Bug fix in dtree.c source

Ed Arnold arnold at csu-cs.UUCP
Fri Mar 9 08:13:10 AEST 1984

This fix is for the 4.2bsd version of dtree, although other versions may 
incorporate the fix for upward compatability.

The program doesn't like symbolic links to either files or directories, but
especially directories. All stats in the fix reference to the link not to
the file the link references to. 

This fix may be incorporated into any existing source with proper use of the
define construct, allowing upward compatability. Depending apon which option
is specified the symbolic link to either file or directory will be preceded
by a 'l'. All symbolic links to either files or directories will be treated
similar to files, again depending apon which option is specified.

I'd like to thank Dave Borman for such a nice program. I pulled off the 
original source when he was still at St. Olaf. It is nice to see that he 
has revised his source to include other versions of Unix.


	 Ed Arnold      (denelcor!csu-cs!arnold)      Colorado State University

Following is a diff between the original source and the new version.

>  /*     Modified by      Ed Arnold      CSU-CS   (csu-cs!arnold)     3-5-84
>   *
>   *     Allows symbolic links to both directories and individual files.
>   *     With a '-l' or '-al' option, links are denoted with a 'l' in front of 
>   *     file or directory permissions. In all other instances both links to 
>   *     directories and files are represented just as files are. Contents of
>   *     linked directories are not printed due to the possibility of 
>   *     recursively linked directories.
>   */
< /* #define	NEWDIR	/* directory structure ala Berkeley 4.1c or 4.2 */
> #define	NEWDIR	/* directory structure ala Berkeley 4.1c or 4.2 */
> #define LINK    /* allows links to be processed in Berkeley 4.2 version */
>                 /* NEWDIR must be defined as well as LINK */
> #ifdef LINK
> static  char Rcsid[] ="$Header: dtree.c,v 2.1 84/03/08 02:24:03 arnold Exp $";
> #endif LINK
> #ifdef  LINK
> struct  stat Lstat;   /* stat of link, if there is one */
> #endif  LINK
< 		if (stat(top, &Status) == FAIL) {
> 		if(stat(top, &Status) == FAIL) {
> #ifdef LINK
> 		if (lstat (sub,&Lstat) == FAIL) {
> 			fprintf(stderr, "%s:lstat can't find\n", sub);
> 			continue;
>                 }
> #endif LINK
< 		if ((Status.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
> #ifdef LINK
> 		if (((Lstat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)  &&
> 		    ((Status.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)) 
> 		        addr(List,Index)->dir = 0;	
> 		else if ((((Lstat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) &&
> 			((Status.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR)) && (All)) 
>                         addr(List,Index)->dir = 0;
> #endif LINK
> 		else if ((Status.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
< 		addr(List,Index)->dev = (Device == Status.st_dev);
< #ifdef	STATS
< 		addr(List,Index)->e_mode = Status.st_mode;
< 		addr(List,Index)->e_uid = Status.st_uid;
< 		addr(List,Index)->e_gid = Status.st_gid;
< 		addr(List,Index)->e_size = Status.st_size;
< #endif	STATS
> #ifdef LINK
> 		if ((Lstat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) {
> 		     addr(List,Index)->dev = (Device == Lstat.st_dev);
> 		     addr(List,Index)->e_mode = Lstat.st_mode;
> 		     addr(List,Index)->e_uid = Lstat.st_uid;
> 		     addr(List,Index)->e_gid = Lstat.st_gid;
> 		     addr(List,Index)->e_size = Lstat.st_size;
>                 }
>                 else {
> #endif LINK
> 		     addr(List,Index)->dev = (Device == Status.st_dev);
> #ifdef STATS
> 		     addr(List,Index)->e_mode = Status.st_mode;
> 		     addr(List,Index)->e_uid = Status.st_uid;
> 		     addr(List,Index)->e_gid = Status.st_gid;
> 		     addr(List,Index)->e_size = Status.st_size;
> #endif STATS
> #ifdef LINK
>                 }
> #endif LINK
> #ifdef LINK
> 	case S_IFLNK:
> 		a_mode[j++] = 'l';
> 		break;
> #endif LINK

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