6809 assembler mods

wje at sii.UUCP wje at sii.UUCP
Sat May 5 00:50:33 AEST 1984

Here are a few corrections to the 6809 assembler sources posted earlier.
Many thanks to Peter Vinsel (savax!vinsel) for finding these!
	-Bill Ezell (decvax!sii!wje)

	line 106- call to list_m3 changed to:
	line 593- postbyte for d,r is 8B, not 8C
	line 606- postbyte for 8bit n,pc is 8C, not 8D
	line 608- postbyte for 16bit n,pc is 8D, not 8E
	line 725- mask lower 4 bits (0xf) not 5 bits (0x1f)
	line 738- case is 0xC instead of 0x9

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