How to get mail to ucbcory (for mazewar source)

Steve Wall wall at ucbvax.ARPA
Tue Sep 18 09:52:53 AEST 1984

I believe that the following address will work to get mail to ucbcory:

	..!ucbvax!mazewar at ucbcory

I posted this to net.misc earlier and assume that it works (if it doesn't,
someone should let me or the net know). I don't know if the mazewar people are 
reading the net these days, so I don't know if they have collected all the 
requests in net.sources. You may want to send your request again to the above

Again, let me know if this address doesn't work. I tried it from Berkeley
and it seemed to get through, but I'm not certain that it will work from
the outside world.

Steve Wall

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