date.c for Apple-II/AZTEC

John E. Duncan III jed at mb2c.UUCP
Wed Mar 28 11:49:05 AEST 1984

/* date.c
 *	Simulate the UNIX 'date' command (sort of) using the
 * AZTEC 'C' system on an Apple-II with a
 * Mountain Computer CPS Multi-Function card clock in slot 5.
 * Author: John E. Duncan

static char datestr[30];	/* D mm/dd/yy hh;mm;ss */
static char *month[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
						 "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
static char *day[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };

static char output[] = "www MMM dd, 19yy hh:mm:ss xm\n";

char ch;	/* this is where the characters come in */

	register int i;
	static int MM, dd, hh, mm, ss;
	static char *ampm;

	for(i=0; i<30; i++) {

/* The following assembler code retrieves an input character from
 * the clock and turns off the high bit should it have been on.
 * The card must be in slot 5, however, by changing the 5 in the
 * 'jsr' to the a different slot number, any slot can be handled.

	jsr $c503
	and #$7f
	sta ch_

		if( ch == '\r' ) break;
		datestr[i] = ch;

	/* Get the day */

	strncpy( output, day[ datestr[0] - '0'], 3 );

	/* Get the month */

	MM = (datestr[2] - '0')*10 + (datestr[3] - '0');
	strncpy( output+4, month[MM-1], 3 );

	/* Get the day */

	output[8] = datestr[5];
	if( datestr[5] == '0' ) output[8] = ' ';
	output[9] = datestr[6];
	/* Put out the year */

	output[14] = datestr[8];
	output[15] = datestr[9];

	/* Put out the time */

	hh = (datestr[11] - '0')*10 + (datestr[12] -'0');
	if( hh > 11 ) {
		ampm = "pm";
	else ampm = "am";
	if( hh > 12 ) {
		hh -= 12;
	if( hh > 9 ) {
		output[17] = '1';
		hh -= 10;
	else output[17] = ' ';
	output[18] = hh + '0';
	output[20] = datestr[14];
	output[21] = datestr[15];
	output[23] = datestr[17];
	output[24] = datestr[18];
	output[26] = *ampm;
	output[27] = *++ampm;
	write( 1, output, 29 );

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