news 2.10.2 src part 5, part 7

Ken Turkowski ken at turtlevax.UUCP
Sun Sep 16 14:56:54 AEST 1984

We did not receive part 1 of the 2.10.2 news distribution.  In
addition, parts 5 and 7 seem to have been truncated as follows (only
1829 lines).  Could 1, 5, and 7 be retransmitted?

There couldn't be a bug in 2.10.2 postnews, now, could there?

=== REFERENCED ARTICLE ===================================
Relay-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site turtlevax.UUCP
Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/3/84; site seismo.UUCP
Path: turtlevax!flairvax!decwrl!decvax!linus!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!rick
From: rick at seismo.UUCP (Rick Adams)
Newsgroups: net.sources
Subject: news 2.10.2 src part 5
Message-ID: <3683 at seismo.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 4-Sep-84 17:31:42 PDT
Date-Received: Fri, 7-Sep-84 16:18:42 PDT
Distribution: net
Organization: Center for Seismic Studies, Arlington, VA
Lines: 2154

<other source code here>

echo x - src/recnews.c
sed 's/^X//' >src/recnews.c <<'*-*-END-of-src/recnews.c-*-*'
<some stuff here>
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char	*SccsId = "@(#)recnews.c	2.9	9/3/84";
X#endif !lint
X#include "defs.h"
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
X * Note: we assume there are 2 kinds of hosts using recnews:
X * Those that have delivermail (and hence this program will never
X * have to deal with more than one message at a time) and those on the arpanet
X * that do not (and hence all messages end with a sentenel).  It is
X * supposed that regular v7 type systems without delivermail or some
X * other automatic forwarding device will just use rnews.  We do
X * not attempt to tell where a message ends on all systems due to the
X * diff==========================================================
<end of transmitted file>

=== REFERENCED ARTICLE ===================================
Relay-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site turtlevax.UUCP
Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/3/84; site seismo.UUCP
Path: turtlevax!flairvax!decwrl!decvax!linus!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!rick
From: rick at seismo.UUCP (Rick Adams)
Newsgroups: net.sources
Subject: news 2.10.2 src part 7
Message-ID: <3685 at seismo.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 4-Sep-84 17:33:23 PDT
Date-Received: Fri, 7-Sep-84 16:19:33 PDT
Distribution: net
Organization: Center for Seismic Studies, Arlington, VA
Lines: 2249

<some source code here>
X/*** terminal modes ***/
X#ifdef USG
Xstatic struct termio oldtty, newtty;
X * Save tty modes
X */
X	if (ioctl(1, TCGETA, &oldtty) < 0)
X		xerror("Can't get tty modes");
X	newtty = oldtty;
X	newtty.c_iflag &=~ (INLCR|IGNCR|ICRNL);
X	newtty.c_oflag &=~ (OPOST);
X	newtty.c_lflag &=~ (ICANON|ECHO|ECHOE|ECHOK|ECHONL);
X	newtty.c_lflag |=  (NOFLSH);
X	newtty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
X	newtty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
X	cerase = oldtty.c_cc[VERASE];
X	ckill ===========================================================
<end of transmitted file>
Ken Turkowski @ CADLINC, Palo Alto, CA
UUCP: {amd,decwrl,dual,flairvax,nsc}!turtlevax!ken
ARPA: turtlevax!ken at DECWRL.ARPA

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