cpp (1-3), file as cpp1.arc

Martin Minow minow at decvax.UUCP
Sun Sep 2 11:49:27 AEST 1984

-h- readme.txt	Sat Sep  1 21:43:35 1984	readme.txt
Decus CPP is a public-domain implementation of the C preprocessor.
It runs on VMS native (Vax C), VMS compatibilty mode (Decus C),
RSX-11M, RSTS/E, P/OS, and RT11, as well as on several varieties
of Unix, including Ultrix-32.  These notes describe how to extract
the cpp source files, configure cpp for your needs, and mention
a few design decisions that may be of interest to maintainers.


Because the primary development of cpp was not on Unix, it
is distributed using the Decus C archive program (quite similar
to the archiver published in Kernighan and Plauger's Software
Tools).  To extract the files from the net.sources distribution,
save this message as cpp1.arc (and the other two distribution
files as cpp2.arc and cpp3.arc).  Then, using your favorite editor,
locate the archx.c program, just following the line beginning with
"-h- archx.c" -- the format of the tape is just:

      ... stuff
    -h- archx.c
      ... archx.c program
    -h- archc.c
      ... archc.c program

Compile archx.c -- it shouldn't require any special editing.
Then run it as follows:

    archx cpp1.arc
    archx cpp2.arc
    archx cpp3.arc

You do not need to remove mail headers from the saved messages.

You should then read through cppdef.h to make sure the HOST and TARGET
(and other implementation-specific) definitions are set correctly for
your machine, editing cppdef.h or makefile.txt as needed.

You may then copy makefile.txt to Makefile, On Unix, cpp should be
compiled by make without further difficulty.  On other operating systems,
you should compile the three source modules, linking them together.
Note that, on Decus C based systems, you must extend the default
stack allocation.  The Decus C build utility will create the
appropriate command file.

			Support Notes

The distribution kit was designed to keep all submissions just
under 50,000 bytes:

	readme.txt	This file
	cpp.mem		Documentation page (see below)
	archx.c		Archive extraction program
	archc.c		Archive construction program
	cpp.rno		Source for cpp.mem (see below)
	makefile.txt	Unix makefile -- copy to Makefile

	cpp.h		Main header file (structure def's and globals)
	cppdef.h	Configuration file (host and target definitions)
	cpp1.c		Mainline code, most #control processing

	cpp2.c		#define, macro expansion, and #if <expr> processors
	cpp3.c		Support code (symbol table and I/O routines)
While cpp intentionally does not rely on the presence of a full-scale
macro preprocessor, it does require the simple parameter substitution
preprocessor capabilities of Unix V6 and Decus C.  If your C
language lacks full preprocessing, you should make sure "nomacargs"
is #define'd in cpp.h.  (This is done automatically by the Decus C

The documentation (manual page) for cpp is included as cpp.mem
and cpp.rno.  These are in Dec Runoff format, built by a Decus C
utility (getrno) from original source which is embedded in cpp1.c.
To my knowledge, there is no equivalent program that creates
the nroff source appropriate for Unix.

I would be happy to receive fixes to any problems you encounter.
As I do not maintain distribution kit base-levels, bare-bones
diff listings without sufficient context are not very useful.
It is unlikely that I can find time to help you with other


I received a great deal of help from many people in debugging cpp.
Alan Feuer and Sam Kendall used "state of the art" run-time code
checkers to locate several errors.  Ed Keiser found problems when
cpp was used on machines with different int and pointer sizes.
Dave Conroy helped with the initial debugging.

Martin Minow

-h- cpp.mem	Sat Sep  1 21:43:35 1984	cpp.mem

        1.0  C Pre-Processor

                                    * cpp *

        NAME:   cpp -- C Pre-Processor


                cpp [-options] [infile [outfile]]


                CPP reads a C source file, expands  macros  and  include
                files,  and writes an input file for the C compiler.  If
                no file arguments are given, cpp reads  from  stdin  and
                writes  to  stdout.   If  one file argument is given, it
                will define the input file,  while  two  file  arguments
                define both input and output files.

                The following options are  supported.   Options  may  be
                given in either case.

                -Idirectory     Add  this  directory  to  the  list   of
                                directories  searched for #include "..."
                                and #include <...> commands.  Note  that
                                there  is  no space between the "-I" and
                                the directory string.  More than one  -I
                                command   is   permitted.   On  non-Unix
                                systems   "directory"   is   forced   to

                -Dname=value    Define the name  as  if  the  programmer

                                    #define name value

                                at the start  of  the  first  file.   If
                                "=value"  is  not  given, a value of "1"
                                will be used.

                                On non-unix systems, all alphabetic text
                                will be forced to upper-case.

                -Uname          Undefine the name as if

                                        #undef name
                                                                          Page 2
        cpp     C Pre-Processor

                                were given.  On non-Unix systems, "name"
                                will be forced to upper-case.

                The following variables are pre-defined:

                Target computer (as appropriate):

                    pdp11, vax, M68000 m68000 m68k

                Target operating system (as appropriate):

                    rsx, rt11, vms, unix

                Target compiler (as appropriate):

                    decus, vax11c

                The implementor may add definitions to this  list.   The
                default  definitions  match  the  definition of the host
                computer, operating system, and C compiler.

                The following are always available unless undefined:

                    __FILE__    The  input  (or  #include)  file   being
                                compiled (as a quoted string).

                    __LINE__    The line number being compiled.

                    __DATE__    The date and time of  compilation  as  a
                                Unix  ctime  quoted string (the trailing
                                newline is removed).  Thus,

                                    printf("Bug at line %s,", __LINE__);
                                    printf(" source file %s", __FILE__);
                                    printf(" compiled on %s", __DATE__);

                -Xnumber        Enable debugging code.  If no  value  is
                                given,  a value of 1 will be used.  (For
                                maintenence of CPP only.)


                Comments are removed from the input text.   The  comment
                is  replaced  by a single space character.  This differs
                from  usage  on  some  existing  preprocessors  (but  it
                follows the Draft Ansi C Standard).

                Note that arguments may be concatenated as follows:

                    #define I(x)x
                    #define CAT(x,y)I(x)y
                    int value = CAT(1,2);
                                                                          Page 3
        cpp     C Pre-Processor

                If the above macros  are  defined  and  invoked  without
                extraneous  spaces,  they will be transportable to other
                implementations.  Unfortunately, this will not  properly

                    int CAT(foo,__LINE__);
                    int CAT(foo,__LINE__);

                as __LINE__ is copied into the  input  stream,  yielding
                "foo__LINE__"  in  both  cases, rather than the expected
                "foo123", "foo124", which would result if __LINE__  were
                expanded and the result copied into the input stream.

                Macro formal parameters are not recognized within quoted
                strings and character constants in macro definitions.

                CPP implements most of the  ANSI  draft  standard.   You
                should be aware of the following differences:

                o   In the draft standard,  the  \n  (backslash-newline)
                    character is "invisible" to all processing.  In this
                    implementation, it is invisible to strings, but acts
                    a "whitespace" (token-delimiter) outside of strings.
                    This considerably simplifies error message handling.

                o   The following new features of  C  are  processed  by

                        #elif expression    (#else #if)
                        '\xNNN'             (Hexadecimal constants)
                        '\a'                (Ascii BELL [silly])
                        '\v'                (Ascii VT)
                        #if defined NAME    (1 if defined, 0 if not)
                        #if defined (NAME)  (1 if defined, 0 if not)
                        unary +             (gag me with a spoon)

                o   The draft standard has extended C, adding  a  string
                    concatenation operator, where

                        "foo" "bar"

                    is regarded as the single  string  "foobar".   (This
                    does not affect CPP's processing.)


                Many.  CPP prints warning messages if  you  try  to  use
                multiple-byte character constants (non-transportable) or
                if you #undef a symbol that was not defined.


                Cpp prints spurious error or  warning  messages  in  #if
                sequences such as the following:
                                                                          Page 4
        cpp     C Pre-Processor

                    #define foo 0
                    #if (foo != 0) ? (100 / foo) : 0
                    #undef foo
                    #if ((defined(foo)) ? foo : 0) == 1

                Cpp should supress the error message if the expression's
                value is already known.


                Martin Minow

-h- archx.c	Sat Sep  1 21:43:35 1984	archx.c
 *			A R C H X
 * Archive extraction

			TASK	= ...ARX


title	archx	text file archiver extraction
index		text file archiver extraction

	arch archive_files


	Archx manages archives (libraries) of source files, allowing
	a large number of small files to be stored without using
	excessive system resources.  Archx extracts all files from
	an archive.

	If no archive_name file is given, the standard input is read.
	Archive header records are echoed to the standard output.

archive file format

	Archive files are standard text files.  Each archive element is
	preceeded by a line of the format:
	-h-	file.name	date	true_name
	Note that there is no line or byte count.  To prevent problems,
	a '-' at the beginning of a record within a user file or embedded
	archive will be "quoted" by doubling it.  The date and true filename
	fields are ignored.  On some operating systems, file.name is
	forced to lowercase.

	If the first non-blank line of an input file does not
	begin with "-h", the text will be appended to "archx.tmp"
	This is needed if archives are distributed by mail
	and arrive with initial routing and subject information.


	Diagnostic messages should be self-explanatory


	Martin Minow


#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<ctype.h>
#define EOS		0
#define	FALSE		0
#define	TRUE		1
#ifdef	vms
#include	<ssdef.h>
extern int	errno;
#define	IO_ERROR	errno
#ifndef	IO_NORMAL
#define	IO_NORMAL	0
#ifndef	IO_ERROR
#define	IO_ERROR	1

 * The following status codes are returned by gethdr()
#define DONE	0
#define	GOTCHA	1
#define	NOGOOD	2

char		text[513];		/* Working text line		*/
char		name[81];		/* Current archive member name	*/
char		filename[81];		/* Working file name		*/
char		arfilename[81];		/* Archive file name		*/
char		fullname[81];		/* Output for argetname()	*/
int		verbose		= TRUE;	/* TRUE for verbosity		*/
int		first_archive;		/* For mail header skipping	*/
main(argc, argv)
int		argc;			/* Arg count			*/
char		*argv[];		/* Arg vector			*/
	register int		i;	/* Random counter		*/
	int			status;	/* Exit status			*/

#ifdef	vms
	argc = getredirection(argc, argv);
	status = IO_NORMAL;
	if (argc == 1)
	else {
	    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (freopen(argv[i], "r", stdin) != NULL)
		else {
		    status = IO_ERROR;

 * Process archive open on stdin
	register char		*fn;	/* File name pointer		*/
	register FILE		*outfd;
	register int		i;

	text[0] = EOS;
	while ((i = gethdr()) != DONE) {
	    switch (i) {
	    case GOTCHA:
		if ((outfd = fopen(name, "w")) == NULL) {
		    fprintf(stderr, "Can't create \"%s\"\n", name);

	    case NOGOOD:
		fprintf(stderr, "Missing -h-, writing to archx.tmp\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Current text line: %s", text);
		strcpy(name, "archx.tmp");
		if ((outfd = fopen(name, "a")) == NULL) {
		    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot append to %s\n", name);
 * If text is null, read a record, returning to signal input state:
 *	DONE	Eof read
 *	NOGOOD	-h- wasn't first non-blank line.  Line is in text[]
 *	GOTCHA	-h- found, parsed into name.
	register char	*tp;
	register char	*np;

again:	if (text[0] == EOS
	 && fgets(text, sizeof text, stdin) == NULL)
	    return (DONE);
	if (text[0] == '\n' && text[1] == EOS) {
	    text[0] = EOS;
	    goto again;
	if (text[0] != '-'
	 || text[1] != 'h'
	 || text[2] != '-')
	    return (NOGOOD);
	for (tp = &text[3]; isspace(*tp); tp++)
	for (np = name; !isspace(*tp); *np++ = *tp++)
	*np = EOS;
	return (GOTCHA);
 * Skip to next header
	while (fgets(text, sizeof text, stdin) != NULL) {
	    if (text[0] == '-' && text[1] != '-')
	text[0] = EOS;				/* EOF signal		*/
register FILE	*outfd;
 * Read secret archive format, writing archived data to outfd.
 * Clean out extraneous <cr>,<lf>'s
	register char	*tp;
	unsigned int	nrecords;

	printf("Creating \"%s\", ", name);
	nrecords = 0;
	while (fgets(text, sizeof text, stdin) != NULL) {
	    tp = &text[strlen(text)];
	    if (tp > &text[1] && *--tp == '\n' && *--tp == '\r') {
		*tp++ = '\n';
		*tp = EOS;
	    if (text[0] == '-') {
		if (text[1] != '-')
		    goto gotcha;
		fputs(text+1, outfd);
	    else {
		fputs(text, outfd);
	text[0] = EOS;
gotcha:	printf("%u records\n", nrecords);
	if (ferror(stdin) || ferror(outfd))
	    printf("Creation of \"%s\" completed with error\n", name);
 * getredirection() is intended to aid in porting C programs
 * to VMS (Vax-11 C) which does not support '>' and '<'
 * I/O redirection.  With suitable modification, it may
 * useful for other portability problems as well.

#ifdef	vms
static int
getredirection(argc, argv)
int		argc;
char		**argv;
 * Process vms redirection arg's.  Exit if any error is seen.
 * If getredirection() processes an argument, it is erased
 * from the vector.  getredirection() returns a new argc value.
 * Warning: do not try to simplify the code for vms.  The code
 * presupposes that getredirection() is called before any data is
 * read from stdin or written to stdout.
 * Normal usage is as follows:
 *	main(argc, argv)
 *	int		argc;
 *	char		*argv[];
 *	{
 *		argc = getredirection(argc, argv);
 *	}
	register char		*ap;	/* Argument pointer	*/
	int			i;	/* argv[] index		*/
	int			j;	/* Output index		*/
	int			file;	/* File_descriptor 	*/
	extern int		errno;	/* Last vms i/o error 	*/

	for (j = i = 1; i < argc; i++) {   /* Do all arguments	*/
	    switch (*(ap = argv[i])) {
	    case '<':			/* <file		*/
		if (freopen(++ap, "r", stdin) == NULL) {
		    perror(ap);		/* Can't find file	*/
		    exit(errno);	/* Is a fatal error	*/

	    case '>':			/* >file or >>file	*/
		if (*++ap == '>') {	/* >>file		*/
		     * If the file exists, and is writable by us,
		     * call freopen to append to the file (using the
		     * file's current attributes).  Otherwise, create
		     * a new file with "vanilla" attributes as if
		     * the argument was given as ">filename".
		     * access(name, 2) is TRUE if we can write on
		     * the specified file.
		    if (access(++ap, 2) == 0) {
			if (freopen(ap, "a", stdout) != NULL)
			    break;	/* Exit case statement	*/
			perror(ap);	/* Error, can't append	*/
			exit(errno);	/* After access test	*/
		    }			/* If file accessable	*/
		 * On vms, we want to create the file using "standard"
		 * record attributes.  create(...) creates the file
		 * using the caller's default protection mask and
		 * "variable length, implied carriage return"
		 * attributes. dup2() associates the file with stdout.
		if ((file = creat(ap, 0, "rat=cr", "rfm=var")) == -1
		 || dup2(file, fileno(stdout)) == -1) {
		    perror(ap);		/* Can't create file	*/
		    exit(errno);	/* is a fatal error	*/
		}			/* If '>' creation	*/
		break;			/* Exit case test	*/

		argv[j++] = ap;		/* Not a redirector	*/
		break;			/* Exit case test	*/
	}				/* For all arguments	*/
	return (j);

-h- archc.c	Sat Sep  1 21:43:35 1984	archc.c
 *			A R C H I V E
 * Create an archive

			TASK	= ...ARC


title	archc	text file archive creation
index		text file archive creation


	archc file[s] >archive


	Archc manages archives (libraries) of source files, allowing
	a large number of small files to be stored without using
	excessive system resources.  It copies the set of named
	files to standard output in archive format.

	The archx program will recreate the files from an archive.

	Note: there are no checks against the same file appearing
	twice in an archive.

archive file format

	Archive files are standard text files.  Each archive element is
	preceeded by a line of the format:
	-h-	file.name	date	true_path_name
	Note that there is no line or byte count.  To prevent problems,
	a '-' at the beginning of a record within a user file or embedded
	archive will be "quoted" by doubling it.  The date and true filename
	fields are ignored.  On Dec operating systems, file.name is
	forced to lowercase.


	Diagnostic messages should be self-explanatory


	Martin Minow


#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<ctype.h>
#define EOS		0
#define	FALSE		0
#define	TRUE		1

char		text[513];		/* Working text			*/
char		name[81];		/* Current archive member name	*/
char		pathname[81];		/* Output for argetname()	*/
char		*timetext;		/* Time of day text		*/
int		verbose		= TRUE; /* TRUE for verbosity		*/
FILE		*infd;			/* Input file			*/

main(argc, argv)
int		argc;			/* Arg count			*/
char		*argv[];		/* Arg vector			*/
	register int		i;	/* Random counter		*/
	register char		*fn;	/* File name pointer		*/
	register char		*argp;	/* Arg pointer			*/
	int			nfiles;
	extern char		*ctime();
	extern long		time();
	long			timval;

	timetext = ctime(&timval);
	timetext[24] = EOS;
	argc = getredirection(argc, argv);
	if (argc <= 1)
	    fprintf(stderr, "No files to archive?\n");
#ifdef	unix
	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
	    if ((infd = fopen(argv[i], "r")) == NULL)
	    else {
		strcpy(pathname, argv[i]);
	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
	    if ((infd = fwild(argv[i], "r")) == NULL)
	    else {
		for (nfiles = 0; fnext(infd) != NULL; nfiles++) {
		    fgetname(infd, pathname);
		if (nfiles == 0)
		    fprintf(stderr, "No files match \"%s\"\n", argv[i]);

 * Add the file open on infd (with file name in pathname) to
 * the archive.
	unsigned int	nrecords;

	nrecords = 0;
	printf("-h- %s\t%s\t%s\n", name, timetext, pathname);
	while (fgets(text, sizeof text, infd) != NULL) {
	    if (text[0] == '-')
		putchar('-');				/* Quote	*/
	    fputs(text, stdout);
	if (ferror(infd)) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Error when importing a file\n");
	if (verbose) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "%u records read from %s\n",
		nrecords, pathname);

 * Get file name (in pathname), stripping off device:[directory]
 * and ;version.  The archive name ("file.ext") is written to name[].
 * On a dec operating system, name is forced to lowercase.
	register char	*tp;
	register char	*ip;
	char		bracket;
	extern char	*strrchr();

#ifdef	unix
	 * name is after all directory information
	if ((tp = strrchr(pathname, '/')) != NULL)
	    tp = pathname;
	strcpy(name, tp);
	strcpy(name, pathname);
	if ((tp = strrchr(name, ';')) != NULL)
		*tp = EOS;
	while ((tp = strchr(name, ':')) != NULL)
		strcpy(name, tp + 1);
	switch (name[0]) {
	case '[':	bracket = ']';
	case '<':	bracket = '>';
	case '(':	bracket = ')';
	default:	bracket = EOS;
	if (bracket != EOS) {
	    if ((tp = strchr(name, bracket)) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "? Illegal file name \"%s\"\n",
	    else {
		strcpy(name, tp + 1);
	for (tp = name; *tp != EOS; tp++) {
	    if (isupper(*tp))
		*tp = tolower(*tp);

#ifdef	unix
char *
strrchr(stng, chr)
register char	*stng;
register char	chr;
 * Return rightmost instance of chr in stng.
 * This has the wrong name on some Unix systems.
	register char	*result;

	result = NULL;

	do {
	    if (*stng == chr)
		result = stng;
	} while (*stng++ != EOS);
	return (result);
 * getredirection() is intended to aid in porting C programs
 * to VMS (Vax-11 C) which does not support '>' and '<'
 * I/O redirection.  With suitable modification, it may
 * useful for other portability problems as well.

static int
getredirection(argc, argv)
int		argc;
char		**argv;
 * Process vms redirection arg's.  Exit if any error is seen.
 * If getredirection() processes an argument, it is erased
 * from the vector.  getredirection() returns a new argc value.
 * Warning: do not try to simplify the code for vms.  The code
 * presupposes that getredirection() is called before any data is
 * read from stdin or written to stdout.
 * Normal usage is as follows:
 *	main(argc, argv)
 *	int		argc;
 *	char		*argv[];
 *	{
 *		argc = getredirection(argc, argv);
 *	}
#ifdef	vms
	register char		*ap;	/* Argument pointer	*/
	int			i;	/* argv[] index		*/
	int			j;	/* Output index		*/
	int			file;	/* File_descriptor 	*/
	extern int		errno;	/* Last vms i/o error 	*/

	for (j = i = 1; i < argc; i++) {   /* Do all arguments	*/
	    switch (*(ap = argv[i])) {
	    case '<':			/* <file		*/
		if (freopen(++ap, "r", stdin) == NULL) {
		    perror(ap);		/* Can't find file	*/
		    exit(errno);	/* Is a fatal error	*/

	    case '>':			/* >file or >>file	*/
		if (*++ap == '>') {	/* >>file		*/
		     * If the file exists, and is writable by us,
		     * call freopen to append to the file (using the
		     * file's current attributes).  Otherwise, create
		     * a new file with "vanilla" attributes as if
		     * the argument was given as ">filename".
		     * access(name, 2) is TRUE if we can write on
		     * the specified file.
		    if (access(++ap, 2) == 0) {
			if (freopen(ap, "a", stdout) != NULL)
			    break;	/* Exit case statement	*/
			perror(ap);	/* Error, can't append	*/
			exit(errno);	/* After access test	*/
		    }			/* If file accessable	*/
		 * On vms, we want to create the file using "standard"
		 * record attributes.  create(...) creates the file
		 * using the caller's default protection mask and
		 * "variable length, implied carriage return"
		 * attributes. dup2() associates the file with stdout.
		if ((file = creat(ap, 0, "rat=cr", "rfm=var")) == -1
		 || dup2(file, fileno(stdout)) == -1) {
		    perror(ap);		/* Can't create file	*/
		    exit(errno);	/* is a fatal error	*/
		}			/* If '>' creation	*/
		break;			/* Exit case test	*/

		argv[j++] = ap;		/* Not a redirector	*/
		break;			/* Exit case test	*/
	}				/* For all arguments	*/
	return (j);
	 * Note: argv[] is referenced to fool the Decus C
	 * syntax analyser, supressing an unneeded warning
	 * message.
	return (argv[0], argc);		/* Just return as seen	*/

-h- cpp.rno	Sat Sep  1 21:43:35 1984	cpp.rno
.lm 8.rm 72.nhy

.no autosubtitle .style headers 3,0,0
.pg.uc.ps 58,80.lm 8.rm 72
.hd mixed
.head mixed

.st ########cpp#####C Pre-Processor
.hl 1 ^&C Pre-Processor\&
.s 2
.c ;*******
.c ;* cpp *
.c ;*******
.s 2
.lm +8
.s.i -8;NAME:	cpp -- C Pre-Processor
cpp [-options] [infile [outfile]]
CPP reads a C source file, expands macros and include
files, and writes an input file for the C compiler.
If no file arguments are given, cpp reads from stdin
and writes to stdout.  If one file argument is given,
it will define the input file, while two file arguments
define both input and output files.
The following options are supported.  Options may
be given in either case.
.lm +16
.p -16
--Idirectory	Add this directory to the list of
directories searched for _#include "..." and _#include <...>
commands.  Note that there is no space between the
"-I" and the directory string.  More than one -I command
is permitted.  On non-Unix systems "directory" is forced
to upper-case.
.p -16
--Dname=value	Define the name as if the programmer wrote
    _#define name value
at the start of the first file.  If "=value" is not
given, a value of "1" will be used.
On non-unix systems, all alphabetic text will be forced
to upper-case.
.p -16
--Uname		Undefine the name as if
	_#undef name
were given.  On non-Unix systems, "name" will be forced to
.s.lm -16
The following variables are pre-defined:
Target computer (as appropriate):
    pdp11, vax, M68000 m68000 m68k
Target operating system (as appropriate):
    rsx, rt11, vms, unix
Target compiler (as appropriate):
    decus, vax11c
The implementor may add definitions to this list.
The default definitions match the definition of the
host computer, operating system, and C compiler.
The following are always available unless undefined:
.lm +16
.p -12
____FILE____	The input (or _#include) file being compiled
(as a quoted string).
.p -12
____LINE____	The line number being compiled.
.p -12
____DATE____	The date and time of compilation as
a Unix ctime quoted string (the trailing newline is removed).
    printf("Bug at line _%s,", ____LINE____);
    printf(" source file _%s", ____FILE____);
    printf(" compiled on _%s", ____DATE____);
.p -16
--Xnumber	Enable debugging code.  If no value is
given, a value of 1 will be used.  (For maintenence of
CPP only.)
.s.lm -16
Comments are removed from the input text.  The comment
is replaced by a single space character.  This differs
from usage on some existing preprocessors (but it follows
the Draft Ansi C Standard).
Note that arguments may be concatenated as follows:
    _#define I(x)x
    _#define CAT(x,y)I(x)y
    int value = CAT(1,2);
If the above macros are defined and invoked without extraneous
spaces, they will be transportable to other implementations.
Unfortunately, this will not properly expand
    int CAT(foo,____LINE____);
    int CAT(foo,____LINE____);
as ____LINE____ is copied into the input stream, yielding
"foo____LINE____" in both cases, rather than the expected
"foo123", "foo124", which would result if ____LINE____
were expanded and the result copied into the input stream.
Macro formal parameters are not recognized within
quoted strings and character constants in macro definitions.
CPP implements most of the ANSI draft standard.
You should be aware of the following differences:
.lm +4
.s.i-4;o###In the draft standard, the _\n (backslash-newline)
character is "invisible" to all processing.  In this implementation,
it is invisible to strings, but acts a "whitespace" (token-delimiter)
outside of strings.  This considerably simplifies error
message handling.
.s.i-4;o###The following new features of C are processed by cpp:
.br;####_#elif expression####(_#else _#if)
.br;####'_\xNNN'#############(Hexadecimal constants)
.br;####'_\a'################(Ascii BELL [silly])
.br;####'_\v'################(Ascii VT)
.br;####_#if defined NAME####(1 if defined, 0 if not)
.br;####_#if defined (NAME)##(1 if defined, 0 if not)
.br;####_unary +#############(gag me with a spoon)
.s.i-4;o###The draft standard has extended C, adding a string
concatenation operator, where
    "foo" "bar"
is regarded as the single string "foobar".  (This does not
affect CPP's processing.)
.s.lm -4
Many.  CPP prints warning messages if you try to use
multiple-byte character constants (non-transportable)
or if you _#undef a symbol that was not defined.
.i -8;BUGS:
Cpp prints spurious error or warning messages in _#if
sequences such as the following:
.br;####_#define foo 0
.br;####_#if (foo != 0) _? (100 / foo) _: 0
.br;####_#undef foo
.br;####_#if ((defined(foo)) _? foo _: 0) == 1
Cpp should supress the error message if the expression's
value is already known.
.i -8;AUTHOR:
Martin Minow
.lm 8.rm 72.nhy

-h- makefile.txt	Sat Sep  1 21:43:35 1984	makefile.txt
# Unix makefile for cpp
# The following is needed for 4.2 bsd (and maybe some other Unices)
CFLAGS = -O -Dstrchr=index -Dstrrchr=rindex

LINT = lint

# ** compile cpp
SRCS = cpp1.c cpp2.c cpp3.c
OBJECTS.cpp = cpp1.o cpp2.o cpp3.o
cpp: $(OBJECTS.cpp)
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJECTS.cpp) -o cpp

# ** Test cpp by preprocessing itself, compiling the result,
# ** repeating the process and diff'ing the result.  Note: this
# ** is not a good test of cpp, but a simple verification.
# ** The diff's should not report any changes.
	cpp cpp1.c >old.tmp1.c
	cpp cpp2.c >old.tmp2.c
	cpp cpp3.c >old.tmp3.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) old.tmp[123].c
	a.out cpp1.c >new.tmp1.c
	a.out cpp2.c >new.tmp2.c
	a.out cpp3.c >new.tmp3.c
	diff old.tmp1.c new.tmp1.c
	diff old.tmp2.c new.tmp2.c
	diff old.tmp3.c new.tmp3.c
	rm a.out old.tmp[123].* new.tmp[123].*

# ** Lint the code

lint:	$(SRCS)
	$(LINT) $(SRCS)

# ** Rebuild the archive files needed to distribute cpp
# ** Uses the Decus C archive utility.

archc:	archc.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) archc.c -o archc

archx:	archx.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) archx.c -o archx

archive: archc
	archc readme.txt cpp.mem archx.c archc.c cpp.rno makefile.txt >cpp1.arc
	archc cpp*.h cpp1.c >cpp2.arc
	archc cpp2.c cpp3.c >cpp3.arc

cpp1.c	:	cpp.h cppdef.h

cpp2.c	:	cpp.h cppdef.h

cpp3.c	:	cpp.h cppdef.h

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