TCSH for version 7 and System III (to those who want it)

johanw at ttds.UUCP johanw at ttds.UUCP
Sat May 19 07:29:02 AEST 1984

A few days ago I posted a message to net sources saying that I would
distribute TCSH for version 7 and System III.

Alas: TCSH is based on BSD4.2 csh. Csh is certainly not in the public
domain. I'm still not sure what license is needed to get it (just
an AT&T license? A BSD4.2 license?).

Until I know otherwise I will have to require a copy of a BSD4.2 license
to send you TCSH. Sorry if this has caused you any inconvenience.

{philabs,decvax}!mcvax!enea!ttds!johanw         Johan Widen
						S-100 44 Stockholm

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