HELP : need a termcap for the Apple IIc

Kee Hinckley nazgul at apollo.uucp
Thu Sep 13 03:55:43 AEST 1984

<At the sound of the exploding Bill the Cat, the time will be...>

Yes, well.  Here is one that I use for the ][e with the 80 column card.
It should work on the ][c as well.  You may want to change the delays
depending on your system.

av|apple2e|Apple ][e with 80 column card:\
	:am:bc=^H:bs:db#0:bw:cd=^K:ce=^]:cl=^L:dF#0:cm=^^%r%+ %+ :co#80:\

                                Kee Hinckley

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