netnews 2.10.2 visual.c bug

Rick Adams rick at seismo.UUCP
Thu Sep 13 00:57:09 AEST 1984

The correct fix is:

*** 1989,1995
  #endif !BSD4_2
  	if (ioctl(2, TIOCGPGRP, (char *)&tpgrp) < 0)
  		goto nottty;
! 	if ((0xffff&tpgrp) != (0xffff&getpgrp(0))) { /* not in foreground */
  		signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);
  #ifdef BSD4_2
  		sigsetmask(sigblock(0) & ~BIT(SIGTTOU));

--- 1991,1997 -----
  #endif !BSD4_2
  	if (ioctl(2, TIOCGPGRP, (char *)&tpgrp) < 0)
  		goto nottty;
! 	if (tpgrp != getpgrp(0)) { /* not in foreground */
  		signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);
  #ifdef BSD4_2
  		sigsetmask(sigblock(0) & ~BIT(SIGTTOU));

Do not change them to shorts, leave them ints.


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