocks starting at `blockno' and equal in
	extent to the size of the file.  If mode=2 (update) and the file
	has read-permission only, the file will be open read-only.
	It will first try the current directory.  If that fails it will try
	the FORTH library directory (i.e. the directory defined by the string
	SDIR).  If the file name begins with a '<' (i.e. a less-than symbol)
	the '<' character is stripped off and only the FORTH library directory
	is searched.  If everything fails an abort is taken.
	NOTE: need to implement a search path.

-MATCH		addr1 len1 addr2 len2  ---  addr3 flag		reference
	Attempt to find string #2 somewhere in string #1.  String #1 consists of
	`len1' characters starting ad address `addr1'. String #2 consists of
	`len2' characters starting at address `addr2'.  Return return as
	`addr3' the address one byte beyond address of the match point within
	string #1.  `flag' is zero if a match exists.

-ROT		n1 n2 n3  ---  n3 n1 n2				Local
	Rotate the top three values in the other direction than ROT, putting
	the top number in the deepest position.

-S?		addr1 cnt1 addr2 cnt2 --- flag			strings
	Compares the character string that starts at `addr1' and contains
	`cnt1' characters with the character string that starts at `addr2' and
	contains `cnt2' characters.  The result of the comparison is returned
	on the parameter stack.
	If the string below is < than the string above ... -1 is returned.
	If the string below is = to   the string above ...  0 is returned.
	If the string below is > than the string above ... +1 is returned.
	The comparison is done with the shorter string extended to the right
	with blanks to bring it to the same length as the longer string.

-SANY		addr1 cnt1 addr2 cnt2  ---  flag		strings
	Searches in the character string that starts at address `addr1' and
	contains `cnt1' characters for the 1st occurrence of any of the
	characters contained in the string that starts at address `addr2' and
	contains `cnt2' characters.  The character number in the first string
	of the match is returned on the parameter stack.  A zero is returned
	if none of the characters in the second string are contained in the
	first string.  -SANY is used to search for a delimiter in a string.

-SNONE		addr1 cnt1 addr2 cnt2  --- flag			strings
	Searches for the 1st character in the character string that starts at
	address `addr1' and contains `cnt1' characters,  which is not contained
	in the character string which starts at address `addr2' and contains
	`cnt2' characters.  The character number in the first string of
	position of the first non-matching character is returned on the
	parameter stack.  A zero is returned if the first string consists only
	of characters from the second string. -SNONE is used to skip over
	leading delimiters in a string.

-TRAILING	addr n1  ---  addr n2				148
	Adjust the character count `n1' of a text string beginning at addr to
	exclude trailing blanks, i.e., the characters at `addr+n2' to
	`addr+n1-1' are blanks.  An error conditions exists if `n1' is
	negative. "dash-trailing"

X.		n  ---						193
	Display `n' converted according to BASE in a free-field format with one
	trailing blank.  Display only a negative sign.  "dot"

X."		---						I,133,strings
	Interpreted or used in a colon-definition in the form:

		." ccccc"
	Accept the following text from the input stream, terminated by a "
	(double-quote).  If executing, transmit this text to the selected
	output device.  If compiling, compile so that later execution will
	transmit the text to the selected output device.  At least 127 char-
	acters are allowed in the text.  If the input stream is exhausted
	before the terminating double-quote, an error condition exists.

	implementation notes:
		1) compiled strings longer than 5 characters are kept on disk.
		2) the high singificance bit of the length byte of the compiled
		   string is used to indicate a disk resident string.
		3) The 'selected output device' is selected by the user variable
		   TYPER.  TYPER points to a control block whose first word
		   points to the address of an output routine.  If this routine
		   is the standard unix terminal output interface UNIXOUT,
		   then the second word will contain the file descriptor number
		   of the output file.
		4) The backslash character has been implemented as an escape
		   character to allow the inclusion of control characters in
		   strings.  Generally the these "escape sequences" are the
		   same as those use in the character strings of the "c"
		   language (with some extensions).  The possibilities are:

		   	chars preceded by a backslash are interpreted as control

			\b	=	backspace
 			\e	=	escape char (octal 033)
			\f	=	form feed
 			\n	=	new line (line-feed)
			\r	=	carriage return
 			\t	=	tab
			\?	=	rubout character (octal 0177)
			\\	=	backslash character
			\nnn	=	nnn is up to 3 digit octal number.
			\X	=	X is a capital letter. Value of X with
					most significant 3 bits removed, 
					(i.e. \C = "control C")
		   all  other characters following a backslash yield an
		   undefined result.
X.D		num_2 dig  ---					local
	Print double integer `num_2' with decimal point embedded `dig' digits
	from the right.  The output includes a trailing space.

X.FR		num_2 dig wid ---				local
	Print double integer `num_2' right justified in a field of `wid'
	characters with a decimal point embedded `dig' digits from the right.
	There is no trailing space.

X.R		n len						reference
	Print `n' right-aligned in a field of `len' characters, according to
	number base BASE.  If `len' is less than the number of characters
	required for `n', no leading blanks are supplied. "dot-r"

X.[		---						strings
	Interpreted or used in a colon-definition in the form:

		.[ ccccc...]
	Accept the following text from the input stream, terminated by a ]
	(right square bracket).  If executing, transmit this text to the
	selected output device.  If compiling, compile so that later execution
	will transmit the text to the selected output device.  At least 127
	characters are allowed in the text.  If the input stream is exhausted
	before the terminating double-quote, an error condition exists. 
	Control characters can be produced by sequences of characters beginning
	with \ (backslash).  For more information about these escape sequences
	see the description of ." (dot double-quote) which has the same
	behavior except for a different trailing delimiter.

X/		n1 n2  ---  n3					178
	Divide `n1' by `n2' and leave the quotient `n3'.  `n3' is rounded
	toward zero.

X//		sa_s sb_s  ---  sab_s				strings
	Concatenate top two strings on string stack, string below on stack
	to the left and string above the stack on the right.

X//PRFX		sa_s sb_s  ---  sba_s				strings
	Like // except the order of the arguments on the string stack is
	reversed.  Appends the top string at the beginning of the lower string.
	Since // is defined as a SSWAP and a //PRFX, it is faster to use //PRFX
	when the arguments are already in the right order.

X/C		--- n						local
	Return the number of bytes in a character.  On all reasonable machines
	this is 1.

X/CEIL		divd  divs  --- quot				local
	Divide `divd' by `divs', leaving the quotient.  The result is rounded
	up to the next greater (more positive or less negative) number.

X/L		--- n						local
	Return the number of bytes in an L type quantity (32-bit integer).  On
	most machines this is 4.

X/MCEIL		divd_2  divs  --- quot				local
	Divide the double integer `divd_2' by the single integer `divs', leaving
	a single integer quotient.  The result is rounded up to the next more
	positive or less negative number.

X/MMOD		divd_2 divsor  ---  rem quot			local
	Perform the signed division of double integer `divd_2' by `divsor',
	leaving the remainder `rem', and quotient `quot'.  All values are

X/MOD		n1 n2  ---  n3					198
	Divide `n1' by `n2' and leave the remainder `n3' and quotient `n4'.
	`n3' has the same sign as `n1.'  "divide-mod"

X/N		--- n						local
	Return the number of bytes in an 1 stack cell width integer (the
	default size).  On the vax this is 4 bytes, most 16 bit machines 2

X/W		---  n						local
	Return the number of bytes in a 16 bit integer.  On most machines this
	is 2.

0!		addr  ---					local
	Store zero at address `addr'.

0<		n  ---  flag					144
	True if `n' is less than zero (negative).  "zero-less"

0<=		n  ---  flag					Local
	True if `n' is less than or equal to zero.

0<>		n  ---  flag					Local
	True if `n' is not equal to zero.

0=		n  ---  flag					180
	True if  `n'  is zero.  "zero-equals"

0>		n  ---  flag					118
	True if  `n'  is greater than zero.  "zero-greater"

0>=		n  ---  flag					local
	True if `n' is greater than or equal to 0.

0CR								local
	Print a carriage-return without a line feed on the current output.

0INSTALL	name_s mode  ---  blockno			Unix-interface
	Install file in automatically allocated range of block numbers.
	The file with name `name_s' is opened with access mode `mode' and
	installed in the block mapping table.  If mode = 2 (update) and the
	file is read permission only, will still be opened it but read-only
	rather than update.  A range of block numbers large enough to fit the
	fill is automatically allocated. The beginning of this range of block
	numbers is returned on the parameter stack.
	It will first try the current directory.  If that fails it will try
	the FORTH library directory (i.e. the directory defined by the string
	SDIR).  If the file name begins with a '<' (i.e. a less-than symbol)
	the '<' character is stripped off and only the FORTH library directory
	is searched.  If everything fails an abort is taken.
	NOTE: need to implement a search path.

0KEY								Local
	Read one character from the keyboard, returning it on the stack.
	0KEY is intended to be used preceded by <KEY and followed by KEY> .
	KEY , which reads one character from the keyboard and returns
	immediately without echoing it, is defined as:

		: KEY  <KEY 0KEY KEY> ;

	In an operating system environment, when several characters are
	desired from the keyboard, it is cheaper to use (for example):


	rather than:

0TYPE		addr n ---					Local
	Transmit n characters beginning at `addr' to the output device pointed
	to by the user variable 0TYPER. This is essentially always one's own 

0X!		addr  ---				local,obsolescent
	Store zero at address `addr'.

1+		n  ---  n+1					107
	Increment  `n'  by one, according to the operation + . "one-plus"

1+!		addr  ---					Reference
	Add one to the word-length contents at addr. "one-plus-store"

1-		n  ---  n-1					105
	Decrement  `n'  by one, according to the operation - . " one-minus"

1-!		addr  ---					Reference
	Subtract one from the word-length contents at `addr'. "one-minus-store"

1/X		fl_f  ---  1/fl_f				floating
	Leaves the reciprocal of the floating point number `fl_f' on the
	floating point stack.

10I6		addr  n  ---					local
	Print `n' single integers from array starting at address `addr',
	10 numbers per line, room for 6 digits reserved in each number.

1FIX		fl_f  ---  n					floating
	Convert the floating point number `fl_f' to an integer by truncation
	toward zero, returning the result as the integer `n'.

1FLOAT		n  ---  fl_f					floating
	Convert integer `n' to a floating point number.

1INSTALL	name_s mode  ---  descriptor size		Unix-interface
	Checks whether the is room in the block mapping table for another file.
	Opens the file whose name is found on the string stack with access
	mode `mode'.  Returns on parameter stack the file descriptor and the
	size in forth blocks (1024 bytes) of the newly open file.  If `mode' is
	2 (read/write) and the file has no write permission the file will be
	opened read/only.
	It will first try the current directory.  If that fails it will try
	the FORTH library directory (i.e. the directory defined by the string
	SDIR).  If the file name begins with a '<' (i.e. a less-than symbol)
	the '<' character is stripped off and only the FORTH library directory
	is searched.  If everything fails an abort is taken.

	NOTE: need to implement a search path.

1RND		fl_f  ---  n					floating
	Convert the floating point number `fl_f' to an integer by rounding,
	returning the result as the integer `n'.

2!		n_2 addr  ---					double_int
	Store `n_2' in a memory location at `addr' sufficient in size to hold a
	double integer. "two-store"

2*		n  ---  2*n					reference
	Multiply `n' by 2.  "two-times"

2+		n  ---  n+2					135
	Increment  `n'  by two, according to the operation for +. "two-plus"

2+!		addr  ---					Local
	Add two to the word-length contents at addr. "two-plus-store"

2-		n  ---  n-2					129
	Decrement  `n'  by two, according to the operation for -. "two-minus"

2-!		addr  ---					Local
	Subtract two from the word-length contents at addr. "two-minus-store"

2->L		n_2  --- m_l					local
	Convert a double integer to an L-type (32 bit) number.  An L-type
	number occupies the least number of stack cell elements that contain
	at least 32 bits.

2/		n  ---  n/2					reference
	Leave `n' divided by two. "two-divide"

2>R		n_2  ---					local
	Pop double integer `n_2' from the parameter stack and push it onto
	the return stack.

2@		addr  ---  n_2					double_int
	Leave on the stack the contents of the double integer beginning at
	`addr' "two-fetch". 

2ASK		---  num_2  flag				local
	A number is read from the input stream up to the next trailing blank
	or tab and is returned on the stack as double length integer `num_2'. 
	`flag' is false (0) if the number was valid and true (1) if the number
	was invalid.

2CONSTANT	n_2  ---					double_int
	A defining word used in the form:

		n_2  2CONSTANT  <name>

	to create a dictionary entry for <name>, leaving `n_2' in its parameter
	field.  When <name> is later executed,  `n_2' will be left on the
	stack.  "two-constant"

2DO		i j n ---					local,C
	Use in a colon-definition:

	2DO  . . .  2LOOP

	Begin a loop with two parallel incrementing counters that will repeat
	`n' times. The two counters are accessed inside the loop with the Forth
	words "I" and "J" and are initialized respectively by the values `i'
	and `j'.

2DROP		n_2  ---					double_int
	Drop the top double integer on the stack. "two-drop"

2DUP		n_2  ---  n_2  n_2				double_int
	Duplicate the top double integer on the stack.  "two-dup"

2INSTALL	blockno chan size  ---				Unix-interface
	Installs into the block mapping table an open file whose file
	descriptor is `chan' and whose size in 1024 byte forth blocks is `size'
	Thereafter any forth block number between `blockno' and `blockno'+size-1
	will reference block 0 to block `size'-1 of this file.

2LITERAL	d_2  ---					I,local
	If compiling, then compile the double integer `d_l' as a double-integer
	literal, which, when later executed, will leave `d_l' on the stack.

2LOOP								C,local
	Used in a colon-definition:

	2DO  . . .  2LOOP

	End a loop with two parallel counters, incrementing both if the loop
	is to repeat.

2LOVER		n_2  m_l  ---  n_2  m_l  n_2			local
	Leave a copy of the double integer `n_2' (below the L-type (32-bit)
	number `m_l') on top of the stack.

2LSWAP		n_2 m_l  ---  m_l  n_2				local
	Exchange the top two stack values with initially a double integer
	below and an L-type number (32 bit) above.

2NOVER		n_2  m  ---  n_2  m  n_2			local
	Leave a copy of the double integer `n_2' (below the single stack
	width number `m') on top of the stack.

2NSWAP		n_2 m  ---  m  n_2				local
	Exchange the top two stack values with initially a double integer
	below and a single integer above.

2OVER		n1_2  n2_2  ---  n1_2  n2_2  n1_2		double_int
	Leave a copy of the second double integer on the stack. "two-over"

2R>		--- n_2						local
	Pop a double integer from the return stack and push it onto the
	parameter stack.

2ROT		n1_2  n2_2  n3_3  ---  n2_2  n3_2  n1_2		double_int
	Rotate the third double integer to the top of the stack. "two-rote"

2SHIFT		n1_2  n  ---  n2_2				local
	Do an arithmetic shift of `n' bits on double integer  `n1_2'. If
	`n' is positive do a left shift. If `n' is negative to a right
	arithmetic shift.

2SWAP		n1_2  n2_2  ---  n2_2  n1_2			double_int
	Exchange the top two double integers on the stack. "two-swap"

2VARIABLE							double_int
	A defining word used in the form:

		2VARIABLE <name>

	to create a dictionary entry of <name> and assign one double
	integer's worth of storage in the parameter field.  When <name> is
	later executed,  it will leave the address of the first byte of its
	parameter field on the stack. "two-variable"

4.2BSD		---						local
	This dictionary entry exists only in a 4.2BSD system.  Its existence
	can be tested for conditional compilation of 4.2BSD dependent

5F12.5		addr  n  ---					local
	Print `n' floating point numbers from array starting at address `addr',
	5 numbers per line, 5 digits after the decimal point.

5I12		addr  n  ---					local
	Print `n' double integers from array starting at address `addr',
	5 numbers per line, room for 12 digits reserved in each number.

79-STANDARD							119
	Execute assuring that a FORTH-79 Standard system is available,
	otherwise an error condition exists.  In this implementation types:
	"You Bet!".
8I6		addr  n  ---					local
	Print `n' single integers from array starting at address `addr',
	8 numbers per line, room for 6 digits reserved in each number.

:								116
	A defining word used in the form:

		: <name> . . .  ;

	Select the CONTEXT vocabulary to be identical to CURRENT.  Create a
	dictionary entry for <name> in CURRENT, and set compile mode.  Words
	thus defined are called 'colon-definitions'.  References to subsequent
	words from the input stream which are not immediate words are stored
	into the dictionary to be executed when <name> is later executed.
	IMMEDIATE words are executed as encountered.

	If a word is not found after a search of the CONTEXT and FORTH
	vocabularies, conversion and compilation of a literal number is
	attempted, with regard to the current BASE;  that failing, an error
	condition exists.  "colon"

:>								Local,I
	Switches from compiling higher lever Forth to compiling CODE. Sets
	CONTEXT to ASSEMBLER, clears compile mode, and, if necessary, compiles
	the code to do the context switch (unneccessary on the Vax). The
	definition can be ended normally with END-CODE.
		:> ... <: 
	can be used to insert Code inside a colon definition (not recommended
	except in desparate circumstances). See <:

;								I,C,196
	Terminate a colon-definition and stop compilation.  If compiling from
	storage and the input stream is exhausted before encountering  ; an
	error condition exists.

;CODE								C,I,206
	Used in the form:

		: <name>  . . .  ;CODE

	Stop compilation and terminate a defining word <name>.  ASSEMBLER
	becomes the CONTEXT vocabulary.  When <name> is executed in the form:

		<name>  <namex>

	to define the new <namex>,  the execution address of <namex> will
	contain the address of the code sequence following the ;CODE in
	<name>.  Execution of any <namex> will cause this machine code
	sequence to be executed.  "semi-colon-code"

;S								Reference
	Stop interpretation of a screen, resuming interpretation of previous
	input stream.  For execution only. ;S will also terminate
	interpretation of a standard text file. "semi-es"

<		n1 n2  ---  flag				139
	True if n1 is less than  n2.

	-32768 32767 <   must return true.
	-32768 and 0 must be distinguished.  "less-than"

//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 ./doc/forth1
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld ./doc/forth1
Bill Sebok			Princeton University, Astrophysics

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