FINDERR.MAC and FINDERR.DOC, CP/M-ZCPR3 utility for error passing

emigh at ecsvax.UUCP emigh at ecsvax.UUCP
Thu Sep 27 05:54:21 AEST 1984

: Run this shell script with "sh" not "csh"
export PATH
if [ $1x = -ax ]; then
/bin/echo 'Extracting finderr.doc'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >finderr.doc
                                VERSION 1.0

                               Ted H. Emigh
                  Departments of Genetics and Statistics
                      North Carolina State University
                            Raleigh, NC  27695
                           usenet: emigh at ecsvax

     One of the major advantages of ZCPR3 is the passing of messages from
one utility to the next.  Unfortunately, almost all commercial packages do
not have this mechanism.  This program was developed to help in the passing
of messages from commercial programs to ZCPR3 utilities.  As an example:
We may wish to have a compilation/assembly stop if there are errors.
Otherwise, we may wish to link the program with a library to an executable
program.  Microsoft's Macro-80 assembler (M80) and FORTRAN-80 compiler
(F80) give a summary of the number of fatal and warning errors just before
the assembler/compiler stops execution.  FINDERR looks at the fatal and
warning errors from M80/F80 and sets the ZCPR3 registers if there have
been any errors.

     Although it was designed for M80/F80, it should be relatively simple
to add this type of error messages for any program that gives a summary of
errors (or a total number of errors).


     ZCPR3 allows the passing and testing of messages using the IF #
construct, where # is a number between 0 and 9.  If a particular register
is 0, then an error did not occur, if it is nonzero, then an error occured
during assembly/compilation, and the specific value designates whether the
error was fatal or a warning error.  In this version of FINDERR, ZCPR3
Register 0 reflects the error status of a prior M80 assembly, and ZCPR3
Register 1 reflects the error status of a prior F80 compilation.  FINDERR
will check memory locations for both M80 and F80 -- but will be valid only
ONE AT A TIME, and must be executed immediately after M80/F80.


     If a program gives a summary message, it must have locations to keep
track of the errors (or summary data).  As the program exits, it will check
these locations and print a message if it is appropriate.  You need to find
these locations in order to make use of the summary information.   To find
these locations, you need a good disassembler (RES, ZDASM, etc).


     The first thing you must look for is the message that is printed out
when there is an error, say, "Errors Detected".  Dump memory from 100H
until you have found the message.  The message, typically will end with a
'$', or 0, or with the 80H bit set, or will have a single byte at the
beginning which contains the number of characters to display:
	db	'Errors Detected',0DH,0AH,'$'	;ending in '$'
	db	'Errors Detected',0DH,0AH,0	;ending in 0
	db	'Errors Detected',0DH,0AH+80H	;ending with 80H bit set
	db	17,'Errors Detected',0DH,0AH	;character count at the start
     Normally, there are two ways for the program to print an error
message: 1)  Loading the address of the summary message into a register
(e.g., LXI H,ERRMSG), then calling a routine that prints the message; or 2)
Having a CALL just before the summary message (the address of the summary
message is then put on the stack).  The first is the most common situation.

     Once you have found the summary message, use your disassembler's
'FIND' function to find where the beginning location of the message has
been referenced.  In this area, you will find the code that checks for the
error count.  The following is an example (from Microsoft's M80 macro
assembler, version 3.44).

	2EAD	LDHL	3CEDH		;Location for number of fatal errors
	2EB0	MOV	A,H		;See if there are errors
	2EB2	JZ	2ECBH		;No errors, print 'No'
	2EB5	PUSH	H		;These next
	2EB6	CALL	1ADFH		;	statements
	2EB9	POP	H		;		print the number
	2EBA	LDA	40B4H		;			of errors
	2EC8	JMP	2ED1H		;Now print ' Fatal error(s)'
	2ECB	LXI	H,2F4CH		;Point to 'No' message
	2ECE	CALL	2FD0H		;Print it
	2ED1	LXI	H,2F4FH		;Point to ' Fatal error(s)' message
	2ED4	CALL	2FD0H		;Print it
	2F4C	DB	'No',0
	2F4F	DB	' Fatal error(s)',0

     In this case, I searched for 2F4CH (the 'No' message), and found it
referenced at 2ECBH.  The instruction just before this is an unconditional
jump (JMP 2ED1H), so we need to 'FIND' 2ECBH as well.  This search leads to
2EB2H, and the instructions just prior to it.  We can see now that location
3CEDH is the 2-byte location for the number of errors (actually, from this
segment all we know is that the word at 3CEDH is zero if there are no
errors, and nonzero if there are errors).  Once you understand what to look
for, it is not too difficult to find these locations.  Unfortunately, not
all programs do this.  For example, neither ASM nor MAC keep track of the
number of errors, so this will not work for those assemblers.

     When you have found the locations, and how many bytes each takes, you
can add them to this program by changing the system equates at the
beginning of the program.  For the distribution version, register 0 is zero
if M80 found no errors, is one if M80 found at least one fatal error, and
is two if M80 found no fatal errors but did find at least one warning
error.  In addition, register 1 is zero if F80 found no errors, is one if
F80 found at least one fatal error, and is two if F80 found no fatal
errors, but did find at least one warning error.


     FINDERR MUST be executed immediately following the termination of the
program that it is checking, so that no memory locations are changed.  Note
that this means that FINDERR should lie in the path, don't use CMDRUN to
get it out of a library, as this may change the memory locations you wish
to test.  The ZCPR3 registers are set IN CONTEXT WITH the program executed
prior to FINDERR.  Hence, Register 0 is a valid test with FINDERR after
M80, but is invalid if FINDERR is executed after F80.  The following ZEX
file will assemble an M80 file and link/load it if there are no errors.  If
there are warning errors, it will wait for programmer intervention, and if
there are any fatal errors it will abort the assembly.


;   M80.ZEX -- MACRO-80 Assembler and Linker
;   ^& Suppress FALSE IF Printout
if nul $1 ;note Print Error Message
echo	^G**** No Parameter Specified ****
else	;note Perform Assembly
if ~empty $1.MAC ;note Print File Not Found
echo	**** File Not Found ****
M80 =$1
if 0		;note No errors found, link file
L80 /P:100,$1,$1/N,SYSLIB/S,/E
else		;note on IF REG 0
if 0 2	;note see if the errors are warnings
echo	^G***WARNING ERROR***
if input Type T to Continue or F to Abort (Warning Errors)
L80 /P:100,$1,$1/N,SYSLIB/S,/E
fi	  ;note on IF INPUT
else	  ;note error is fatal
fi	  ;note IF REG 0 2
fi;fi	   ;note on IF NUL and IF EMPTY
;    Assembly Complete
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 finderr.doc
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld finderr.doc
/bin/echo 'Extracting finderr.mac'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >finderr.mac
;  VERSION:  1.0
;  DATE:  11 SEPT 84
EXTENV	EQU	1	; 1 for External Environ, 0 for Internal Environ

;	FINDERR is a program to set the ZCPR3 message registers if various
;	memory locations are nonzero
;  ZCPR3 Header

;  These Locations Assume the use of M80/F80, Version 3.44
m80f	equ	03cedh		;location of number of fatal errors (M80)
m80fb	equ	2		;--16 bits (2 bytes)
m80w	equ	03cefh		;location of number of warning errors (M80)
m80wb	equ	2		;--16 bits (2 bytes)

f80f	equ	01c1h		;location of number of fatal errors (F80)
f80fb	equ	2		;--16 bits (2 bytes)
f80w	equ	02adh		;location of number of warning errors (F80)
f80wb	equ	2		;--16 bits (2 bytes)
;  System Equates
;  Add the location of the error indicator, and the number of byte
;  for the indicator for each indicator desired.  If the number of
;  bytes is zero, that particular memory location is ignored.
fatal0	equ	m80f		;location of number of fatal errors
bytesf0	equ	m80fb		;number of bytes
warn0	equ	m80w		;location of number of warning errors
bytesw0	equ	m80wb		;number of bytes
fnderr0	equ	bytesf0 or bytesw0	;register 0 used for these errors

fatal1	equ	f80f		;location of number of fatal errors
bytesf1	equ	f80fb		;number of bytes
warn1	equ	f80w		;location of number of warning errors
bytesw1	equ	f80wb		;number of bytes
fnderr1	equ	bytesf1 or bytesw1	;register 1 used for these errors

;  The rest of the registers are not used at this time
;  (if bytes = 0, then the memory address is not checked)
fatal2	equ	0		;location of number of fatal errors
bytesf2	equ	0		;number of bytes
warn2	equ	0		;location of number of warning errors
bytesw2	equ	0		;number of bytes
fnderr2	equ	bytesf2 or bytesw2	;register 2 used for these errors
fatal3	equ	0		;location of number of fatal errors
bytesf3	equ	0		;number of bytes
warn3	equ	0		;location of number of warning errors
bytesw3	equ	0		;number of bytes
fnderr3	equ	bytesf3 or bytesw3	;register 3 used for these errors
fatal4	equ	0		;location of number of fatal errors
bytesf4	equ	0		;number of bytes
warn4	equ	0		;location of number of warning errors
bytesw4	equ	0		;number of bytes
fnderr4	equ	bytesf4 or bytesw4	;register 4 used for these errors
fatal5	equ	0		;location of number of fatal errors
bytesf5	equ	0		;number of bytes
warn5	equ	0		;location of number of warning errors
bytesw5	equ	0		;number of bytes
fnderr5	equ	bytesf5 or bytesw5	;register 5 used for these errors
fatal6	equ	0		;location of number of fatal errors
bytesf6	equ	0		;number of bytes
warn6	equ	0		;location of number of warning errors
bytesw6	equ	0		;number of bytes
fnderr6	equ	bytesf6 or bytesw6	;register 6 used for these errors
fatal7	equ	0		;location of number of fatal errors
bytesf7	equ	0		;number of bytes
warn7	equ	0		;location of number of warning errors
bytesw7	equ	0		;number of bytes
fnderr7	equ	bytesf7 or bytesw7	;register 7 used for these errors
fatal8	equ	0		;location of number of fatal errors
bytesf8	equ	0		;number of bytes
warn8	equ	0		;location of number of warning errors
bytesw8	equ	0		;number of bytes
fnderr8	equ	bytesf8 or bytesw8	;register 8 used for these errors
fatal9	equ	0		;location of number of fatal errors
bytesf9	equ	0		;number of bytes
warn9	equ	0		;location of number of warning errors
bytesw9	equ	0		;number of bytes
fnderr9	equ	bytesf9 or bytesw9	;register 9 used for these errors
;	jrnz	- Jump Relative if No Zero
;	djnz	- Decrement B and Jump Relative if No Zero
;	@gendd Macro used for Checking and Generating
;	8-Bit Jump Relative Displacements
@gendd	macro	?dd	;;Used for checking range of 8-bit displacements
	if2		;;M80

	if (?dd gt 7FH) and (?dd lt 0FF80H)
	db	100H,?dd	;Displacement Range Error
	db	?dd
	endif		;;Range Error

	else		;;M80
	db	?dd	;;M80
	endif		;;M80

jrnz	macro	?n	;;Jump Relative on No Zero
	if	i8080	;;8080/8085
	jnz	?n
	else		;;Z80
	db	20H
	@gendd	?n-$-1
	endif		;;I8080
djnz	macro	?n	;;Decrement B and Jump Relative on No Zero
	if	i8080	;;8080/8085
	dcr	B
	jnz	?n
	else		;;Z80
	db	10H
	@gendd	?n-$-1
	endif		;;I8080
;  Macros to do most of the work
;  SETBYT will set B register to 'value' if the any of the bytes
;    at location 'loc' to 'loc'+'bytes'-1 are nonzero
;    ('bytes' is the number of bytes to check)
;    If no error, then B=0.  errno is the error number
setbyt	macro	loc,bytes,errno,value
	local	nxtbyt
	if bytes ne 0
	if bytes eq 1
	lda	loc		;;get byte
	ora	a		;;see if zero
	endif			;;bytes eq 1
	if bytes eq 2
	lxi	h,loc
	mov	a,m		;;get lower byte
	inx	h		;;point to higher byte
	ora	m		;;see if 16 bit number is zero
	endif			;;bytes eq 2
	if bytes gt 2
	lxi	h,loc
	mov	a,m		;;get first byte
	mvi	b,bytes-1	;;number of bytes
nxtbyt:	inx	h		;;point to next byte
	ora	m		;;see if number is zero
	djnz	nxtbyt		;;more bytes?
	if i8080
	ora	a		;;set flags for a again
	endif			;;I8080
	endif			;;bytes gt 2
	mvi	b,value
	jrnz	err&errno
	endif			;;bytes ne 0
;  SETBYT will set register number errno to the value in
;    B if entered at err&errno, else it will reset the value
;    at register number errno.  This routine MUST follow the
;    last setbyt for that error number.
finish	macro	errno
	mvi	b,0		;;set for zero
	lxi	h,30h+errno	;;point to register number
	dad	d
	mov	m,b		;;save the error code
;  Environments
	if	extenv		; if external environment ...
;  External Environment Definition
	jmp	finderr
	db	'Z3ENV'		; this is an environment
	db	1		; class 1 environment (external)
	dw	z3env		; ptr to environment
	lhld	envloc		; HL pts to environment

	else			; if internal environment ...
;  Internal Environment Definition
	jmp	finderr
	db	'Z3ENV'		; this is an environment
	SYSENV			; define environment
	lxi	h,envloc	; HL pts to environment


;  Beginning of FINDERR
	lxi	d,34		;message address offset in environment
	dad	d		;point to location of message address
	mov	a,m		;get message address
	inx	h
	mov	h,m
	mov	l,a		;HL now points to the message buffer
	ora	h		;see if message buffers supported
	rz			;messages not supported, abort
	xchg			;save pointer to message buffer
	irp	errno,<0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9>
if fnderr&errno
	setbyt	fatal&errno,bytesf&errno,errno,1
	setbyt	warn&errno,bytesw&errno,errno,2
	finish	errno

//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 finderr.mac
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld finderr.mac

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