improved awk scripts for summarizing uucp log files

fred at umcp-cs.UUCP fred at umcp-cs.UUCP
Thu Mar 1 03:03:27 AEST 1984

Awhile back, Art Zemon <zemon at felix> submitted a couple of awk
scripts for summarizing /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE and /usr/spool/uucp/SYSLOG.
<tim at dceim> submitted a script for summarizing the output of the
LOGFILE summarizer script.

I've combined the scripts, and added some features. These scripts
are the result.  Note that under Berkeley Unix they are directly

#! /bin/awk -f
# USEAGE: summ_LOGFILE /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE
# 14-Dec-83
# This script is based on one written by Art Zemon of FileNet Corp.
# It has been modified locally (by Fred Blonder <fred at umcp-cs>) to
# change the output format somewhat, and to sort it into
# alphabetical order by system name.
			if ( FILENAME == "-" ) {
				print "Useage: summ_LOGFILE <logfile>";

			no_dev = 0;
$4 ~ /NO/	{
			if ( $6 == "DEVICE)" ) {
				temp = sprintf("%s\t%s", $2, $3);
				if ( nose[no_dev - 1] != temp )
					nose[no_dev++] = temp;

$5 ~ /\(call/	{
			if ( $4 == "SUCCEEDED" )
			else if ( $4 == "FAILED" )
			else if ( $4 == "LOCKED" )
				print $0

$4 ~ /OK/	{
			if ( $5 == "(startup)" )
			else if ( $5 == "(conversation" )

END		{
			for ( i in succeed )
				list[i] = i;
			for ( i in fail )
				list[i] = i;
			for ( i in locked )
				list[i] = i;
			for ( i in talk )
				list[i] = i;

			printf("UUCP success/failure summary\n\n");
			printf("System   poll  succ fail lock  died\n\n");
			for ( ; ; ) {
				first = "~~~~~~"
				for ( i in list ) {
					if ( list[i] == i && i < first )
						first = i;
				if ( first == "~~~~~~" )
				i = first;
				list[i] = "";
				if ( ( talk[i] - succeed[i] ) < 0 )
					printf("%-7s    ?  error %3d  %3d  %3d\n", i, fail[i], locked[i], talk[i] - complete[i]);
					printf("%-7s  %3d   %3d  %3d  %3d  %3d\n", i, talk[i] - succeed[i], succeed[i], fail[i], locked[i], talk[i] - complete[i]);
			if ( no_dev > 0 )
				printf("\nNO AVAILABLE DEVICE\n");
				for(i=0; i<no_dev; i++)
					print nose[i];
#! /bin/awk -f
# USEAGE: summ_SYSLOG /usr/spool/uucp/SYSLOG
# 22-Dec-83
# This script is based on one written by Art Zemon of FileNet Corp.
# It has been modified locally (by Fred Blonder <fred at umcp-cs>) to
# change the output format somewhat, and to sort it into
# alphabetical order by system name.
			if ( FILENAME == "-" ) {
				print "Useage: summ_SYSLOG <syslog>";

$4 ~ /received/	{
			from[$2] += $6;
			from_time[$2] += $8;
			total_from += $6;
			total_from_time += $8;
			see_saw[$2] += $6

$4 ~ /sent/	{
			to[$2] += $6;
			to_time[$2] += $8;
			total_to += $6;
			total_to_time += $8;
			see_saw[$2] -= $6;

END		{
			print "Received:"
			print "	system    bytes    time (minutes)\n"
			for ( ; ; ) {
				first = "~~~~~~"
				for ( i in from )
					if ( from[i] != "*" && i < first )
						first = i;
				if ( first == "~~~~~~" )
				i = first;
				printf("\t%-7s %7d  %6.2f\n", i, from[i], from_time[i] / 60);
				from[i] = "*";
			print "	        -------  ------";
			printf("\tTotals  %7d %7.2f\n", total_from, total_from_time / 60);
			print "\nSent:"
			print "	system    bytes    time (minutes)\n"
			for ( ; ; ) {
				first = "~~~~~~"
				for ( i in to )
					if ( to[i] != "*" && i < first )
						first = i;
				if ( first == "~~~~~~" )
				i = first;
				printf("\t%-7s %7d  %6.2f\n", i, to[i], to_time[i] / 60);
				to[i] = "*";
			print "	        -------  ------";
			printf("\tTotals  %7d %7.2f\n", total_to, total_to_time / 60);
			print "Balance of bytes ( < 0 means more sent than received)\n"
			for ( ; ; ) {
				first = "~~~~~~"
				for ( i in see_saw )
					if ( see_saw[i] != "*" && i < first )
						first = i;
				if ( first == "~~~~~~" )
				i = first;
				printf("\t%-7s %7d\n", i, see_saw[i]);
				see_saw[i] = "*";
			print "Messages (by user)\n"
			for ( ; ; ) {
				highest = 0
				for ( i in users )
					if ( users[i] > highest ) {
						highest = users[i];
						first = i;
				if ( highest == 0 )
				i = first;
				printf("\t%-7s %3d\n", i, users[i]);
				users[i] = "";

The output of summ_LOGFILE looks like:

	UUCP connection status for 24 hour period ending \
	Wed Feb 29 05:25:41 EST 1984

	UUCP success/failure summary

	System   poll  succ fail lock  died

	aicvax     0     1    0    0    0
	allegra    6     0    2    0    0
	am-vax     ?  error   0    0    0
	aplvax     0     3   11    2    1
	brl-bmd    0     1    0    0    0
	bsos       0    21    4    0    0
	cal-uni    0    13    2    1    2
	cp1        1     0    3    0    0
	cvl        1    35    3    0    4
	dbl        0    24    2    1    0
	eneevax    3    23    3    5    2
	rlgvax     2     2    0    0    0
	seismo     2     9    4    0    1
	wb-chi     0     0   24    0    0

The fields are: number of times you were polled by that system,
number of times you polled that system, unsuccessful attempted
polls, polls which failed due to resources being locked, and number
of times uucico started up, but didn't terminate normally. The
``error'' message indicates that a poll suceeeded in connecting
and logging in, but uucico didn't start up correclty.

					Fred Blonder

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