James A. Lahren acsgjal at sunybcs.UUCP
Thu Sep 20 11:57:12 AEST 1984

[ this line is given for taxes ]

     I am very interested in acquiring sources for any games that might
  be floating out there.  In particular, the games that people have
  running under VAX/VMS and UNIX, realizing that they are the better
  ones around.  We plan on modifying them for a cyber 730, a 6000
  series, running NOS 2.2.  Thanks in advance for your generosity.

                                                   - Jim Lahren 

James Lahren @ SUNY Buffalo (716-636-2798)
acsgjal at buffalo.CSNET -or- !!{watmath,decvax,rocksanne}!sunybcs!acsgjal

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