TCSH for System III and version 7

johanw at ttds.UUCP johanw at ttds.UUCP
Mon May 14 06:12:30 AEST 1984

TCSH is an enhanced version of CSH. Difflistings between TCSH and the
BSD4.1 CSH was posted to net.sources about a month ago. This was done
by Paul W. Placeway at The Ohio State University (cbosgd!osu-dbs!paul).

I have moved TCSH to a PDP-11/45 running version 7, and to an MC68000
(Altos) running System III. These ports are built on the BSD4.2 CSH
minus job control.

The sources for TCSH are rather large so I will distribute this stuff via
tape. Besides: I'm not sure that BSD4.2 CSH is in the public domain.
Could someone enlighten me on this: Is BSD4.2 CSH in the public domain?

Portability: The size of the text on a PDP-11 is 57 kByte so separate
instruction and dataspaces are required. You might get it up on an
11/23 with the usual overlay scheme, but i fear that TCSH will be to
slow on that machine. TCSH is a bit strained on an 11/45 already.

TCSH is quite at home on a MC68000. Caveat: I used a compiler (and library)
with 32-bit int's. If you have only a compiler with 16-bit int's you are in
for some sessions with lint (and tracing by putting printf's in the source,
I don't know how to use adb on CSH).

What does TCSH provide? I quote from the manual:
	1) Editing of the command line using control characters.
	2) Interactive command, file name and user name completion.
	3) File/Directory/User list in the middle of a typed command.
	4) Lookup of command documentation in the middle of a typed command.
	5) Visual step up/down through the history list.
	6) Automatic logout after long amounts of idle time.

There is a serious bug in TCSH: start-up times are very long. Logging in
on the 68000 system takes about 30 seconds. Logging in on the PDP may take
2 minutes. This is for lightly loaded systems...

If you are still interested: Send me a 600 foot tape together with your
snail mail address.

{philabs,decvax}!mcvax!enea!ttds!johanw         Johan Widen
						S-100 44 Stockholm

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