termcap display and diff

Lyle McElhaney lmc at denelvx.UUCP
Mon Apr 15 16:35:03 AEST 1985

Here is a program that can be used to interpret and compare termcap
entries on a side-by-side basis. It uses a modified tgetent, which
is presented below in a file which is the context diff of termcap.c
with /usr/src/usr.lib/libtermlib/termcap.c (on 4.2).

Lyle McElhaney

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	ctc.1
#	ctc.c
#	termcap.c.diff
#	makefile
# This archive created: Sun Apr 14 23:19:39 1985
cat << \SHAR_EOF > ctc.1
.TH CTC 1 "14 April 1984"
.UC 4
ctc - display and diff termcap entries
.B ctc
.B -d
] tcname [ file1 ] [ file2 ]
.I ctc
is a program which displays, interprets, and diffs termcap entries. The
.B tcname
argument determines the termcap entry that is to be displayed or compared,
while the number of
.B filename
arguments determine the function. If two file argumants are given, then the
appropriate termcap entries in each file are extracted and then displayed
side by side, one cap per line. If eaither argument is a plus sign, then
the contents of the TERMCAP environmental variable is used in the file's
place. If one file argument is given, then the termcap entry in that file
is displayed with a canned explanation of the cap shown on the right.
Finally, if no arguments are given, then the argument "+" is assumed.
In this letter case the
.I tcname
may also be defaulted.
.I \-d
option specifies that on the diff listing only lines in which the two
entries differ are to be displayed.
The format of the output has the capabilities sorted and printed one per
line, with continuations as required. An example display function would
look like:

Termcap entry for vwpt3a+ terminal:
236  bytes in 30   strings          0    bytes in 0    strings
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
am                                  automatic margins
bc=^H                               backspace
bl=^G                               bell
bs                                  ^h does backspace
cd=\EY                              clear to end of display
ce=\ET                              clear to end of line
cl=^Z                               clear screen
cm=\E=%+\040%+\040                  cursor motion

A example of a diff listing follows:

Termcap entry for vt100 terminal:
dj|vt100|vt100 with status line on  dj|vt100|vt100 with status line on 
     line 24                             line 24
909  bytes in 82   strings          909  bytes in 82   strings
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
fs=1\E8                             fs=1\E8
ho=1\E[H                            ho=1\E[H
hs                                  hs
if=/usr/lib/tabset/vt100            if=/usr/lib/tabset/vt100
is=\E>\E[?1;3;4l\E[?7;8h\E[;23r\E(B is=\E>\E[?1;3;4l\E[?7;8h\E[;23r\E(B
     \E)0^O                              \E)0^O
is=\E>\E[?1;3;4l\E[?7;8h\E[r\E(B\E) is=\E>\E[?1;3;4l\E[?7;8h\E[r\E(B\E)
     0^O                                 0^O
k1=\EOP                             k1=\EOP
k2=\EOQ                             k2=\EOQ
ve=\E[?7h                           ve=\E[?7h
vs=\E[?7l                           vs=\E[?7l
vt#3                                vt#3
ws#80                               ws#80
xv                                  xv
TERMCAP is used for the default termcap entry.
Lyle McElhaney
cat << \SHAR_EOF > ctc.c
#include <stdio.h>
#define NSTGS 100

/*      call:   ctc opts tc arg1 arg2
		    -d - list only differences.
		arg1, arg2 may be +, indicating the TERMCAP environ variable;
			   may be files (the termcap is selected);
			   if arg2 is missing, the right column will contain
			   entry explanations.
		tc - the termcap to be compared;

	The output is a side-by-side listing of the termcaps.

struct entry {
    char *t_name;
    char *t_line;
} interp[] = {
"Bj", "bottom join graphic"                 ,
"Bl", "bottom left corner graphic"          ,
"Br", "bottom right graphic"                ,
"CC", "command character in prototype"      ,
"Cj", "center join (cross) graphic"         ,
"Ge", "enter graphics mode"                 ,
"Gs", "start graphics mode"                 ,
"Hl", "horizontal line graphic"             ,
"Lj", "left join graphic"                   ,
"Rj", "right join graphic"                  ,
"Tj", "top join graphic"                    ,
"Tl", "top left corner graphic"             ,
"Tr", "top right corner graphic"            ,
"Vl", "vertical line graphic"               ,
"Xc", "other special graphic"               ,
"ae", "end alternate character set"         ,
"al", "add (insert) blank line"             ,
"am", "automatic margins"                   ,
"as", "start alternate character set"       ,
"bc", "backspace"                           ,
"bl", "bell"                                ,
"bs", "^h does backspace"                   ,
"bt", "back tab"                            ,
"bw", "backspace wraps backwards"           ,
"cd", "clear to end of display"             ,
"ce", "clear to end of line"                ,
"ch", "like cm but horizontal motion only"  ,
"cl", "clear screen"                        ,
"cm", "cursor motion"                       ,
"co", "number of columns in a line"         ,
"cr", "carriage return"                     ,
"cs", "change scrolling region (vt100)"     ,
"ct", "clear tabs"                          ,
"cv", "like ch but vertical only"           ,
"dB", "number of millisec of bs delay"      ,
"dC", "number of millisec of cr delay"      ,
"dF", "number of millisec of ff delay"      ,
"dN", "number of millisec of nl delay"      ,
"dT", "number of millisec of tab delay"     ,
"da", "display may be retained above"       ,
"db", "display may be retained below"       ,
"dc", "delete character"                    ,
"dl", "delete line"                         ,
"dm", "enter delete mode"                   ,
"do", "down one line"                       ,
"ds", "erase status line"                   ,
"ec", "erase character"                     ,
"ed", "end delete mode"                     ,
"ei", "end insert mode"                     ,
"eo", "can erase overstrikes with a blank"  ,
"es", "escape ok on status line"            ,
"ff", "hardcopy terminal page eject"        ,
"fs", "end status line, restore cursor"     ,
"gn", "generic line type (eg, dialup)"      ,
"hc", "hardcopy terminal"                   ,
"hd", "forward 1/2 linefeed"                ,
"ho", "home cursor"                         ,
"hs", "status line"                         ,
"hu", "reverse 1/2 linefeed"                ,
"hz", "hazeltine; can't print ~'s"          ,
"ic", "insert character"                    ,
"if", "name of file containing is"          ,
"im", "insert mode (enter)"                 ,
"in", "enter insert mode"                   ,
"ip", "insert pad after character inserted" ,
"is", "terminal initialization string"      ,
"it", "initial tabs every n spaces"         ,
"k0", "sent by other function key 0"        ,
"k1", "sent by other function key 1"        ,
"k2", "sent by other function key 2"        ,
"k3", "sent by other function key 3"        ,
"k4", "sent by other function key 4"        ,
"k5", "sent by other function key 5"        ,
"k6", "sent by other function key 6"        ,
"k7", "sent by other function key 7"        ,
"k8", "sent by other function key 8"        ,
"k9", "sent by other function key 9"        ,
"k;", "sent by other function key 10"       ,
"kA", "sent by insert-line key"             ,
"kB", "sent by reverse-tab key"             ,
"kC", "sent by clear key"                   ,
"kD", "sent by delete-character key"        ,
"kE", "sent by clear-to-eol key"            ,
"kF", "sent by scroll-forward/down key"     ,
"kH", "sent by home key"                    ,
"kI", "sent by ins-char/enter-ins-mode key" ,
"kL", "sent by delete-line key"             ,
"kM", "sent by rmir or smir in insert mode" ,
"kN", "sent by next-page key"               ,
"kP", "sent by previous-page key"           ,
"kR", "sent by scroll-backward/up key"      ,
"kS", "sent by clear-to-end-of-screen key"  ,
"kT", "sent by set-tab key"                 ,
"ka", "sent by clear-all-tabs key"          ,
"kb", "sent by backspace key"               ,
"kd", "sent by terminal down arrow key"     ,
"ke", "out of keypad-transmit mode"         ,
"kh", "sent by home key"                    ,
"kl", "sent by terminal left arrow key"     ,
"km", "has meta-shift key"                  ,
"kn", "number of other keys"                ,
"kr", "sent by terminal right arrow key"    ,
"ks", "put terminl in keypad-transmit mode" ,
"kt", "sent by clear-tab key"               ,
"ku", "sent by terminal up arrow key"       ,
"l0", "label on function key 0"             ,
"l1", "label on function key 1"             ,
"l2", "label on function key 2"             ,
"l3", "label on function key 3"             ,
"l4", "label on function key 4"             ,
"l5", "label on function key 5"             ,
"l6", "label on function key 6"             ,
"l7", "label on function key 7"             ,
"l8", "label on function key 8"             ,
"l9", "label on function key 9"             ,
"la", "label on function key 10"            ,
"le", "cursor left"                         ,
"li", "number of lines on screen or page"   ,
"ll", "last line, first column"             ,
"lm", "lines of memory"                     ,
"ma", "arrow key map"                       ,
"mb", "enter blink enhance"                 ,
"md", "enter bold mode"                     ,
"me", "exit attribute mode (normal mode)"   ,
"mh", "enter dim enhance"                   ,
"mi", "safe to move while in insert mode"   ,
"mk", "enter blank enhance"                 ,
"ml", "memory lock on above cursor"         ,
"mm", "metachar mode on"                    ,
"mo", "metachar mode off"                   ,
"mp", "enter protect mode"                  ,
"mr", "enter reverse enhance"               ,
"ms", "safe to move while in so & ul mode"  ,
"mu", "memory unlock (turnoff memory lock)" ,
"nc", "no correctly working carriage retrn" ,
"nd", "nondestructive space (cursor right)" ,
"nl", "newline character"                   ,
"ns", "terminal is CRT but doesn't scroll"  ,
"nw", "new-line carriage-return"            ,
"os", "terminal overstrikes"                ,
"p0", "turn on printer"                     ,
"pb", "lowest baud rate requiring padding"  ,
"pc", "pad character (rather than null)"    ,
"pf", "turn off the printer"                ,
"po", "turn on the printer"                 ,
"ps", "print contents of the screen"        ,
"pt", "has hardware tabs"                   ,
"rP", "like ip but when in replace mode"    ,
"rc", "restore cursor to positn of last sc" ,
"rf", "file containing reset string"        ,
"sc", "save cursor position"                ,
"se", "end stand out mode"                  ,
"sf", "scroll forwards"                     ,
"sg", "number of blank chars left by so"    ,
"so", "begin stand out mode"                ,
"sr", "scroll reverse (backwards)"          ,
"st", "set a tab in current column"         ,
"ta", "tab"                                 ,
"tc", "goto terminal - must be last"        ,
"te", "string to end programs that use cm"  ,
"ti", "string to begin progs that use cm"   ,
"ts", "enter status line entry mode"        ,
"uc", "underscore one char and move past"   ,
"ue", "end underscore mode"                 ,
"ug", "number of blank chars left by us"    ,
"ul", "underlines, doesn't overstrike"      ,
"up", "upline (cursor up)"                  ,
"us", "start underscore mode"               ,
"vb", "visible bell (may not move cursor)"  ,
"ve", "sequence to end open/visual mode"    ,
"vi", "put terminal in visual mode"         ,
"vs", "make cursor standout"                ,
"ws", "length of status line"               ,
"xb", "beehive (f1=escape, f2=ctrl C)"      ,
"xn", "newline ignord after wrap (Concept)" ,
"xo", "terminal uses xon/xoff flow ctrl"    ,
"xr", "return acts like \r\n (DeltaData)"   ,
"xs", "standout not erased by overwrite"    ,
"xt", "tabs destroy, magic so(Teleray1061)" ,
"xv", "vt100 col 80 glitch"                 ,
0,    0,

extern char *getenv();
char lbuf[1024], rbuf[1024];
int dflag = 0;
int expflag = 0;

main (argc, argv)

    int argc;
    char **argv;
    char *arg;
    static char *tcp = (char *) 0;
    static char *larg = (char *) 0;
    static char *rarg = (char *) 0;
    char c;
    char *lstgs[NSTGS], *rstgs[NSTGS];
    int ls, rs, i, j;
    int argcnt = 1;

    while (--argc) {
	arg = *(++argv);
	if (*arg == '-') {
	    while ((c = *arg++) != 0) {
		switch (c) {
		case 'd':
		    dflag = 1;
		    goto uerr;
	} else {
	    switch (argcnt++) {
	    case 1:
		tcp = arg;
	    case 2:
		larg = arg;
	    case 3:
		rarg = arg;
		goto uerr;
    if (!larg) larg = "+";
    if (!tcp) tcp = getenv ("TERM");
    i = gettc (tcp, larg, lbuf, &ls, lstgs);
    j = gettc (tcp, rarg, rbuf, &rs, rstgs);
    printf ("Termcap entry for %s terminal:\n", tcp);
    prtln (lbuf, rbuf);
    printf ("%-4d bytes in %-4d strings          %-4d bytes in %-4d strings\n",
	ls, i, rs, j);
    printf ("----------------------------------- -----------------------------------\n");
    present (lstgs, i, rstgs, j);
    exit (0);

    fprintf (stderr, "Usage: ctc [-opts] term tc1 [tc2]\n");
    exit (1);

gettc (tc, arg, buf, s, stgs)
    char *tc, *arg, *buf;
    char *stgs[NSTGS];
    int *s;
    char *i;
    int n;

    if (arg == (char *) 0) {
	s = 0;
	return 0;
    if (*arg == '+')
	*arg = 0;
    if (tgetent (buf, tc, arg) != 1) {
	fprintf (stderr, "ctc: tgetent can't find term %s in %s\n", tc, arg);
	exit (1);
    *s = strlen (buf);
    for (i = buf; *i != ':'; i++)
    *i = 0;
    for (n = 0, i++; n < NSTGS; n++) {
	stgs[n] = i;
	    for (; *i != ':' && *i != 0; i++)
	if (*i == 0)
	*i++ = 0;
	if (strlen (stgs[n]) == 0 ||
		*stgs[n] == '	' ||
		*stgs[n] == ' '
		    ) n--;
    sort (stgs, n);
    return n;

sort (s, n)      /* right from the Book */
    char **s;
    int n;
    int gap, i, j;
    char *temp;

    for (gap = n/2; gap > 0; gap /= 2)
	for (i = gap; i < n; i++)
	    for (j = i - gap; j >= 0; j -= gap) {
		if (strcmp (s[j], s[j+gap]) <= 0)
		temp = s[j];
		s[j] = s[j+gap];
		s[j+gap] = temp;

present (lstgs, i0, rstgs, j0)
    char **lstgs, **rstgs;
    int i0, j0;
    int i, j, n;
    char lbuf[40];
    i = j = 0;
    do {
	if (expflag) {
	    explan (lstgs[i], lbuf);
	    prtln (lstgs[i++], lbuf);
	} else {
	    if ((n = comp (lstgs[i], i == i0, rstgs[j], j == j0)) == 0) {
		if (!dflag || strcmp (lstgs[i], rstgs[j]) != 0)
			prtln (lstgs[i], rstgs[j]);
		i++; j++;
	    } else if (n < 0)
		prtln (lstgs[i++], "");
		prtln ("", rstgs[j++]);
    } while (i < i0 || (j < j0 && ! expflag));

int comp (ls, ie, rs, je)
    char *ls, *rs;
    int ie, je;
    if (ie) return (1);
    if (je) return (-1);
    do {
	if (*ls == *rs) continue;
	if (*ls < *rs) return (-1);
	else return (1);
    } while (*ls && *ls != '=' && *ls++ != '#' &&
	     *rs && *rs != '=' && *rs++ != '#'    );
    return (0);

explan (instg, outstg)
    char *instg, *outstg;
    struct entry *i;
    char *k, *j;

    for (i = interp; i->t_name; i++) {
	k = i->t_name;
	for (j = instg; *j != 0 && *j != '=' && *j != '#'; j++)
	    if (*j != *k++) goto nextstg;
	strcpy (outstg, i->t_line);
    strcpy (outstg, "Unknown capability");

prtln (s1, s2)
char *s1, *s2;
    if (strlen (s2) == 0)
	printf ("%-.35s\n", s1);
	printf ("%-35.35s %-.35s\n", s1, s2);
    prtpln (strlen (s1) > 35 ? &s1[35] : "",
	    strlen (s2) > 35 ? &s2[35] : "");

prtpln (s1, s2)
char *s1, *s2;
    if (strlen (s1) + strlen (s2) == 0) return;
    if (strlen (s2) == 0)
	printf ("     %-.30s\n", s1);
	printf ("     %-30.30s      %-.30s\n", s1, s2);
    prtpln (strlen (s1) > 30 ? &s1[30] : "",
	    strlen (s2) > 30 ? &s2[30] : "");

cat << \SHAR_EOF > termcap.c.diff
*** termcap.c	Sun Apr 14 23:16:07 1985
--- /usr/src/usr.lib/libtermlib/termcap.c	Mon Jun 27 14:57:11 1983
*** 1,3
  #define	BUFSIZ		1024
  #define MAXHOP		32	/* max number of tc= indirections */
  #define	E_TERMCAP	"/etc/termcap"

--- 1,7 -----
+ #ifndef lint
+ static char sccsid[] = "@(#)termcap.c	4.1 (Berkeley) 6/27/83";
+ #endif
  #define	BUFSIZ		1024
  #define MAXHOP		32	/* max number of tc= indirections */
  #define	E_TERMCAP	"/etc/termcap"
*** 4,12
  #include <ctype.h>
- 	This copy of termcap modified for use in ctc.
   * termcap - routines for dealing with the terminal capability data base
   * BUG:		Should use a "last" pointer in tbuf, so that searching

--- 8,13 -----
  #include <ctype.h>
   * termcap - routines for dealing with the terminal capability data base
   * BUG:		Should use a "last" pointer in tbuf, so that searching
*** 32,38
   * from the termcap file.  Parse is very rudimentary;
   * we just notice escaped newlines.
! tgetent(bp, name, useenv)
  	char *bp, *name;
  	char *useenv;

--- 33,39 -----
   * from the termcap file.  Parse is very rudimentary;
   * we just notice escaped newlines.
! tgetent(bp, name)
  	char *bp, *name;
  	register char *cp;
*** 34,40
  tgetent(bp, name, useenv)
  	char *bp, *name;
- 	char *useenv;
  	register char *cp;
  	register int c;

--- 35,40 -----
  tgetent(bp, name)
  	char *bp, *name;
  	register char *cp;
  	register int c;
*** 54,61
  	 * use so we don't have to read the file. In this case it
  	 * has to already have the newlines crunched out.
! 	if ((cp && *cp) || *useenv) {
! 	     if (*useenv == 0) {
  		if (*cp!='/') {
  			cp2 = getenv("TERM");
  			if (cp2==(char *) 0 || strcmp(name,cp2)==0) {

--- 54,60 -----
  	 * use so we don't have to read the file. In this case it
  	 * has to already have the newlines crunched out.
! 	if (cp && *cp) {
  		if (*cp!='/') {
  			cp2 = getenv("TERM");
  			if (cp2==(char *) 0 || strcmp(name,cp2)==0) {
*** 60,66
  			cp2 = getenv("TERM");
  			if (cp2==(char *) 0 || strcmp(name,cp2)==0) {
! 				return(tnchktc(useenv));
  			} else {
  				tf = open(E_TERMCAP, 0);

--- 59,65 -----
  			cp2 = getenv("TERM");
  			if (cp2==(char *) 0 || strcmp(name,cp2)==0) {
! 				return(tnchktc());
  			} else {
  				tf = open(E_TERMCAP, 0);
*** 66,74
  		} else
  			tf = open(cp, 0);
- 	    } else
- 		tf = open (useenv, 0);
  	if (tf==0)
  		tf = open(E_TERMCAP, 0);

--- 65,70 -----
  		} else
  			tf = open(cp, 0);
  	if (tf==0)
  		tf = open(E_TERMCAP, 0);
*** 109,115
  		if (tnamatch(name)) {
! 			return(tnchktc(useenv));

--- 105,111 -----
  		if (tnamatch(name)) {
! 			return(tnchktc());
*** 121,128
   * entries to say "like an HP2621 but doesn't turn on the labels".
   * Note that this works because of the left to right scan.
! tnchktc(useenv)
! 	char *useenv;
  	register char *p, *q;
  	char tcname[16];	/* name of similar terminal */

--- 117,123 -----
   * entries to say "like an HP2621 but doesn't turn on the labels".
   * Note that this works because of the left to right scan.
! tnchktc()
  	register char *p, *q;
  	char tcname[16];	/* name of similar terminal */
*** 149,155
  		write(2, "Infinite tc= loop\n", 18);
  		return (0);
! 	if (tgetent(tcbuf, tcname, useenv) != 1)
  	for (q=tcbuf; *q != ':'; q++)

--- 144,150 -----
  		write(2, "Infinite tc= loop\n", 18);
  		return (0);
! 	if (tgetent(tcbuf, tcname) != 1)
  	for (q=tcbuf; *q != ':'; q++)
cat << \SHAR_EOF > makefile
L = -ltermcap
0BJ = ctc.o termcap.o

all:    ctc

ctc:    ctc.o termcap.o
	cc ${LFLAGS} ctc.o termcap.o -o ctc $L

#	End of shell archive
exit 0

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