Xlisp fix - Add putprop code

Marty fouts at AMES-NAS.ARPA
Tue Apr 23 08:21:23 AEST 1985

     Enclosed are context diffs for changes to xlbfun.c and xlftab.c
which add the interface necessary to use putprop to add values to
property lists.

*** xlbfun.c	Mon Apr 22 13:31:09 1985
--- xlbfun.c.new	Mon Apr 22 13:28:52 1985
*** 417,419
      /* return nil */
      return (NIL);

--- 417,440 -----
      /* return nil */
      return (NIL);
+ /* xputprop - put a property value on the property list */
+ NODE *xputprop(args)
+   NODE *args;
+ {
+     NODE *sym, *prp, *val;
+     /* get the symbol, value, and property */
+     sym = xlmatch(SYM,&args);
+     val = xlarg(&args);
+     prp = xlmatch(SYM,&args);
+     xllastarg(args);
+     /* add the property */
+     xlputprop(sym,val,prp);
+     /* return nil */
+     return(NIL);
+ }

*** xlftab.c	Mon Apr 22 13:31:35 1985
--- xlftab.c.new	Mon Apr 22 13:29:41 1985
*** 7,13
!     *xsymname(),*xsymvalue(),*xsymplist(),*xget(),*xremprop(),

--- 7,13 -----
!     *xsymname(),*xsymvalue(),*xsymplist(),*xget(),*xremprop(),*xputprop(),
*** 55,60
  {	"symbol-plist",	SUBR,	xsymplist	},
  {	"get",		SUBR,	xget		},
  {	"remprop",	SUBR,	xremprop	},
  	/* list functions */
  {	"car",		SUBR,	xcar		},

--- 55,61 -----
  {	"symbol-plist",	SUBR,	xsymplist	},
  {	"get",		SUBR,	xget		},
  {	"remprop",	SUBR,	xremprop	},
+ {	"putprop",	SUBR,	xputprop        },
  	/* list functions */
  {	"car",		SUBR,	xcar		},


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