A 13 character self duplicator - can we then stop?

fred at gymble.UUCP fred at gymble.UUCP
Sat Sep 8 03:54:05 AEST 1984

[No! You're not going to delete this line. Stay back! NO! Aieeeeee . . *CHOMP*

	From: addw at root44.UUCP (Alain Williams)
	Newsgroups: net.sources
	Subject: A 13 character self duplicator -can we then stop ?
	Message-ID: <4911 at root44.UUCP>
	Date: Thu, 6-Sep-84 08:17:04 EDT

	How about: cat `path $0` (with no newline on the end)
	OK it depends on path (which gives the path to a command), but
	most of the others depend on printf().
						- Alain Williams,

Allright, if we're going to include shell scripts in the competition, I
submit the null program. If you don't believe this works do:

	cp /dev/null foo
	chmod a+x foo
	foo > bar
	cmp foo bar

Now try and get something shorter than that. ;-)

					Fred Blonder (301) 454-7690
					Fred at Maryland.ARPA

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