new f-proto source (see net.bug.uucp)

Piet Beertema piet at mcvax.UUCP
Thu Sep 27 09:02:20 AEST 1984


	/*	%M%	%I%	%E%	(Mathematisch Centrum)	*/

 * flow control protocol.
 * This protocol relies on flow control of the data stream.
 * It is meant for working over links that can (almost) be
 * guaranteed to be errorfree, specifically X.25/PAD links.
 * A sumcheck is carried out over a whole file only. If a
 * transport fails the receiver can request retransmission(s).
 * This protocol uses a 7-bit datapath only, so it can be
 * used on links that are not 8-bit transparent.
 * When using this protocol with an X.25 PAD:
 * Although this protocol uses no control chars except CR,
 * control chars NULL and ^P are used before this protocol
 * is started; since ^P is the default char for accessing
 * PAD X.28 command mode, be sure to disable that access
 * (PAD par 1). Also make sure both flow control pars
 * (5 and 12) are set. The CR used in this proto is meant
 * to trigger packet transmission, hence par 3 should be 
 * set to 2; a good value for the Idle Timer (par 4) is 10.
 * All other pars should be set to 0.
 * Author: Piet Beertema, CWI, Amsterdam, Sep 1984

#include "uucp.h"
#include <signal.h>
#ifdef SIII
#include <termio.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
#endif SIII
#include <setjmp.h>

#define FBUFSIZ		256

static int chksum;
static jmp_buf Ffailbuf;

static falarm()
	longjmp(Ffailbuf, 1);

static int (*fsig)();

#ifndef SIII
#define termio	sgttyb
#endif SIII

	int ret;
	struct termio ttbuf;

	ioctl(Ifn, TCGETA, &ttbuf);
#ifdef SIII
	ttbuf.c_iflag = IXOFF|IXON|ISTRIP;
	ttbuf.c_cc[4] = FBUFSIZ > 64 ? 64 : FBUFSIZ;
	ttbuf.c_cc[5] = 5;
	ttbuf.sg_flags = ANYP|CBREAK|TANDEM;
#endif SIII
	ret = ioctl(Ifn, TCSETA, &ttbuf);
	ASSERT(ret >= 0, "STTY FAILED", "", ret);
	fsig = signal(SIGALRM, falarm);
	return 0;

	(void) signal(SIGALRM, fsig);
	return 0;

fwrmsg(type, str, fn)
register char *str;
int fn;
char type;
	register char *s;
	char bufr[MAXMSGLEN];

	s = bufr;
	*s++ = type;
	while (*str)
		*s++ = *str++;
	if (*(s-1) == '\n')
	*s++ = '\r';
	(void) write(fn, bufr, s - bufr);
	return 0;

frdmsg(str, fn)
register char *str;
register int fn;
	register char *smax;

	if (setjmp(Ffailbuf))
		return FAIL;
	smax = str + MAXMSGLEN - 1;
	(void) alarm(2*MAXMSGTIME);
	for (;;) {
		if (read(fn, str, 1) <= 0)
			goto msgerr;
		if (*str == '\r')
		if (str++ >= smax)
			goto msgerr;
	*str = '\0';
	(void) alarm(0);
	return 0;
	(void) alarm(0);
	return FAIL;

fwrdata(fp1, fn)
FILE *fp1;
int fn;
	register int flen, alen, ret;
	register char *obp;
	char ibuf[FBUFSIZ];
	char ack;
	long abytes, fbytes;
	time_t t1, t2;

	ret = FAIL;
	chksum = 0xffff;
	abytes = fbytes = 0L;
	while ((flen = fread(ibuf, sizeof (char), FBUFSIZ, fp1)) > 0) {
		alen = fwrblk(fn, ibuf, flen);
		abytes += alen >= 0 ? alen : -alen;
		if (alen <= 0)
			goto acct;
		fbytes += flen;
	sprintf(ibuf, "\176\176%04x\r", chksum);
	abytes += alen = strlen(ibuf);
	if (write(fn, ibuf, alen) == alen) {
		DEBUG(8, "%d\n", alen);
		DEBUG(8, "checksum: %04x\n", chksum);
	if (frdmsg(ibuf, fn) < 0) {
		ack = 0;
		goto acct;
	ack = ibuf[0];
	DEBUG(4, "ack - '%c'\n", ack);
	if (ack == 'G')
		ret = 0;
	sprintf(ibuf, ret == 0 ?
		"sent data %ld bytes %ld secs" :
		"send failed after %ld bytes %ld secs",
		fbytes, t2 - t1);
	DEBUG(1, "%s\n", ibuf);
	sysacct(abytes, t2 - t1);
	if (ack == 'R') {
		DEBUG(4, "RETRY:\n", 0);
		fseek(fp1, 0L, 0);
		goto retry;
#ifdef CWI
	if (ret)
		sysaccf(NULL);		/* force accounting */
#endif CWI
	return ret;

/* max. attempts to retransmit a file: */
#define MAXRETRIES	(fbytes < 10000L ? 2 : 1)

frddata(fn, fp2)
register int fn;
register FILE *fp2;
	register int flen;
	register char eof;
	char ibuf[FBUFSIZ];
	int ret, alen, retries = 0;
	long abytes, fbytes;
	time_t t1, t2;

	ret = FAIL;
	chksum = 0xffff;
	abytes = fbytes = 0L;
	do {
		flen = frdblk(ibuf, fn, &alen);
		abytes += alen;
		if (flen < 0)
			goto acct;
		if (eof = flen > FBUFSIZ)
			flen -= FBUFSIZ + 1;
		fbytes += flen;
		if (fwrite(ibuf, sizeof (char), flen, fp2) != flen)
			goto acct;
	} while (!eof);
	ret = 0;
	sprintf(ibuf, ret == 0 ? 
		"received data %ld bytes %ld secs" :
		"receive failed after %ld bytes %ld secs",
		fbytes, t2 - t1);
	DEBUG(1, "%s\n", ibuf);
	sysacct(abytes, t2 - t1);
	if (ret) {
		if (retries++ < MAXRETRIES) {
			DEBUG(8, "send ack: 'R'\n", 0);
			fwrmsg('R', "", fn);
			fseek(fp2, 0L, 0);
			DEBUG(4, "RETRY:\n", 0);
			goto retry;
		DEBUG(8, "send ack: 'Q'\n", 0);
		fwrmsg('Q', "", fn);
#ifdef CWI
		sysaccf(NULL);		/* force accounting */
#endif CWI
	} else {
		DEBUG(8, "send ack: 'G'\n", 0);
		fwrmsg('G', "", fn);
	return ret;

frdbuf(blk, len, fn)
register char *blk;
register int len;
register int fn;
	register int ret;

	if (setjmp(Ffailbuf))
		return FAIL;
	(void) alarm(MAXCHARTIME);
	ret = read(fn, blk, len);
	return ret <= 0 ? FAIL : ret;

/* Byte conversion:
 *   from        pre       to
 * 000-037       172     100-137
 * 040-171               040-171
 * 172-177       173     072-077
 * 200-237       174     100-137
 * 240-371       175     040-171
 * 372-377       176     072-077

fwrblk(fn, ip, len)
int fn;
register char *ip;
register int len;
	register char *op;
	register int sum, nl;
	int ret;
	char obuf[FBUFSIZ * 2];

	DEBUG(8, "%d/", len);
	op = obuf;
	nl = 0;
	sum = chksum;
	do {
#ifdef vax
		if ((sum <<= 1) & 0x10000)
		sum = ((sum & 0xffff) + (*ip & 0377)) & 0xffff;
		if (sum < 0) {
			sum <<= 1;
		} else
			sum <<= 1;
		sum += *ip & 0377;
#endif vax
		if (*ip & 0200) {
			*ip &= 0177;
			if (*ip < 040) {
				*op++ = '\174';
				*op++ = *ip++ + 0100;
			} else
			if (*ip <= 0171) {
				*op++ = '\175';
				*op++ = *ip++;
			else {
				*op++ = '\176';
				*op++ = *ip++ - 0100;
			nl += 2;
		} else {
			if (*ip < 040) {
				*op++ = '\172';
				*op++ = *ip++ + 0100;
				nl += 2;
			} else
			if (*ip <= 0171) {
				*op++ = *ip++;
			} else {
				*op++ = '\173';
				*op++ = *ip++ - 0100;
				nl += 2;
	} while (--len);
	chksum = sum;
	DEBUG(8, "%d,", nl);
	ret = write(fn, obuf, nl);
	return ret == nl ? nl : ret < 0 ? 0 : -ret;

frdblk(ip, fn, rlen)
register char *ip;
int fn, *rlen;
	register char *op, c;
	register int sum, len, nl;
	char buf[5], *erbp = ip;
	int i;
	static char special = 0;

	if ((len = frdbuf(ip, FBUFSIZ, fn)) == FAIL)
		goto dcorr;
	*rlen = len;
	DEBUG(8, "%d/", len);
	op = ip;
	nl = 0;
	sum = chksum;
	do {
		if (*ip >= '\172') {
			if (special) {
				DEBUG(8, "%d", nl);
				special = 0;
				op = buf;
				if (*ip++ != '\176' || (i = --len) > 5)
					goto dcorr;
				while (i--)
					*op++ = *ip++;
				while (len < 5) {
					i = frdbuf(&buf[len], 5 - len, fn);
					if (i == FAIL)
						goto dcorr;
					DEBUG(8, ",%d", i);
					len += i;
					*rlen += i;
				if (buf[4] != '\r')
					goto dcorr;
				sscanf(buf, "%4x", &chksum);
				DEBUG(8, "\nchecksum: %04x\n", sum);
				if (chksum == sum)
					return FBUFSIZ + 1 + nl;
				else {
					DEBUG(8, "\n", 0);
					DEBUG(4, "Bad checksum\n", 0);
					return FAIL;
			special = *ip++;
		} else {
			if (*ip < '\040') {
				/* error: shouldn't get control chars */
				goto dcorr;
			switch (special) {
			case 0:
				c = *ip++;
			case '\172':
				c = *ip++ - 0100;
			case '\173':
				c = *ip++ + 0100;
			case '\174':
				c = *ip++ + 0100;
			case '\175':
				c = *ip++ + 0200;
			case '\176':
				c = *ip++ + 0300;
			*op++ = c;
#ifdef vax
			if ((sum <<= 1) & 0x10000)
			sum = ((sum & 0xffff) + (c & 0377)) & 0xffff;
			if (sum < 0) {
				sum <<= 1;
			} else
				sum <<= 1;
			sum += c & 0377;
#endif vax
			special = 0;
	} while (--len);
	chksum = sum;
	DEBUG(8, "%d,", nl);
	return nl;
	DEBUG(8, "\n", 0);
	DEBUG(4, "Data corrupted\n", 0);
	while (len != FAIL) {
		if ((len = frdbuf(erbp, FBUFSIZ, fn)) != FAIL)
			*rlen += len;
	return FAIL;

	Piet Beertema, CWI, Amsterdam

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