Strings library for C (shar format)

ok at edai.UUCP ok at edai.UUCP
Sat May 12 04:24:22 AEST 1984

Here is a collection of useful string-handling functions in/for C.
Many of them are based on UNIX routines with the same names, but
the code was independently derived.  Each of the routines has been
tested, and seems to work.  But free software is worth what you
pay for it, and I dare say this is no exception.  I make no claim
that any of this is good for anything at all.  Use it at your peril.
Manual pages?  You must be joking.  2853 lines follow the dots.
# to unbundle, csh this file
echo Makefile
cat >Makefile <<'EOF'
#   File   : strings.d/Makefile
#   Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
#   Updated: 4 May 1984.
#   Purpose: UNIX make(1)file for the strings library.

#  If you are not using a Vax, or if your strings might be 2^16
#  characters long or longer, use
#  On the Vax we can use the string instructions some but not all the time.

#  The SIII functions are the ones described in the System III
#  string(3) manual page, and also in ctype(3), atoi(3).

SIII=strcat.o strncat.o strcmp.o strncmp.o strcpy.o strncpy.o strlen.o\
	strchr.o strrchr.o strpbrk.o strspn.o strcspn.o strtok.o\
	_c2type.o str2int.o getopt.o

#   The BSD2 functions are the ones described in the 4.2bsd
#   bstring(3) manual page, plus a couple of my additions.
#   All except ffs have VAX-specific machine code versions.

BSD2=bcmp.o bcopy.o bfill.o bmove.o bzero.o ffs.o

#   The "mine" functions are the ones which are entirely my own
#   invention, though they are supposed to fit into the SIII conventions.

mine=strmov.o strnmov.o strrpt.o strnrpt.o strcase.o strncase.o strend.o\
	strnlen.o strcpbrk.o int2str.o _str2map.o _str2pat.o _str2set.o\
	strpack.o strcpack.o strtrans.o strntrans.o strpref.o strsuff.o\
	strtrim.o strctrim.o strfield.o strkey.o

#   The "find" functions are my code, but they are based on published
#   work by Boyer, Moore, and Hospool.  (See _str2pat.c.)

find=strfind.o strrepl.o

strings.a: ${SIII} ${BSD2} ${mine} ${find}
	rm strings.a; ar rc strings.a *.o; ranlib strings.a

scan=strpbrk.o strcprbk.o strspn.o strcspn.o strpack.o strcpack.o \
	strtrim.o strctrim.o strtok.o

${scan} _str2set.o: _str2set.h

tran=strtrans.o strntrans.o

${tran} _str2map.o: _str2map.h

${find}: _str2pat.h

str2int.o: ctypes.h

${SIII} ${BSD2} ${mine} ${find}: strings.h

	-rm *.o
echo READ-ME
cat >READ-ME <<'EOF'
File   : READ-ME
Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
Updated: 30 April 1984
Purpose: Explain the new strings package.

    The UNIX string libraries (described in the string(3) manual page)
differ from UNIX to UNIX (e.g. strtok is not in V7 or 4.1bsd).  Worse,
the sources are not in the public domain, so that if there is a string
routine which is nearly what you want but not quite you can't  take  a
copy  and  modify it.  And of course C programmers on non-UNIX systems
are at the mercy of their supplier.

    This package was designed to let me do reasonable things with  C's
strings  whatever UNIX (V7, PaNiX, UX63, 4.1bsd) I happen to be using.
Everything in the System III manual is here and does just what the  S3
manual  says  it does.  There are also lots of new goodies.  I'm sorry
about the names, but the routines do have to work  on  asphyxiated-at-
birth  systems  which  truncate identifiers.  The convention is that a
routine is called
	str [n] [c] <operation>
If there is an "n", it means that the function takes an (int) "length"
argument, which bounds the number of characters to be moved or  looked
at.  If the function has a "set" argument, a "c" in the name indicates
that  the complement of the set is used.  Functions or variables whose
names start with _ are support routines which aren't really meant  for
general  use.  I don't know what the "p" is doing in "strpbrk", but it
is there in the S3 manual so it's here too.  "istrtok" does not follow
this rule, but with 7 letters what can you do?

    I have included new versions of atoi(3) and atol(3) as well.  They
use a new primitive str2int, which takes a pair of bounds and a radix,
and does much more thorough checking than the normal atoi and atol do.
The result returned by atoi & atol is valid if and only if errno == 0.
There is also an output conversion routine int2str, with itoa and ltoa
as interface macros.  Only after writing int2str did I notice that the
str2int routine has no provision for unsigned numbers.  On reflection,
I don't greatly care.   I'm afraid that int2str may depend on your "C"
compiler in unexpected ways.  Do check the code with -S.

    Several of these routines have "asm" inclusions conditional on the
VaxAsm option.  These insertions can make the routines which have them
quite a bit faster, but there is a snag.  The VAX architects, for some
reason best known to themselves and their therapists, decided that all
"strings" were shorter than 2^16 bytes.  Even when the length operands
are in 32-bit registers, only 16 bits count.  So the "asm" versions do
not work for long strings.  If you can guarantee that all your strings
will be short, define VaxAsm in the makefile, but in general, and when
using other machines, do not define it.

    To use this library, you need the "strings.a" library file and the
"strings.h" and "ctypes.h" header files.  The other header  files  are
for compiling the library itself, though if you are hacking extensions
you  may  find  them useful.  General users really shouldn't see them.
I've defined a few macros I find useful in "strings.h"; if you have no
need for "index", "rindex", "streql", and "beql", just edit them  out.
On the 4.1bsd system I am using declaring all these functions 'extern'
does not mean that they will all be loaded; but only the ones you use.
When using lesser systems you may find it necessary to break strings.h
up, or you could get by with just adding "extern" declarations for the
functions you want as you need them.  Many of these functions have the
same names as functions in the "standard C library", by design as this
is a replacement/reimplementation of part of that library.  So you may
have to talk the loader into loading this library first.   Again, I've
found no problems on 4.1bsd.

    You may wonder at my failure to provide manual pages for this code.
For the things in V7, 4.?, or SIII, you should be able to use whichever
manual page came with that system,  and anything I might write would be
so like it as to raise suspicions of violating AT&T copyrights.  In the
sources you will find comments which provide far more documentation for
these routines than AT&T ever provided for their strings stuff,  I just
don't happen to have put it in nroff -man form.   Had I done so, the .3
files would have outbulked the .c files!

    These files are in the public domain.  This includes getopt.c, which
is the work of Henry Spencer, University of Toronto Zoology, who says of
it "None of this software is derived from Bell software. I had no access
to the source for Bell's versions at the time I wrote it.  This software
is hereby explicitly placed in the public domain.  It may  be  used  for
any purpose on any machine by anyone." I would greatly prefer it if *my*
material received no military use.

echo _c2type.c
cat >_c2type.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : _c2type.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 4 May 1984
    Purpose: Map character codes to types

    The mapping used here is such that we can use it for converting
    numbers expressed in a variety of radices to binary as well as for
    classifying characters.

char _c2type[129] =
    {	37,			/* EOF == -1 */
	37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 38, 39, 39, 39, 39, 37, 37,
	37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37,
	38, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
	00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07,  8,  9, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
	36, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
	25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
	36, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
	25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 36, 36, 36, 37

echo _str2map.c
cat >_str2map.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : _str2map.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: _map_vec[], _str2map().

    _str2map(option, from, to) constructs a translation table.  If  from
    or to is NullS, the same string is used as last time, so if you want
    to translate a whole lot of strings using the same mapping you don't
    have to reconstruct it each time.  The options are

	0: initialise the map to the identity function,
	   then map each from[i] to the corresponding to[i].
	   If to[] is shorter than from[], its last character is
	   repeated as often as needed.

	1: as 0, but don't initialise the map.

	2: initialise the map to send every character to to[0],
	   then map each from[i] to itself.

    For example, to build a map which forces letters to lower case but
    sends everything else to blank, call

	_str2map(2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", " ");
	_str2map(1, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");

    Only strtrans() and strntrans() in this package  call  _str2map;  if
    you  want  to  build your own maps this way you can "fool" them into
    using it, as when the two strings are NullS they  don't  change  the
    map.   As an extra-special dubious *hack*, _map_vec has an extra NUL
    character at the end, so after calling _str2map(0, "", ""), you  can
    use  _map_vec+1 as a string of the 127 non-NUL characters (or if the
    _AlphabetSize is 256, of the 255 non-NUL characters).

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2map.h"

static	_char_	*oldFrom = "?";
static	char	*oldTo   = "?";

char	_map_vec[_AlphabetSize+1];

void _str2map(option, from, to)
    int option;
    register _char_ *from;
    register char *to;
	register int i, c;

	if (from == NullS && to == NullS) return;
	if (from == NullS) from = oldFrom; else oldFrom = from;
	if (to   == NullS) to   = oldTo;   else oldTo   = to;
	switch (option) {
	    case 0:
		for (i = _AlphabetSize; --i >= 0; _map_vec[i] = i) ;
	    case 1:
		while (i = *from++) {
		    _map_vec[i] = *to++;
		    if (!*to) {
			c = *--to;
			while (i = *from++) _map_vec[i] = c;
	    case 2:
		c = *to;
		for (i = _AlphabetSize; --i >= 0; _map_vec[i] = c) ;
		while (c = *from++) _map_vec[c] = c;

echo _str2map.h
cat >_str2map.h <<'EOF'
/*  File   : _str2map.h
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 11 April 1984
    Purpose: Definitions from _str2map.c

extern	char	_map_vec[_AlphabetSize+1];
extern	void	_str2map(/*int,_char_^,char^*/);

echo _str2pat.c
cat >_str2pat.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : _str2pat.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 23 April 1984
    Defines: _pat_lim, _pat_vec[], _str2pat()

    Searching in this package is done by an algorithm due  to  R.  Nigel
    Hospool,  described  in  Software  Practice & Experience 1980, p505.
    Elsewhere I have a version of it which does  exact  case  or  either
    case  match,  word  more or literal mode, forwards or backwards, and
    will look for the Nth instance.  For most applications that  is  too
    much  and  a  simple  exact  case forward search will do.  Hospool's
    algorithm is a simplification of  the  Boyer-Moore  algorithm  which
    doesn't  guarantee linear time, but in practice is very good indeed.

    _str2pat(pat) builds a search table for the string pat.  As usual in
    this pacakge, if pat == NullS, the table is not changed and the last
    search string is re-used.  To support  this,  _str2pat  returns  the
    actual search string.

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2pat.h"

int	_pat_lim;
int	_pat_vec[_AlphabetSize];
static	_char_	*oldPat = "";

_char_ *_str2pat(pat)
    register _char_ *pat;
	register int L, i;

	if (pat == NullS) pat = oldPat; else oldPat = pat;
	for (L = 0; *pat++; L++) ;
	for (i = _AlphabetSize; --i >= 0; _pat_vec[i] = L) ;
	_pat_lim = --L;
	pat = oldPat;
	for (i = L; i > 0; i--) _pat_vec[*pat++] = i;
	return oldPat;

echo _str2pat.h
cat >_str2pat.h <<'EOF'
/*  File   : _str2pat.h
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Purpose: Definitions from _str2pat.c

extern	int	_pat_lim;
extern	int	_pat_vec[];
extern	_char_	*_str2pat(/*_char_^*/);

echo _str2set.c
cat >_str2set.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : _str2set.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: _set_ctr, _set_vec[], _str2set().
    Purpose: Convert a character string to a set.

/*  The obvious way of representing a set of characters  is  as  a
    vector  of 0s and 1s.  The snag with that is that to convert a
    string to such a vector, we have to clear all the elements  to
    0,  and  then  set the elements corresponding to characters in
    the string to 1, so the cost is  O(|alphabet|+|string|).  This
    package  uses another method, where there is a vector of small
    numbers and a counter.  A character is in the current  set  if
    and  only  if the corresponding element of the vector is equal
    to the current value of  the  counter.   Every  so  often  the
    vector  elements  would  overflow  and  we  have  to clear the
    vector, but the cost is reduced to O(|string|+1).

    Note that NUL ('\0') will never be in any set built by str2set.

    While this method reduces the cost of building a set, it would
    be useful to avoid it entirely.  So when the "set" argument is
    NullS the set is not changed.  Use NullS to mean "the same set
    as before."  MaxPosChar is the largest integer value which can
    be stored in a "char".  Although we might get a slightly wider
    range by using "unsigned char", "char" may be cheaper (as on a
    PDP-11).  By all means change the number from 127 if your C is
    one of those that treats char as unsigned, but don't change it
    just because _AlphabetSize is 256, the two are unrelated.  And
    don't dare change it on a VAX: it is built into the asm code!

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2set.h"

#define	MaxPosChar	127

int  _set_ctr = MaxPosChar;
char _set_vec[_AlphabetSize];

void _str2set(set)
    register char *set;
	if (set == NullS) return;
	if (++_set_ctr == MaxPosChar+1) {
#if	VaxAsm
	    asm("movc5 $0,4(ap),$0,$128,__set_vec");
#else  ~VaxAsm
	    register char *w = &_set_vec[_AlphabetSize];
	    do *--w = NUL; while (w != &_set_vec[0]);
#endif	VaxAsm
	    _set_ctr = 1;
	while (*set) _set_vec[*set++] = _set_ctr;

echo _str2set.h
cat >_str2set.h <<'EOF'
/*  File   : _str2set.h
    Updated: 10 April 1984
    Purpose: External declarations for strprbk, strspn, strcspn &c
    Copyright (C) 1984 Richard A. O'Keefe.

extern	int	_set_ctr;
extern	char	_set_vec[];
extern	void	_str2set(/*char^*/);

echo ascii.h
cat >ascii.h <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strings.d/ascii.h
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe
    Updated: 28 April 1984
    Purpose: Define Ascii mnemonics.

    This file defines the ASCII control characters.  Note that these
    names refer to their use in communication; it is an ERROR to use
    these names to talk about keyboard commands.  For example, DO NOT
    use EOT when you mean "end of file", as many people prefer ^Z (if
    the Ascii code were taken seriously, EOT would log you off and
    hang up the line as well).  Similarly, DO NOT use DEL when you
    mean "interrupt", many people prefer ^C.  When writing a screen
    editor, you should speak of tocntrl('C') rather than ETX (see the
    header file "ctypes.h").

#define NUL	'\000'	/* null character */
#define SOH	'\001'	/* Start Of Heading, start of message */
#define STX	'\002'	/* Start Of Text, end of address */
#define	ETX	'\003'	/* End of TeXt, end of message */
#define EOT	'\004'	/* End Of Transmission */
#define	ENQ	'\005'	/* ENQuiry "who are you" */
#define ACK	'\006'	/* (positive) ACKnowledge */
#define	BEL	'\007'	/* ring the BELl */
#define	BS	'\010'	/* BackSpace */
#define	HT	'\011'	/* Horizontal Tab */
#define	TAB	'\011'	/* an unofficial name for HT */
#define	LF	'\012'	/* Line Feed (does not imply cr) */
#define	NL	'\012'	/* unix unofficial name for LF: new line */
#define	VT	'\013'	/* Vertical Tab */
#define	FF	'\014'	/* Form Feed (new page starts AFTER this) */
#define	CR	'\015'	/* Carriage Return */
#define	SO	'\016'	/* Shift Out; select alternate character set */
#define	SI	'\017'	/* Shift In; select ASCII again */
#define	DLE	'\020'	/* Data Link Escape */
#define	DC1	'\021'	/* Device Control 1 */
#define XON	'\021'	/* transmitter on, resume output */
#define	DC2	'\022'	/* Device Control 2 (auxiliary on) */
#define	DC3	'\023'	/* Device Control 3 */
#define	XOFF	'\023'	/* transmitter off, suspend output */
#define	DC4	'\024'	/* Device Control 4 (auxiliary off) */
#define	NAK	'\025'	/* Negative AcKnowledge (signal error) */
#define	SYN	'\026'	/* SYNchronous idle */
#define	ETB	'\027'	/* End of Transmission Block, logical end of medium */
#define	CAN	'\030'	/* CANcel */
#define	EM	'\031'	/* End of Medium */
#define	SUB	'\032'	/* SUBstitute */
#define	ESC	'\033'	/* ESCape */
#define	FS	'\034'	/* File Separator */
#define	GS	'\035'	/* Group Separator */
#define	RS	'\036'	/* Record Separator */
#define	US	'\037'	/* Unit Separator */
#define	SP	'\040'	/* SPace */
#define	DEL	'\177'	/* DELete, rubout */

echo bcmp.c
cat >bcmp.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : bcmp.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 23 April 1984
    Defines: bcmp()

    bcmp(s1, s2, len) returns 0 if the "len" bytes starting at "s1" are
    identical to the "len" bytes starting at "s2", non-zero if they are
    different.   The 4.2bsd manual page doesn't say what non-zero value
    is returned, though the BUGS note says that it takes its parameters
    backwards from strcmp.  This suggests that it is something like
	for (; --len >= 0; s1++, s2++)
	    if (*s1 != *s2) return *s2-*s1;
	return 0;
    There, I've told you how to do it.  As the manual page doesn't come
    out and *say* that this is the result, I tried to figure out what a
    useful result might be.   (I'd forgotten than strncmp stops when it
    hits a NUL, which the above does not do.)  What I came up with was:
    the result is the number of bytes in the differing tails.  That is,
    after you've skipped the equal parts, how many characters are left?
    To put it another way, N-bcmp(s1,s2,N) is the number of equal bytes
    (the size of the common prefix).  After deciding on this definition
    I discovered that the CMPC3 instruction does exactly what I wanted.
    The code assumes that N is non-negative.

    Note: the "b" routines are there to exploit certain VAX order codes,
    but the CMPC3 instruction will only test 65535 characters.   The asm
    code is presented for your interest and amusement.

#include "strings.h"

#if	VaxAsm

int bcmp(s1, s2, len)
    char *s1, *s2;
    int len;
	asm("cmpc3 12(ap),*4(ap),*8(ap)");

#else  ~VaxAsm

int bcmp(s1, s2, len)
    register char *s1, *s2;
    register int len;
	while (--len >= 0 && *s1++ == *s2++) ;
	return len+1;

#endif	VaxAsm

echo bcopy.c
cat >bcopy.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : bcopy.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 23 April 1984
    Defines: bcopy()

    bcopy(src, dst, len) moves exactly "len" bytes from the source "src"
    to the destination "dst".  It does not check for NUL characters as
    strncpy() and strnmov() do.  Thus if your C compiler doesn't support
    structure assignment, you can simulate it with
	bcopy(&from, &to, sizeof from);
    BEWARE: the first two arguments are the other way around from almost
    everything else.   I'm sorry about that, but that's the way it is in
    the 4.2bsd manual, though they list it as a bug.  For a version with
    the arguments the right way around, use bmove().
    No value is returned.

    Note: the "b" routines are there to exploit certain VAX order codes,
    but the MOVC3 instruction will only move 65535 characters.   The asm
    code is presented for your interest and amusement.

#include "strings.h"

#if	VaxAsm

void bcopy(src, dst, len)
    char *src, *dst;
    int len;
	asm("movc3 12(ap),*4(ap),*8(ap)");

#else  ~VaxAsm

void bcopy(src, dst, len)
    register char *src, *dst;
    register int len;
	while (--len >= 0) *dst++ = *src++;

#endif	VaxAsm

echo bfill.c
cat >bfill.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : bfill.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 23 April 1984
    Defines: bfill()

    bfill(dst, len, fill) moves "len" fill characters to "dst".
    Thus to set a buffer to 80 spaces, do bfill(buff, ' ', 80).

    Note: the "b" routines are there to exploit certain VAX order codes,
    but the MOVC5 instruction will only move 65535 characters.   The asm
    code is presented for your interest and amusement.

#include "strings.h"

#if	VaxAsm

void bfill(dst, len, fill)
    register char *dst;
    int len;
    int fill;	/* actually char */
	asm("movc5 $0,*4(ap),12(ap),8(ap),*4(ap)");

#else  ~VaxAsm

void bfill(dst, len, fill)
    register char *dst;
    register int len;
    register int fill;	/* char */
	while (--len >= 0) *dst++ = fill;


#endif	VaxAsm

echo bmove.c
cat >bmove.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : bmove.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 23 April 1984
    Defines: bmove()

    bmove(dst, src, len) moves exactly "len" bytes from the source "src"
    to the destination "dst".  It does not check for NUL characters as
    strncpy() and strnmov() do.  Thus if your C compiler doesn't support
    structure assignment, you can simulate it with
	bmove(&to, &from, sizeof from);
    The standard 4.2bsd routine for this purpose is bcopy.  But as bcopy
    has its first two arguments the other way around you may find this a
    bit easier to get right.
    No value is returned.

    Note: the "b" routines are there to exploit certain VAX order codes,
    but the MOVC3 instruction will only move 65535 characters.   The asm
    code is presented for your interest and amusement.

#include "strings.h"

#if	VaxAsm

void bmove(dst, src, len)
    char *dst, *src;
    int len;
	asm("movc3 12(ap),*8(ap),*4(ap)");

#else  ~VaxAsm

void bmove(dst, src, len)
    register char *dst, *src;
    register int len;
	while (--len >= 0) *dst++ = *src++;

#endif	VaxAsm

echo bzero.c
cat >bzero.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : bzero.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 23 April 1984
    Defines: bzero()

    bzero(dst, len) moves "len" 0 bytes to "dst".
    Thus to clear a disc buffer to 0s do bzero(buffer, BUFSIZ).

    Note: the "b" routines are there to exploit certain VAX order codes,
    but the MOVC5 instruction will only move 65535 characters.   The asm
    code is presented for your interest and amusement.

#include "strings.h"

#if	VaxAsm

void bzero(dst, len)
    char *dst;
    int len;
	asm("movc5 $0,*4(ap),$0,8(ap),*4(ap)");

#else  ~VaxAsm

void bzero(dst, len)
    register char *dst;
    register int len;
	while (--len >= 0) *dst++ = 0;

#endif	VaxAsm

echo ctypes.demo
cat >ctypes.demo <<'EOF'
EOF .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .

ch  DD? OD? XD? AN? AF? LC? UC? PT? PR? CT? SP? EL?
^@  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^A  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^B  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^C  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^D  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^E  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^F  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^G  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^H  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^I  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .
^J  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   #
^K  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   #
^L  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   #
^M  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   #
^N  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^O  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .

ch  DD? OD? XD? AN? AF? LC? UC? PT? PR? CT? SP? EL?
^P  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^Q  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^R  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^S  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^T  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^U  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^V  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^W  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^X  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^Y  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^Z  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^[  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^\  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^]  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^^  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .
^_  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   .

ch  DD? OD? XD? AN? AF? LC? UC? PT? PR? CT? SP? EL?
    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   #   .
!   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
"   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
#   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
$   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
%   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
&   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
'   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
(   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
)   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
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+   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
,   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
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.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
/   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .

ch  DD? OD? XD? AN? AF? LC? UC? PT? PR? CT? SP? EL?
0   #   #   #   #   .   .   .   .   #   .   .   .
1   #   #   #   #   .   .   .   .   #   .   .   .
2   #   #   #   #   .   .   .   .   #   .   .   .
3   #   #   #   #   .   .   .   .   #   .   .   .
4   #   #   #   #   .   .   .   .   #   .   .   .
5   #   #   #   #   .   .   .   .   #   .   .   .
6   #   #   #   #   .   .   .   .   #   .   .   .
7   #   #   #   #   .   .   .   .   #   .   .   .
8   #   .   #   #   .   .   .   .   #   .   .   .
9   #   .   #   #   .   .   .   .   #   .   .   .
:   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
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=   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
>   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
?   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .

ch  DD? OD? XD? AN? AF? LC? UC? PT? PR? CT? SP? EL?
@   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
A   .   .   #   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
B   .   .   #   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
C   .   .   #   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
D   .   .   #   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
E   .   .   #   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
F   .   .   #   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
G   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
H   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
I   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
J   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
K   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
L   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
M   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
N   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
O   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .

ch  DD? OD? XD? AN? AF? LC? UC? PT? PR? CT? SP? EL?
P   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
Q   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
R   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
S   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
T   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
U   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
V   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
W   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
X   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
Y   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
Z   .   .   .   #   #   .   #   .   #   .   .   .
[   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
\   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
]   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
^   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
_   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .

ch  DD? OD? XD? AN? AF? LC? UC? PT? PR? CT? SP? EL?
`   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
a   .   .   #   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
b   .   .   #   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
c   .   .   #   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
d   .   .   #   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
e   .   .   #   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
f   .   .   #   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
g   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
h   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
i   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
j   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
k   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
l   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
m   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
n   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
o   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .

ch  DD? OD? XD? AN? AF? LC? UC? PT? PR? CT? SP? EL?
p   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
q   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
r   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
s   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
t   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
u   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
v   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
w   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
x   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
y   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
z   .   .   .   #   #   #   .   .   #   .   .   .
{   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
|   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
}   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
~   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   #   .   .   .
DEL .   .   .   .   .   .   .   #   .   #   .   .
echo ctypes.h
cat >ctypes.h <<'EOF'
/*  File   : ctypes.h
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 26 April 1984
    Purpose: Reimplement the UNIX ctype(3) library.

    isaneol(c) means that c is a line terminating character.
    isalnum, ispunct, isspace, and isaneol are defined on the
    range -1..127, i.e. on ASCII U {EOF}, while all the other
    macros are defined for any integer.

    isodigit(c) checks for Octal digits.
    isxdigit(c) checkx for heXadecimal digits.

#define isdigit(c)	((unsigned)((c)-'0') < 10)
#define islower(c)	((unsigned)((c)-'a') < 26)
#define isupper(c)	((unsigned)((c)-'A') < 26)
#define isprint(c)	((unsigned)((c)-' ') < 95)
#define iscntrl(c)	((unsigned)((c)-' ') >= 95)
#define isascii(c)	((unsigned)(c) < 128)
#define isalpha(c)	((unsigned)(((c)|32)-'a') < 26)

extern	char	_c2type[];

#define isalnum(c)	(_c2type[(c)+1] < 36)
#define ispunct(c)	(_c2type[(c)+1] == 36)
#define isspace(c)	(_c2type[(c)+1] > 37)
#define isaneol(c)	(_c2type[(c)+1] > 38)

#define	isxdigit(c)	(_c2type[(c)+1] < 16)
#define isodigit(c)	((unsigned)((c)-'0') < 8)

/*  The following "conversion" macros have been in some versions of UNIX
    but are not in all.  tocntrl is new.  The original motivation for ^?
    being a name for DEL was that (x)^64 mapped A..Z to ^A..^Z and also
    ? to DEL.  The trouble is that this trick doesn't work for lower case
    letters.  The version given here is not mine.  I wish it was.  It has
    the nice property that DEL is mapped to itself (so does EOF).
    tolower(c) and toupper(c) are only defined when isalpha(c).
#define	tolower(c)	((c)|32)
#define toupper(c)	((c)&~32)
#define tocntrl(c)	(((((c)+1)&~96)-1)&127)
#define	toascii(c)	((c)&127)

echo ffs.c
cat >ffs.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : ffs.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: ffs(), ffc()

    ffs(i) returns the index of the least significant 1 bit in i,
	   where 1 means the least significant bit and 32 means the
	   most significant bit, or returns -1 if i is zero.

    ffc(i) returns the index of the least significant 0 bit in i,
	   where 1 means the least significant bit and 32 means the
	   most significant bit, or returns -1 if i is zero.

    These functions mimic the VAX FFS and FFC instructions, except that
    the latter return much more sensible values.  This file only exists
    to make it easier to move 4.2bsd programs to System III (which is
    rather like moving up from a Rolls Royce to a model T Ford), and so
    I haven't bother with assembly code versions.

#include "strings.h"

int ffs(i)
    register int i;
	register int N;

	for (N = 8*sizeof(int); --N >= 0; i >>= 1)
	    if (i&1) return 8*sizeof(int)-N;
	return -1;

int ffc(i)
    register int i;
	register int N;

	for (N = 8*sizeof(int); --N >= 0; i >>= 1)
	    if (!(i&1)) return 8*sizeof(int)-N;
	return -1;

echo getopt.3
cat >getopt.3 <<'EOF'
.TH GETOPT 3 local
.DA 25 March 1982
getopt \- get option letter from argv
.ft B
int getopt(argc, argv, optstring)
int argc;
char **argv;
char *optstring;
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
.I Getopt
returns the next option letter in
.I argv
that matches a letter in
.IR optstring .
.I Optstring
is a string of recognized option letters;
if a letter is followed by a colon, the option is expected to have
an argument that may or may not be separated from it by white space.
.I Optarg
is set to point to the start of the option argument on return from
.IR getopt .
.I Getopt
places in
.I optind
.I argv
index of the next argument to be processed.
.I optind
is external, it is normally initialized to zero automatically
before the first call to 
.IR getopt .
When all options have been processed (i.e., up to the first
non-option argument),
.I getopt
The special option
.B \-\-
may be used to delimit the end of the options;
will be returned, and
.B \-\-
will be skipped.
.I Getopt
prints an error message on
.I stderr
and returns a question mark
.RB ( ? )
when it encounters an option letter not included in
.IR optstring .
The following code fragment shows how one might process the arguments
for a command that can take the mutually exclusive options
.B a
.BR b ,
and the options
.B f
.BR o ,
both of which require arguments:
main(argc, argv)
    int argc;
    char **argv;
        int c;
        extern int optind;
        extern char *optarg;
        while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "abf:o:")) != EOF) {
            switch (c) {
                case 'a':
                    if (bflg) errflg++; else aflg++;
                case 'b':
                    if (aflg) errflg++; else bflg++;
                case 'f':
                    ifile = optarg;
                case 'o':
                    ofile = optarg;
                case '?':
        if (errflg) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ...");
        for (; optind < argc; optind++) {
A template similar to this can be found in
.IR /usr/pub/template.c .
Written by Henry Spencer, working from a Bell Labs manual page.
Behavior believed identical to the Bell version.
It is not obvious how
standing alone should be treated; this version treats it as
a non-option argument, which is not always right.
Option arguments are allowed to begin with `\-';
this is reasonable but reduces the amount of error checking possible.
.I Getopt
is quite flexible but the obvious price must be paid: there is much
it could do that it doesn't, like
checking mutually exclusive options, checking type of
option arguments, etc.
echo getopt.c
cat >getopt.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : getopt.c
    Author : Henry Spencer, University of Toronto
    Updated: 28 April 1984
    Purpose: get option letter from argv.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "strings.h"

char	*optarg;	/* Global argument pointer. */
int	optind = 0;	/* Global argv index. */

int getopt(argc, argv, optstring)
    int argc;
    char *argv[];
    char *optstring;
	register int c;
	register char *place;
	static char *scan = NullS;	/* Private scan pointer. */

	optarg = NullS;

	if (scan == NullS || *scan == '\0') {
	    if (optind == 0) optind++;
	    if (optind >= argc) return EOF;
	    place = argv[optind];
	    if (place[0] != '-' || place[1] == '\0') return EOF;
	    if (place[1] == '-' && place[2] == '\0') return EOF;
	    scan = place+1;

	c = *scan++;
	place = index(optstring, c);
	if (place == NullS || c == ':') {
	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option %c\n", argv[0], c);
	    return '?';
	if (*++place == ':') {
	    if (*scan != '\0') {
		optarg = scan, scan = NullS;
	    } else {
		optarg = argv[optind], optind++;
	return c;

echo int2str.c
cat >int2str.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : int2str.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe
    Updated: 30 April 1984
    Defines: int2str(), itoa(), ltoa()

    int2str(dst, radix, val)
    converts the (long) integer "val" to character form and moves it to
    the destination string "dst" followed by a terminating NUL.  The
    result is normally a pointer to this NUL character, but if the radix
    is dud the result will be NullS and nothing will be changed.

    If radix is -2..-36, val is taken to be SIGNED.
    If radix is  2.. 36, val is taken to be UNSIGNED.
    That is, val is signed if and only if radix is.  You will normally
    use radix -10 only through itoa and ltoa, for radix 2, 8, or 16
    unsigned is what you generally want.

    _dig_vec is public just in case someone has a use for it.
    The definitions of itoa and ltoa are actually macros in strings.h,
    but this is where the code is.

#include "strings.h"

char _dig_vec[] =

char *int2str(dst, radix, val)
    register char *dst;
    register int radix;
    register long val;
	char buffer[33];
	register char *p;

	if (radix < 0) {
	    if (radix < -36 || radix > -2) return NullS;
	    if (val < 0) {
		*dst++ = '-';
		val = -val;
	    radix = -radix;
	} else {
	    if (radix > 36 || radix < 2) return NullS;
	/*  The slightly contorted code which follows is due to the
	    fact that few machines directly support unsigned long / and %.
	    Certainly the VAX C compiler generates a subroutine call.  In
	    the interests of efficiency (hollow laugh) I let this happen
	    for the first digit only; after that "val" will be in range so
	    that signed integer division will do.  Sorry 'bout that.
	    should be unsigned, the second % and / signed, but C compilers
	    tend to be extraordinarily sensitive to minor details of style.
	    This works on a VAX, that's all I claim for it.
	p = &buffer[32];
	*p = '\0';
	*--p = _dig_vec[(unsigned long)val%(unsigned long)radix];
	val = (unsigned long)val/(unsigned long)radix;
	while (val != 0) *--p = _dig_vec[val%radix], val /= radix;
	while (*dst++ = *p++) ;
	return dst-1;

echo str2int.c
cat >str2int.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : str2int.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe
    Updated: 27 April 1984
    Defines: str2int(), atoi(), atol()

    str2int(src, radix, lower, upper, &val)
    converts the string pointed to by src to an integer and stores it in
    val.  It skips leading spaces and tabs (but not newlines, formfeeds,
    backspaces), then it accepts an optional sign and a sequence of digits
    in the specified radix.  The result should satisfy lower <= *val <= upper.
    The result is a pointer to the first character after the number;
    trailing spaces will NOT be skipped.

    If an error is detected, the result will be NullS, the value put
    in val will be 0, and errno will be set to
	EDOM	if there are no digits
	ERANGE	if the result would overflow or otherwise fail to lie
		within the specified bounds.
    Check that the bounds are right for your machine.
    This looks amazingly complicated for what you probably thought was an
    easy task.  Coping with integer overflow and the asymmetric range of
    twos complement machines is anything but easy.

    So that users of atoi and atol can check whether an error occured,
    I have taken a wholly unprecedented step: errno is CLEARED if this
    call has no problems.

#include "strings.h"
#include "ctypes.h"
#include <errno.h>
extern int errno;


#if	pdp11
#   define	MaxInt      0x7fffL	/* int  = 16 bits */
#   define	MinInt      0x8000L
#   define	MaxLong 0x7fffffffL	/* long = 32 bits */
#   define	MinLong 0x80000000L
#else  ~pdp11
#   define	MaxInt  0x7fffffffL	/* int  = 32 bits */
#   define	MinInt  0x80000000L
#   define	MaxLong 0x7fffffffL	/* long = 32 bits */
#   define	MinLong 0x80000000L
#endif	pdp11

char *str2int(src, radix, lower, upper, val)
    register char *src;
    register int radix;
    long lower, upper, *val;
	int sign;		/* is number negative (+1) or positive (-1) */
	int n;			/* number of digits yet to be converted */
	long limit;		/* "largest" possible valid input */
	long scale;		/* the amount to multiply next digit by */
	long sofar;		/* the running value */
	register int d;		/* (negative of) next digit */
	char *answer;		

	/*  Make sure *val is sensible in case of error  */

	*val = 0;

	/*  Check that the radix is in the range 2..36  */

	if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) {
	    errno = EDOM;
	    return NullS;

	/*  The basic problem is: how do we handle the conversion of
	    a number without resorting to machine-specific code to
	    check for overflow?  Obviously, we have to ensure that
	    no calculation can overflow.  We are guaranteed that the
	    "lower" and "upper" arguments are valid machine integers.
	    On sign-and-magnitude, twos-complement, and ones-complement
	    machines all, if +|n| is representable, so is -|n|, but on
	    twos complement machines the converse is not true.  So the
	    "maximum" representable number has a negative representative.
	    Limit is set to min(-|lower|,-|upper|); this is the "largest"
	    number we are concerned with.	*/

	/*  Calculate Limit using Scale as a scratch variable  */

	if ((limit = lower) > 0) limit = -limit;
	if ((scale = upper) > 0) scale = -scale;
	if (scale < limit) limit = scale;

	/*  Skip leading spaces and check for a sign.
	    Note: because on a 2s complement machine MinLong is a valid
	    integer but |MinLong| is not, we have to keep the current
	    converted value (and the scale!) as *negative* numbers,
	    so the sign is the opposite of what you might expect.
	    Should the test in the loop be isspace(*src)?
	while (*src == ' ' || *src == '\t') src++;
	sign = -1;
	if (*src == '+') src++; else
	if (*src == '-') src++, sign = 1;

	/*  Check that there is at least one digit  */

	if (_c2type[1+ *src] >= radix) {
	    errno = EDOM;
	    return NullS;

	/*  Skip leading zeros so that we never compute a power of radix
	    in scale that we won't have a need for.  Otherwise sticking
	    enough 0s in front of a number could cause the multiplication
	    to overflow when it neededn't.
	while (*src == '0') src++;

	/*  Move over the remaining digits.  We have to convert from left
	    to left in order to avoid overflow.  Answer is after last digit.
	for (n = 0; _c2type[1+ *src++] < radix; n++) ;
	answer = --src;

	/*  The invariant we want to maintain is that src is just
	    to the right of n digits, we've converted k digits to
	    sofar, scale = -radix**k, and scale < sofar < 0.  Now
	    if the final number is to be within the original
	    Limit, we must have (to the left)*scale+sofar >= Limit,
	    or (to the left)*scale >= Limit-sofar, i.e. the digits
	    to the left of src must form an integer <= (Limit-sofar)/(scale).
	    In particular, this is true of the next digit.  In our
	    incremental calculation of Limit,

		IT IS VITAL that (-|N|)/(-|D|) = |N|/|D|
	for (sofar = 0, scale = -1; --n >= 0; ) {
	    d = _c2type[1+ *--src];
	    if (-d < limit) {
		errno = ERANGE;
		return NullS;
	    limit = (limit+d)/radix, sofar += d*scale;
	    if (n != 0) scale *= radix;	/* watch out for overflow!!! */
	/*  Now it might still happen that sofar = -32768 or its equivalent,
	    so we can't just multiply by the sign and check that the result
	    is in the range lower..upper.  All of this caution is a right
	    pain in the neck.  If only there were a standard routine which
	    says generate thus and such a signal on integer overflow...
	    But not enough machines can do it *SIGH*.
	if (sign < 0 && sofar < -MaxLong /* twos-complement problem */
	||  (sofar*=sign) < lower || sofar > upper) {
	    errno = ERANGE;
	    return NullS;
	*val = sofar;
	errno = 0;		/* indicate that all went well */
	return answer;

int atoi(src)
    char *src;
	long val;
	str2int(src, 10, MinInt, MaxInt, &val);
	return (int)val;

long atol(src)
    char *src;
	long val;
	str2int(src, 10, MinLong, MaxLong, &val);
	return val;

echo strcase.c
cat >strcase.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strcase.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 4 May 1984
    Defines: strcase()

    strcase(dst, src, op) copies characters from src to dst until a NUL
    is encountered changing the alphabetic case of letters according to
    the op.  The operations available are
	0 -> convert to lower case llllll
	1 -> convert to upper case UUUUUU
	2 -> capitalise each word  Cccccc
	3 -> change each letter to the opposite case
    3 isn't particularly useful unless you know that all the letters in
    src are already in the same case.
    BEWARE: this is set up for ASCII only.  You can use the same idea
    for EBCDIC, but the magic numbers are different.  I haven't used an
    #ifdef because (a) I don't know what name to use (ebcdic? Ebcdic?)
    and (b) I don't suppose many people will want it.
    The result is a pointer to the NUL which now ends dst.
    You can use strcase(buff, buff, op) safely.

#include "strings.h"
#include "ctypes.h"

#define	UPPER	 0		/* EBCDIC: 64 */
#define LOWER	32		/* EBCDIC:  0 */
#define OTHER	32		/* EBCDIC: 64 */

char *strcase(dst, src, op)
    register char *dst, *src;
    int op;
	register int d;			/* Should be char */
	register int mask;		/* Should be char */
	char initial, rest;

	switch (op) {
	    case 0:	initial = LOWER, rest = LOWER; break;
	    case 1:	initial = UPPER, rest = UPPER; break;
	    case 2:	initial = UPPER, rest = LOWER; break;
	    case 3:	while (d = *src++)
			    *dst++ = isalpha(d) ? d^OTHER : d;
			goto done;
	for (mask = initial; d = *src++; *dst++ = d)
	    if (isalpha(d)) {
		d = (d &~ OTHER) | mask, mask = rest;
	    } else {
		mask = initial;
done:	*dst = '\0';
	return dst;

echo strcat.c
cat >strcat.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strcat.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 10 April 1984
    Defines: strcat()

    strcat(s, t) concatenates t on the end of s.  There  had  better  be
    enough  room  in  the  space s points to; strcat has no way to tell.
    Note that strcat has to search for the end of s, so if you are doing
    a lot of concatenating it may be better to use strmov, e.g.
    rather than
    strcat returns the old value of s.

#include "strings.h"

char *strcat(s, t)
    register char *s, *t;
	char *save;

	for (save = s; *s++; ) ;
	for (--s; *s++ = *t++; ) ;
	return save;

echo strchr.c
cat >strchr.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strchr.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strchr(), index()

    strchr(s, c) returns a pointer to the  first  place  in  s  where  c
    occurs,  or  NullS if c does not occur in s. This function is called
    index in V7 and 4.?bsd systems; while not ideal the name is  clearer
    than  strchr,  so index remains in strings.h as a macro.  NB: strchr
    looks for single characters,  not for sets or strings.   To find the
    NUL character which closes s, use strchr(s, '\0') or strend(s).  The
    parameter 'c' is declared 'int' so it will go in a register; if your
    C compiler is happy with register _char_ change it to that.

#include "strings.h"

char *strchr(s, c)
    register _char_ *s;
    register int c;
	for (;;) {
	    if (*s == c) return s;
	    if (!*s++) return NullS;

echo strcmp.c
cat >strcmp.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strcmp.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 10 April 1984
    Defines: strcmp()

    strcmp(s, t) returns > 0, = 0,  or < 0  when s > t, s = t,  or s < t
    according  to  the  ordinary  lexicographical  order.   To  test for
    equality, the macro streql(s,t) is clearer than  !strcmp(s,t).  Note
    that  if the string contains characters outside the range 0..127 the
    result is machine-dependent; PDP-11s and  VAXen  use  signed  bytes,
    some other machines use unsigned bytes.

#include "strings.h"

int strcmp(s, t)
    register char *s, *t;
	while (*s == *t++) if (!*s++) return 0;
	return s[0]-t[-1];

echo strcpack.c
cat >strcpack.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strcpack.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strcpack()

    strcpack(dst, src, set, c)
    copies characters from src to dst, stopping when it finds a NUL.  If
    c is NUL, characters not in the set are not copied to dst.  If c  is
    not  NUL,  sequences  of  characters  not in the set are copied as a
    single c. strcpack is to strpack as strcspn is to strspn.  If your C
    compiler is happy with register _char_, change the declaration of c.
    The result is the address of the NUL byte that now terminates "dst".
    Note that dst may safely be the same as src.

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2set.h"

char *strcpack(dst, src, set, c)
    register _char_ *dst, *src;
    char *set;
    register int c;
	register int chr;

	while (chr = *src++) {
	    if (_set_vec[chr] != _set_ctr) {
		while ((chr = *src++) && _set_vec[chr] != _set_ctr) ;
		if (c) *dst++ = c;	/* 1. If you don't want trailing */
		if (!chr) break;	/* 2. things turned into "c", swap */
	    }				/* lines 1 and 2. */
	    *dst++ = chr;
	*dst = 0;
	return dst;

echo strcpbrk.c
cat >strcpbrk.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strcpbrk.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strcpbrk()

    strcpbrk(s1, s2) returns a pointer to the first character of s1 which
    does not occur in s2.  It is to strpbrk as strcspn is to strspn.   It
    relies on NUL never being in a set.

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2set.h"

char *strcpbrk(str, set)
    register _char_ *str;
    char *set;
	while (_set_vec[*str++] == _set_ctr);
	return *--str ? str : NullS;

echo strcpy.c
cat >strcpy.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strcpy.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strcpy()

    strcpy(dst, src) copies all the characters  of  src  (including  the
    closing  NUL)  to dst, and returns the old value of dst.  Maybe this
    is useful for doing i = strlen(strcpy(dst, src)); I've always  found
    strmov handier.

#include "strings.h"

char *strcpy(dst, src)
    register char *dst, *src;
	char *save;

	for (save = dst; *dst++ = *src++; ) ;
	return save;

echo strcspn.c
cat >strcspn.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strcspn.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 11 April 1984
    Defines: strspn()

    strcspn(s1, s2) returns the length  of  the  longest  prefix  of  s1
    consisting  entirely  of  characters  which  are  NOT  in s2 ("c" is
    "complement").  NUL is considered to be part  of  s2.   As  _str2set
    will never include NUL in a set, we have to check for it explicitly.

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2set.h"

int strcspn(str, set)
    register _char_ *str;
    char *set;
	register int L;

	for (L = 0; *str && _set_vec[*str++] != _set_ctr; L++) ;
	return L;

echo strctrim.c
cat >strctrim.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strctrim.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strctrim()

    strctrim(dst, src, set, ends)
    copies src to dst, but will skip leading characters not in set if
    ends <= 0 and will skip trailing characters not in set if ends >= 0.
    Thus there are three cases:
	ends < 0 :	trim a prefix
	ends = 0 :	trim a prefix and a suffix both
	ends > 0 :	trim a suffix
    This is to strtrim as strcspn is to strspn.

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2set.h"

char *strctrim(dst, src, set, ends)
    register char *dst, *src;
    char *set;
    int ends;
	if (ends <= 0) {
	    register int chr;
	    while ((chr = *src++) && _set_vec[chr] != _set_ctr) ;
	if (ends >= 0) {
	    register int chr;
	    register char *save = dst;
	    while (chr = *src++) {
		*dst++ = chr;
		if (_set_vec[chr] == _set_ctr) save = dst;
	    dst = save, *dst = NUL;
	} else {
	    while (*dst++ = *src++) ;
	return dst;

echo strend.c
cat >strend.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strend.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 23 April 1984
    Defines: strend()

    strend(s) returns a character pointer to the NUL which ends s.  That
    is,  strend(s)-s  ==  strlen(s). This is useful for adding things at
    the end of strings.  It is redundant, because  strchr(s,'\0')  could
    be used instead, but this is clearer and faster.
    Beware: the asm version works only if strlen(s) < 65535.

#include "strings.h"

#if	VaxAsm

char *strend(s)
    char *s;
	asm("locc $0,$65535,*4(ap)");
	asm("movl r1,r0");

#else  ~VaxAsm 

char *strend(s)
    register char *s;
	while (*s++);
	return s-1;

#endif	VaxAsm

echo strfield.c
cat >strfield.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strfield.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 21 April 1984
    Defines: strfield()

    strfield(src, fields, chars, blanks, tabch)
	is based on the key specifications of the sort(1) command.

	tabch corresponds to 'x' in -t'x'.  If it is NUL, a field
	is leading layout (spaces, tabs &c) followed by at least
	one non-layout character, and is terminated by the next
	layout character or NUL.  If it is not NUL, a field is
	terminated by tabch or NUL.

	fields is the number of fields to skip over.  It corresponds
	to m in -m.n or +m.n .  There must be at least this many
	fields, and only the last may be terminated by NUL.

	chars is the number of characters to skip after the fields
	have been skipped.  At least this many non-NUL characters
	must remain after the fields have been skipped.  Note that
	it is entirely possible for this skip to cross one or more
	field boundaries.  This corresponds to n in +m.n or -m.n .

	Finally, if blanks is not 0, any layout characters will be
	skipped.  There need not be any.  This corresponds to the
	letter b in +2.0b or -0.4b .

	The result is NullS if the source ran out of fields or ran
	out of chars.  Otherwise it is a pointer to the first
	character of src which was not skipped.  It is quite possible
	for this character to be the terminating NUL.

	to skip to the user-id field of /etc/passwd:
	    user_id = strfield(line, 2, 0, 0, ':');

	to check whether "line" is at least 27 characters long:
	    if (strfield(line, 0, 27, 0, 0)) then-it-is;

	to select the third blank-delimited field in a line:
	    head = strfield(line, 2, 0, 1, 0);
	    tail = strfield(head, 1, 0, 0, 0);
	    (* the field is the tail-head characters starting at head *)

    It's not a bug, it's a feature: "layout" means any ASCII character
	in the range '\1' .. ' ', including '\n', '\f' and so on.

#include "strings.h"

char *strfield(src, fields, chars, blanks, tabch)
    register char *src;
    int fields, chars, blanks, tabch;
	if (tabch <= 0) {
	    while (--fields >= 0) {
		while (*src <= ' ') if (!*src++) return NullS;
		while (*++src > ' ') ;
	} else
	if (fields > 0) {
	    do if (!*src) return NullS;
	    while (*src++ != tabch || --fields > 0);
	while (--chars >= 0) if (!*src++) return NullS;
	if (blanks) while (*src && *src++ <= ' ') ;
	return src;
echo strfind.c
cat >strfind.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strfind.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 23 April 1984
    Defines: strfind()

    strfind(src, pat) looks for an instance of pat in src.  pat is not a
    regex(3) pattern, it is a literal string which must be matched exactly.
    As a special hack to prevent infinite loops, the empty string will be
    found just once, at the far end of src.  This is hard to justify.  The
    result is a pointer to the first character AFTER the located instance,
    or NullS if pat does not occur in src.  The reason for returning the
    place after the instance is so that you can count the number of instances
    by writing
	for (p = src, n = 0; p = strfind(p, NullS); n++) ;
    If you want a pointer to the first character of the instance, it is up
    to you to subtract strlen(pat).

    If there were a strnfind it wouldn't have to look at all the characters
    of src, this version does otherwise it could miss the closing NUL.

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2pat.h"

char *strfind(src, pat)
    char *src, *pat;
	register char *s, *p;
	register int c, lastch;

	pat = _str2pat(pat);
	if (_pat_lim < 0) {
	    for (s = src; *s++; ) ;
	    return s-1;
	/*  The pattern is non-empty  */
	for (c = _pat_lim, lastch = pat[c]; ; c = _pat_vec[c]) {
	    for (s = src; --c >= 0; )
		if (!*s++) return NullS;
	    c = *s, src = s;
	    if (c == lastch) {
		for (s -= _pat_lim, p = pat; *p; )
		    if (*s++ != *p++) goto not_yet;
		return s;
not_yet:;   }

echo strings.h
cat >strings.h <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strings.h
    Updated: 30 April 1984
    Purpose: Header file for the "string(3C)" package.
    Copyright (C) 1984 Richard A. O'Keefe.

    All  the  routines  in  this  package  are  the  original  work   of
    R.A.O'Keefe.   Any  resemblance  between  them  and  any routines in
    licensed software is due entirely  to  these  routines  having  been
    written  using the "man 3 string" UNIX manual page, or in some cases
    the "man 1 sort" manual page as a specification.  See the READ-ME to
    find the conditions under which these routines may be used & copied.

#define	NullS	(char*)0
#define NUL	'\0'

#ifndef	_AlphabetSize
#define	_AlphabetSize	128

#if	_AlphabetSize == 128
typedef	char _char_;
#if	_AlphabetSize == 256
typedef	unsigned char _char_;

/*  NullS is the "nil" character  pointer.   NULL  would  work  in  most
    cases,  but  in  some  C  compilers  pointers and integers may be of
    different sizes, so it is handy to have a nil pointer that  one  can
    pass to a function as well as compare pointers against.

    NUL is the "end of string character".   Strings are deemed to end at
    the first NUL, or, for the routines which take an N argument, when N
    is  exhausted.   None  of  the routines in this package works on the
    length alone.  (NUL is the ASCII name for this character.)

    The routines which move characters around don't  care  whether  they
    are  signed or unsigned.  But the routines which compare a character
    in a string with an argument, or use a character from a string as an
    index into an array, do care.  I have assumed that
	_AlphabetSize = 128 => only 0..127 appear in strings
	_AlphabetSize = 256 => only 0..255 appear in strings
    The files _str2set.c and _str2map.c declare character vectors  using
    this  size.  If you don't have unsigned char, your machine may treat
    char as unsigned anyway.

extern	char	*strcat(/*char^,char^*/);
extern	char	*strncat(/*char^,char^,int*/);

extern	int	strcmp(/*char^,char^*/);
extern	int	strncmp(/*char^,char^,int*/);

#define streql	!strcmp
#define strneql	!strncmp

extern	char	*strcpy(/*char^,char^*/);
extern	char	*strncpy(/*char^,char^,int*/);

extern	int	strlen(/*char^*/);
extern	int	strnlen(/*char^,int*/);

extern	char	*strchr(/*char^,_char_*/);
extern	char	*strrchr(/*char^,_char_*/);

#define	index	strchr
#define	rindex	strrchr

extern	char	*strmov(/*char^,char^*/);
extern	char	*strnmov(/*char^,char^,int*/);

extern	char	*strend(/*char^*/);

extern	char	*strpbrk(/*char^,char^*/);
extern	char	*strcpbrk(/*char^,char^*/);

extern	int	strspn(/*char^,char^*/);
extern	int	strcspn(/*char^,char^*/);

extern	char	*strtok(/*char^,char^*/);
extern	void	istrtok(/*char^,char^*/);

extern	char	*strpack(/*_char_^,_char_^,char^,int*/);
extern	char	*strcpack(/*_char_^,_char_^,char^,int*/);

extern	int	strrpt(/*char^,char^,int*/);
extern	int	strnrpt(/*char^,int,char^,int*/);

extern	void	strtrans(/*_char_^,_char_^,_char_^,_char_^*/);
extern	void	strntrans(/*_char_^,_char_^,int,_char_^,_char_^*/);

extern	char	*strtrim(/*char^,char^,char^,int*/);
extern	char	*strctrim(/*char^,char^,char^,int*/);

extern	char	*strfield(/*char^,int,int,int,int*/);
extern	char	*strkey(/*char^,char^,char^,char^*/);

extern	char	*strfind(/*char^,char^*/);
extern	char	*strrepl(/*char^,char^,char^,char^*/);

extern	void	bcopy(/*char^,char^,int*/);
extern	void	bmove(/*char^,char^,int*/);

extern	void	bfill(/*char^,int,char*/);
extern	void	bzero(/*char^,int*/);

extern	int	bcmp(/*char^,char^,int*/);
#define	beql	!bcmp

extern	int	ffs(/*int*/);
extern	int	ffc(/*int*/);

extern	char	*str2int(/*char^,int,long,long,long^*/);
extern	int	atoi(/*char^*/);
extern	long	atol(/*char^*/);

extern	char	*int2str(/*char^,int,long*/);
#define	itoa(d, n)	int2str(d, -10, (long)(n))
#define	ltoa(d, n)	int2str(d, -10, (long)(n))

echo strkey.c
cat >strkey.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strkey.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strkey()

    strkey(dst, head, tail, options)
	copies tail-head characters from head to dst according to the
	options.  If tail is NullS, it copies up to the terminating
	NUL of head.  This function is meant for doing comparisons as
	by sort(1).  The options are thus a string of characters
	taken from "bdfin".  In case the options came from somewhere
	else other letters are ignored.

	-b: leading layout characters are not copied.

	-d: only letters, digits, and blanks are copied.
	-i: only graphic characters (32..126) are copied.
	-n: a numeric string is copied.
	    These options are incompatible, and the last is taken.

	-f: upper case letters are copied as lower case.

    The question of what to do with a numeric string is  an  interesting
    one,  and  I  don't claim that this is a brilliant answer.  However,
    the solution used here does mean that the  caller  can  compare  two
    strings as strings without needing to know that they are numeric.  A
    number  is  copied  as  <sign><9  digits>.<remaining  digits>, where
    <sign> is '-' for a negative number and '0' for a  positive  number.
    The magic number 9 is defined to be DigitMagic.

    The idea is that to compare two lines using the keys
	-tx +m1.n1<flags> -m2.n2
    you do
	h1 = strfield(line1, m1, n1, 0, 'x');
	t1 = strfield(h1, 1, 0, 0, 'x');
	strkey(buff1, h1, t1, "flags");
	h2 = strfield(line2, m2, n2, 0, 'x');
	t2 = strfield(h2, 1, 0, 0, 'x');
	strkey(buff2, h2, t2, "flags");
	... strcmp(buff1, buff2) ...

    The point of all this, of course, is to make it easier to write new
    utilities which are compatible with sort(1) than ones which are not.

#include "strings.h"

#define	DigitMagic 9

char *strkey(dst, head, tail, flags)
    register char *dst, *head, *tail;
    char *flags;
	register int c;
	int b = 0;	/* b option? */
	int f = 0;	/* f option? */
	int k = 0;	/* 3->n, 2->d, 1->i, 0->none of them */

	while (*flags) switch (*flags++|32) {
	    case 'b':	b++;	break;
	    case 'f':	f++;	break;
	    case 'i':	k = 1;	break;
	    case 'd':	k = 2;	break;
	    case 'n':	k = 3;	break;
	    default : /*ignore*/break;
	flags = dst;	/* save return value */

	if (tail == NullS) for (tail = head; *tail; tail++) ;

	if (b) while (head != tail && *head <= ' ') head++;

	switch (k) {
	    case 0:
		if (f) {
		    while (head != tail) {
			c = *head++;
			if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c |= 32;
			*dst++ = c;
		} else {
		    while (head != tail) *dst++ = *head++;
	    case 1:
		if (f) {
		    while (head != tail) {
			c = *head++;
			if (c >= 32 && c <= 126) {
			    if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c |= 32;
			    *dst++ = c;
		} else {
		    while (head != tail) {
			c = *head++;
			if (c >= 32 && c <= 126) *dst++ = c;
	    case 2:
		if (f) f = 32;
		while (head != tail) {
		    c = *head++;
		    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9' ||  c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c == ' ') { 
			*dst++ = c;
		    } else
		    if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
			*dst++ = c|f;
	    case 3:
		if (*head == '-' && head != tail) {
		    *dst++ = *head++;
		} else {
		    *dst++ = '0';
		b = 0;
		while (head != tail) {
		    c = *head;
		    if (c < '0' || c > '9') break;
		    b++, head++;
		f = DigitMagic-b;
		while (--f >= 0) *dst++ = '0';
		head -= b;
		while (--b >= 0) *dst++ = *head++;
		if (*head == '.' && head != tail) {
		    *dst++ = *head++;
		    while (head != tail) {
			c = *head++;
			if (c < '0' || c > '9') break;
			*dst++ = c;
		    /* now remove trailing 0s and possibly the '.' as well */
		    while (*--dst == '0') ;
		    if (*dst != '.') dst++;
	*dst = NUL;
	return flags;	/* saved initial value of dst */

echo strlen.c
cat >strlen.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strlen.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 23 April 1984
    Defines: strlen()

    strlen(s) returns the number of characters in s, that is, the number
    of non-NUL characters found before the closing NULEosCh.  Note: some
    non-standard C compilers for 32-bit machines take int to be 16 bits,
    either put up with short strings or change int  to  long  throughout
    this package.  Better yet, BOYCOTT such shoddy compilers.
    Beware: the asm version works only if strlen(s) < 65536.

#include "strings.h"

#if	VaxAsm

int strlen(s)
    char *s;
	asm("locc  $0,$65535,*4(ap)");
	asm("subl3 r0,$65535,r0");

#else  ~VaxAsm

int strlen(s)
    register char *s;
	register int L;
	for (L = 0; *s++; L++) ;
	return L;

#endif	VaxAsm

echo strmov.c
cat >strmov.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strmov.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strmov()

    strmov(dst, src) moves all the  characters  of  src  (including  the
    closing NUL) to dst, and returns a pointer to the new closing NUL in
    dst.   The similar UNIX routine strcpy returns the old value of dst,
    which I have never found useful.  strmov(strmov(dst,a),b) moves a//b
    into dst, which seems useful.

#include "strings.h"

char *strmov(dst, src)
    register char *dst, *src;
	while (*dst++ = *src++) ;
	return dst-1;

echo strncase.c
cat >strncase.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strncase.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 4 May 1984
    Defines: strncase()

    strncase(dst, src, n, op) copies characters from src to dst until
    n runs out or a NUL is copied, whichever occurs first.  It changes
    the alphabetic case of letters according to op.  The options are
	0 -> convert to lower case llllll
	1 -> convert to upper case UUUUUU
	2 -> capitalise each word  Cccccc
	3 -> change each letter to the opposite case
    This is the "n" version of strcase().  The result is a character
    pointer to the closing NUL if one was transferred, otherwise to
    the next character after the last one transferred.  (The idea is
    that strncase(dst, src, n, op) = strnlen(src, n).)
    You can use strncase(buff, buff, n, op) safely.

#include "strings.h"
#include "ctypes.h"

#define	UPPER	 0		/* EBCDIC: 64 */
#define LOWER	32		/* EBCDIC:  0 */
#define OTHER	32		/* EBCDIC: 64 */

char *strcase(dst, src, n, op)
    register char *dst, *src;
    int n;
    int op;
	register int d;			/* Should be char */
	register int mask;		/* Should be char */
	char initial, rest;

	switch (op) {
	    case 0:	initial = LOWER, rest = LOWER; break;
	    case 1:	initial = UPPER, rest = UPPER; break;
	    case 2:	initial = UPPER, rest = LOWER; break;
	    case 3:	while (--n >= 0 && (d = *src++))
			    *dst++ = isalpha(d) ? d^OTHER : d;
			goto done;
	for (mask = initial; --n >= 0 && (d = *src++); *dst++ = d)
	    if (isalpha(d)) {
		d = (d &~ OTHER) | mask, mask = rest;
	    } else {
		mask = initial;
done:	if (n >= 0) *dst = '\0';
	return dst;

echo strncat.c
cat >strncat.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strncat.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strncat()

    strncat(dst, src, n)  copies up to n characters of src to the end of
    dst.   As with strcat, it has to search for the end of dst.  Even if
    it abandons src early because n runs out it  will  still  close  dst
    with a NUL.  See also strnmov.

#include "strings.h"

char *strncat(dst, src, n)
    register char *dst, *src;
    register int n;
	char *save;

	for (save = dst; *dst++; ) ;
	for (--dst; --n >= 0; )
	    if (!(*dst++ = *src++)) return save;
	*dst = NUL;
	return save;

echo strncmp.c
cat >strncmp.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strncmp.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 10 April 1984
    Defines: strncmp()

    strncmp(s, t, n) compares the first n characters of s and t.
    If they are the same in the first n characters it returns 0,
    otherwise it returns the same value as strcmp(s, t) would.

#include "strings.h"

int strncmp(s, t, n)
    register char *s, *t;
    register int n;
	while (--n >= 0) {
	    if (*s != *t++) return s[0]-t[-1];
	    if (!*s++) return 0;
	return 0;

echo strncpy.c
cat >strncpy.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strncpy.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strncpy()

    strncpy(dst, src, n) copies up to n characters of src  to  dst.   It
    will  pad  dst  on the right with NUL or truncate it as necessary to
    ensure that n characters exactly are transferred.   It  returns  the
    old value of dst as strcpy does.

#include "strings.h"

char *strncpy(dst, src, n)
    register char *dst, *src;
    register int n;
	char *save;

	for (save = dst;  --n >= 0; ) {
	    if (!(*dst++ = *src++)) {
		while (--n >= 0) *dst++ = NUL;
		return save;
	return save;

echo strnlen.c
cat >strnlen.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strnlen.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 10 April 1984
    Defines: strnlen()

    strnlen(s, n) returns the number of characters up to the  first  NUL
    in s, or n, whichever is smaller.

#include "strings.h"

int strnlen(s, n)
    register char *s;
    register int n;
	register int L;
	for (L = 0; --n >= 0 && *s++; L++) ;
	return L;

echo strnmov.c
cat >strnmov.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strnmov.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strnmov()

    strnmov(dst, src, n) moves up to n characters of  src  to  dst.   It
    always  moves  exactly n characters to dst; if src is shorter than n
    characters dst will be extended on the right with NULs, while if src
    is longer than n characters dst will be a truncated version  of  src
    and  will  not  have  a closing NUL.  The result is a pointer to the
    first NUL in dst, or is dst+n if dst was truncated.

#include "strings.h"

char *strnmov(dst, src, n)
    register char *dst, *src;
    register int n;
	while (--n >= 0) {
	    if (!(*dst++ = *src++)) {
		src = dst-1;
		while (--n >= 0) *dst++ = NUL;
		return src;
	return dst;

echo strnrpt.c
cat >strnrpt.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strnrpt.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strnrpt()

    strnrpt(dst, n, src, k) "RePeaTs" the string src into dst  k  times,
    but  will  truncate  the  result at n characters if necessary.  E.g.
    strnrpt(dst, 7, "hack ", 2) will move "hack ha" to dst  WITHOUT  the
    closing  NUL.   The  result  is  the number of characters moved, not
    counting the closing NUL.  Equivalent to strrpt-ing into an infinite
    buffer and then strnmov-ing the result.

#include "strings.h"

int strnrpt(dst, n, src, k)
    register char *dst;
    register int n;
    char *src;
    int k;
	char *save;

	for (save = dst; --k >= 0; dst--) {
	    register char *p;
	    for (p = src; ; ) {
		if (--n < 0) return dst-save;
		if (!(*dst++ = *p++)) break;
	return dst-save;

echo strntrans.c
cat >strntrans.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strntrans.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strntrans()

    strntrans(dst, src, n, from, to)
    copies exactly n characters from src to dst.  It will not stop  when
    it  encounters  a NUL, so you can use it with a table which maps NUL
    to something different.  No value is returned.

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2map.h"

void strntrans(dst, src, n, from, to)
    register _char_ *dst, *src;
    register int n;
    _char_ *from, *to;
	_str2map(0, from, to);
	while (--n >= 0) *dst++ = _map_vec[*src++] ;

echo strpack.c
cat >strpack.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strpack.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strpack()

    strpack(dst, src, set, c)
    copies characters from src to dst, stopping when it finds a NUL.  If
    c is NUL, characters in set are not copied to dst.  If c is not NUL,
    sequences of characters from set are copied as a single c.
    strpack(d, s, " \t", ' ') can be used to compress white space,
    strpack(d, s, " \t", NUL) to eliminate it.  To translate  characters
    in  set to c without compressing runs, see strtrans(). The result is
    the address of the NUL byte now terminating dst.  Note that dst  may
    safely be the same as src.

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2set.h"

char *strpack(dst, src, set, c)
    register _char_ *dst, *src;
    char *set;
    register int c;
	register int chr;

	while (chr = *src++) {
	    if (_set_vec[chr] == _set_ctr) {
		while ((chr = *src++) && _set_vec[chr] == _set_ctr) ;
		if (c) *dst++ = c;	/* 1. If you don't want trailing */
		if (!chr) break;	/* 2. things turned into "c", swap */
	    }				/* lines 1 and 2. */
	    *dst++ = chr;
	*dst = 0;
	return dst;

echo strpbrk.c
cat >strpbrk.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strpbrk.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 11 April 1984
    Defines: strpbrk()

    strpbrk(s1, s2) returns NullS if no character of s2 occurs in s1, or
    a pointer to the first character of s1 which occurs in s2  if  there
    is one.  It generalises strchr (v7=index).  It wouldn't be useful to
    consider NUL as part of s2, as that would occur in every s1.

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2set.h"

char *strpbrk(str, set)
    register _char_ *str;
    char *set;
	while (_set_vec[*str] != _set_ctr)
	    if (!*str++) return NullS;
	return str;

echo strpref.c
cat >strpref.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strpref.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 11 April 1984
    Defines: strpref()

    strpref(src, prefix)
	checks whether prefix is a prefix of src.  If it is not, the
	result is NullS.  If it is, the result is a pointer to the
	first character of src after the prefix (src+strlen(prefix)).

#include "strings.h"

char *strpref(src, prefix)
    register char *src, *prefix;
	while (*prefix) if (*src++ != *prefix++) return NullS;
	return src;

echo strrchr.c
cat >strrchr.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strrchr.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 10 April 1984
    Defines: strrchr(), rindex()

    strrchr(s, c) returns a pointer to the  last  place  in  s  where  c
    occurs,  or  NullS if c does not occur in s. This function is called
    rindex in V7 and 4.?bsd systems; while not ideal the name is clearer
    than strrchr, so rindex  remains  in  strings.h  as  a  macro.   NB:
    strrchr  looks  for single characters, not for sets or strings.  The
    parameter 'c' is declared 'int' so it will go in a register; if your
    C compiler is happy with register char change it to that.

#include "strings.h"

char *strrchr(s, c)
    register _char_ *s;
    register int c;
	register char *t;

	t = NullS;
	do if (*s == c) t = s; while (*s++);
	return t;

echo strrepl.c
cat >strrepl.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strrepl.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 23 April 1984
    Defines: strrepl()

    strrepl(dst, src, pat, rep, times) copies src to dst, replacing  the
    first "times" non-overlapping instances of pat by rep.  pat is not a
    regex(3) pattern, it is a  literal  string  which  must  be  matched
    exactly.   As  a  special hack, since strfind claims to find "" just
    once at the end of the src string, strrepl does a strcat when pat is
    an empty string "".  If times <= 0, it is just strmov.

    The result is a pointer to the NUL which now terminates dst.

    BEWARE: even when rep is shorter than pat it is NOT necessarily safe
    for dst to be the same as src.  ALWAYS make sure dst and src do not/
    will not overlap.  You have been warned.

    There really ought to be a strnrepl with a bound for the size of the
    destination string, but there isn't.

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2pat.h"

char *strrepl(dst, src, pat, rep, times)
    char *dst, *src, *pat, *rep;
    int times;
	register char *s, *p;
	register int c, lastch;

	pat = _str2pat(pat);
	if (times <= 0) {
	    for (p = dst, s = src; *p++ = *s++; ) ;
	    return p-1;
	if (_pat_lim < 0) {
	    for (p = dst, s = src; *p++ = *s++; ) ;
	    for (--p, s = rep; *p++ = *s++; ) ;
	    return p-1;
	/*  The pattern is non-empty and times is positive  */
	c = _pat_lim, lastch = pat[c];
	for (;;) {
	    for (s = src, p = dst; --c >= 0; )
		if (!(*p++ = *s++)) return p-1;
	    c = *s, src = s, dst = p;
	    if (c == lastch) {
		for (s -= _pat_lim, p = pat; *p; )
		    if (*s++ != *p++) goto not_yet;
		for (p = dst-_pat_lim, s = rep; *p++ = *s++; ) ;
		if (--times == 0) {
		    for (s = src; *p++ = *++s; ) ;
		    return p-1;
		dst = p, src++, c = _pat_lim;
	    } else {
not_yet:	c = _pat_vec[c];
echo strrpt.c
cat >strrpt.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strrpt.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strrpt()

    strrpt(dst, src, k) "RePeaTs" the string src into dst k times.  E.g.
    strrpt(dst, "hack ", 2) will move "hack hack" to dst.  If k <= 0 it
    does nothing.  The result is the number of characters moved, except
    for the closing NUL.  src may be "" but may not of course be NullS.

#include "strings.h"

int strrpt(dst, src, k)
    register char *dst;
    char *src;
    int k;
	char *save;

	for (save = dst; --k >= 0; --dst) {
	    register char *p;
	    for (p = src; *dst++ = *p++; ) ;
	return dst-save;

echo strspn.c
cat >strspn.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strspn.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 11 April 1984
    Defines: strspn()

    strspn(s1, s2) returns the  length  of  the  longest  prefix  of  s1
    consisting  entirely  of characters in s2.  NUL is not considered to
    be in s2, and _str2set will not include it in the set.

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2set.h"

int strspn(str, set)
    register _char_ *str;
    char *set;
	register int L;

	for (L = 0; _set_vec[*str++] == _set_ctr; L++) ;
	return L;

echo strsuff.c
cat >strsuff.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strsuff.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 11 April 1984
    Defines: strsuff()

    strsuff(src, suffix)
	checks whether suffix is a suffix of src.  If it is not, the
	result is NullS.  If it is, the result is a pointer to the
	character of src where suffix starts (which is the same as
	src+strlen(src)-strlen(prefix) ).

#include "strings.h"

char *strsuff(src, suffix)
    register char *src, *suffix;
	register int L;	/* length of suffix */

	for (L = 0; *suffix++; L++)
	    if (!*src++) return NullS;
	while (*src++) ;
	for (--src, --suffix; --L >= 0; )
	    if (*--src != *--suffix) return NullS;
	return src;

echo strtok.c
cat >strtok.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strtok.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 11 April 1984
    Defines: istrtok(), strtok()

    strtok(src, set)
	skips over initial characters of src[] which occur in set[].
	The result is a pointer to the first character of src[]
	which does not occur in set[].  It then skips until it finds
	a character which does occur in set[], and changes it to NUL.
	If src is NullS, it is as if you had specified the place
	just after the last NUL was written.  If src[] contains no
	characters which are not in set[] (e.g. if src == "") the
	result is NullS.

	To read a sequence of words separated by spaces you might write
	p = strtok(sequence, " ");
	while (p) {process_word(p); p = strtok(NullS, " ");}
	This is unpleasant, so there is also a function

    istrtok(src, set)
	which builds the set and notes the source string for future
	reference.  With this function, you can write

	for (istrtok(wordlist, " \t"); p = strtok(NullS, NullS); )

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2set.h"

static	char	*oldSrc = "";

void istrtok(src, set)
    char *src, *set;
	if (src != NullS) oldSrc = src;

char *strtok(src, set)
    register char *src;
    char *set;
	char *save;

	if (src == NullS) src = oldSrc;
	while (_set_vec[*src] == _set_ctr) src++;
	if (!*src) return NullS;
	save = src;
	while (_set_vec[*++src] != _set_ctr) ;
	*src++ = NUL;
	oldSrc = src;
	return save;

echo strtrans.c
cat >strtrans.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strtrans.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 11 April 1984
    Defines: strtrans()

    strtrans(dst, src, from, to)
	copies characters from src[] to dst[], stopping when dst gets  a
	NUL character, translating characters in from[] to corresponding
	characters  in to[]. Courtesy of _str2map, if from or to is null
	its previous value will be used, and if both are NullS the table
	will not be rebuilt.  Note that copying stops when a NUL is  put
	into  dst[],  which can normally happen only when a NUL has been
	fetched from src[], but if you have built your  own  translation
	table  it may be earlier (if some character is mapped to NUL) or
	later (if NUL  is  mapped  to  something  else).   No  value  is

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2map.h"

void strtrans(dst, src, from, to)
    register _char_ *dst, *src;
    _char_ *from, *to;
	_str2map(0, from, to);
	while (*dst++ = _map_vec[*src++]) ;

echo strtrim.c
cat >strtrim.c <<'EOF'
/*  File   : strtrim.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 20 April 1984
    Defines: strtrim()

    strtrim(dst, src, set, ends)
    copies src to dst, but will skip leading characters in set if "ends"
    is <= 0, and will skip trailing characters in set if ends is >= 0.
    Thus there are three cases:
	ends < 0 :	trim a prefix
	ends = 0 :	trim a prefix and a suffix both
	ends > 0 :	trim a suffix
    To compress internal runs, see strpack.  The normal use of this is
    strtrim(buffer, buffer, " \t", 0);  The result is the address of the
    NUL which now terminates dst.

#include "strings.h"
#include "_str2set.h"

char *strtrim(dst, src, set, ends)
    register char *dst, *src;
    char *set;
    int ends;
	if (ends <= 0) {
	    while (_set_vec[*src] == _set_ctr) src++;
	if (ends >= 0) {
	    register int chr;
	    register char *save = dst;
	    while (chr = *src++) {
		*dst++ = chr;
		if (_set_vec[chr] != _set_ctr) save = dst;
	    dst = save, *dst = NUL;
	} else {
	    while (*dst++ = *src++) ;
	return dst;


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